Dr. Dean Ornish: Healing Through Diet

Dr. Dean Ornish

In this video, Dean Ornish discusses a number of big issues. Cardiovascular disease, diabetes and obesity are huge killers that are entirely preventable through diet and lifestyle.

Loneliness and depression are also large-scale problems that make people much more likely to smoke, drink, overeat, overwork, get sick and die early. The simple treatment is anything that promotes intimacy: friendship, altruism, compassion and service are just some examples.

A study by David Spiegle of Stanford was published in The Lancet. The randomized study examined the survival rates of breast cancer patients. Those that formed a support group, meeting just one hour per week had twice the survival rate after five years.

Ornish credits his yoga teacher with isolating the key difference between illness and wellness:

illness vs. wellness. i vs we.

Yoga para Parejas

Partner Yoga
Es dificil negar el valor artistico de practicar yoga con una pareja. Pero aquel es el beneficio menos importante de practicar yoga con su pareja. Si usted tiene con quien practicar, ambos beneficiaran de esta forma mas compleja de la practica. Algunas posturas son mas complicadas, algunas mas faciles y el resto son a la vez mas facil y mas dificil (las parejas alternan en la position facil y dificil) .

Asanas de Yoga

Martial Arts and Yoga

The body is a sophisticated vehicle for the soul. We may not ever feel the need to stretch ourselves into strange positions, but we certainly ought to maintain our body in the healthiest condition that we can. As with martial arts practices, the physical part of yoga, the asanas or postures at once stretch and strengthen all of the muscles while purifying them of toxins.

Michael Ducharme Yoga Arm Balance







Mas asanas de yoga


Estas asanas son tan artísticas como son científicas y curativas. Tenga cuidado al realizar cualquier pose. Si le duele, retrocede lentamente, y continua respirando suavemente y profundamente. Puede ser útil para comparar el dolor con las minas terrestres en cuanto a cómo lidiar con ellos. Acérquese con cuidado. Desarmalas con habilidad. Continua suavamente, atento a otras minas. Un enfoque mucho más común sería la de evitar el dolor por completo, en cuyo caso las minas terrestres persisten, ignoradas, con explosiones accidentales ocasionales. Cada persona debe decidir si desea ignorar o buscar y desarmar a sus minas terrestres dentro de si.

Mas asanas de yoga

Chris Bendo

Chris Bendo produced the album entitled Bonzz: One, in my opinion one of the best albums of all time. The album contained both lyrical and instrumental pieces, including Innocent Child, which Chris was generous enough to teach me how to play. Although my skills on the piano will never match his, I composed and played my Tribute to Chris Bendo in memory of his iron-clad friendship.

Lucho Gonzalez

Piano Keys

Lucho Gonzalez is a fabulous pianist with a solo album entitled “Amores“. He is also the keyboard player in a band called D40, with an album entitled “Frutti D’Amore“. Lucho was born in Cartagena, Colombia and now lives in Panama City, Panama. You may also visit the personal Web site of Lucho Gonzalez or his corporate Web site for Gonzarte.


Pensamientos del Alma

Arrullo en Cartagena

Refugio de Pasiones

Lucho Gonzalez es un fabuloso pianista con un album llamado “Amores“. Lucho tambien toca el teclado en la banda D40, con un album llamado “Frutti D’Amore“. Lucho nacio en Cartagena, Colombia y ahora vive en La Ciudad de Panama, Republica de Panama. Tambien puede visitar el sitio Web de Lucho Gonzalez o su sitio corporativo, Gonzarte.


Pensamientos del Alma

Arrullo en Cartagena

Refugio de Pasiones


Pensamientos del Alma

Arrullo en Cartagena

Refugio de Pasiones


Pensamientos del Alma

Arrullo en Cartagena

Refugio de Pasiones

Kuna YalaGuna YalaKuna YalaKuna Yala

Kuna Yala

Kuna means “person” and Yala means “mountain” in the language that the kuna tribe calls dulegaya,  “our dialect”.

The Kuna People

The Kuna People have many valuable traditions, including an ancient healing system that has defied both cancer and heart disease. The Kuna’s natural medicine is called Tuleina. The Kuna word for ‘doctor’ or ‘healer’ is Nele. When addressing this person, Nele is used as name and title. The Kuna Tribe is matri-lineal, paying special respect to the woman. Meet Nele Lopez and her devoted husband Laurencio.


Kuna Yala

Kuna means “person” and Yala means “mountain” in the language that the kuna tribe calls dulegaya,  “our dialect”.

The Kuna People

The Kuna People have many valuable traditions, including an ancient healing system that has defied both cancer and heart disease. The Kuna’s natural medicine is called Tuleina. The Kuna word for ‘doctor’ or ‘healer’ is Nele. When addressing this person, Nele is used as name and title. The Kuna Tribe is matri-lineal, paying special respect to the woman. Meet Nele Lopez and her devoted husband Laurencio.

Edward Ducharme

Edward Ducharme

Dr. Edward Ducharme, my beloved uncle, holds a double PhD in English and education and a law degree. But considering that laughter is indeed medicine, let’s make that a triple-doctorate. As a humourist, my uncle is a true master. It usually only takes him but a few short minutes to have me in tears, and at the end of an hour, I’ve had an envigorating abdominal workout. Days later, I am still giggling at his antics and my ribs still hurt with good pain.

Edward has inspired me countless times and in more ways than he knows. Notably, he continues to inspire daily me as a thinker and as a linguist. Edward is a relentless searcher of the truth, and he would be willing to search through a mountain of dictionaries, if it were necessary, just to find the best word to convey his message. But he usually has the right word on the tip of his tongue. He is quick and witty, charming and sarcastic, in the DuCharme style, but Ed does it better than the rest of us.

I especially want to thank my Uncle Ed for inspiring me to write. My upcoming book, Get Wiggly, would not be possible without his advice. And this very Web site would probably hold a fraction of its present content had my uncle not single-handedly tumbled my writer’s block.

Edward entered law in his mid-40s and is now a judge of the highest court in the province: The Ontario Court of Appeal. An appellate judge is required on a daily basis to write decisions that are meaningful, understandable and effective. On the bench, his tremendous analytical capabilities and superb writing skills are well-utilized.

“When I was doing my doctoral work, I became interested in a theoretical problem: Where is the meaning of a text? … Is it found in the words on the printed page? Or is it found in the intention of the author? Or is it found in the mind of the reader?… I never intended to practice law… I meant only to inquire about that issue: Where is the meaning of a legal text?”

“I said to my mother, ‘What do you think of the idea of me studying law?’”… “And she sat right up in her bed and she said, ‘That’s a fabulous idea! Promise me you’ll practice with your brother.’”


“Trust thyself. Accept the place the divine providence has found for you.”
– from Ralph Waldo Emerson’s poem Self Reliance

Food guideGuia de alimentosGuide alimentaireGuia Alimentarруководство Питаниеudhëzues ushqim饮食指南

fruits and veggies

This food glossary is a document in progress. Please check back later for additional information, updates and clarifications. The German Commission E lists monographs for more than 350 herbs, some of their known uses and contraindications.




Este glosario es un documento en progreso. Por favor, vuelva más tarde para obtener información adicional, actualizaciones y aclaraciones.


