Here are some recipes that are too good not to share. Warning: electric shock may occur if you attempt to eat your computer monitor! Go instead to your local organic grocer and make the recipes for yourself.
Newest Recipes
Trio of Raw Vegan Ceviche

Raw Vegan Pesto
Vegan Pizza

Juices, Smoothies and other Beverages

- Kristina’s Raw Coffee Alternative
- Kristina’s Raw Blueberry Milkshake
- Kristina’s Raw Soul Shine Juice
- Kristina’s Raw Orange Basil Smoothie
- Kristina’s One-Minute Raw Meal
- Kristina’s Watermelon Juice Secret
- Kristina’s Raw Banana Ice Cream Float

Soups and Appetisers


- Kristina’s Raw Tabouli
- Beeting Heart Valentine’s Date Salad
- The FullyRaw Holiday Salad
- Creamy Tomato Alfredo Salad
- Delicious Raw Salad Dressings
Gourmet Meals

- Kristina’s Fettuccine Alfredo
- Kristina’s Raw Burrito
- Kristina’s Raw Vegan Pesto
- Kristina’s Raw Deep Dish Lasagna