A child is born during a storm and is dubbed Storm Walker.
During these turbulent times, the warrior’s spirit is calm.
Listen to: The Storm Walker
Escuchar: El Caminante de Tormentas
A child is born during a storm and is dubbed Storm Walker.
During these turbulent times, the warrior’s spirit is calm.
Listen to: The Storm Walker
Escuchar: El Caminante de Tormentas
Megan Elizabeth is an author, an educator, and a wellness coach. She frequently shares delicious healthy recipes via her books (printed and electronic/paperless), Web site, and on youtube.
Megan creates meals of all types but it seems to me that she is particularly talented with desserts. I have includes many of her creations in the raw recipes section of this Web site.
Here are just a few examples of her culinary art:
In addition to delicious recipes, Megan regularly posts videos on a variety of wellness topics to help people live a healthier life in general. In the following video, Megan explains one of the natural alternatives to hormone-based birth control:
Alzheimer’s is a kind of “diabetes of the brain” where insulin prevents the brain cells from receiving the glucose that they need. Without fuel, the brain cells die. Keytones are an alternative fuel that is easily accepted into the brain cells. Keytones are metabolised by the liver after eating medium-chain fatty acids found in coconut oil. Coconut oil is the healthiest oil available, as it raises your HDL (good) cholesterol and unlike almost any other oil, it remains intact under the high heat of your frying pan.
Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh “Osho” (11 December, 1931 – 19 January, 1990)
Happiness happens when you fit with your life, when you fit so harmoniously that whatsoever you are doing is your joy. Then suddenly you will come to know: meditation follows you. If you love the work that you are doing, if you love the way you are living, then you are meditative.
Osho, A Sudden clash of Thunder, Chapter 7
Joy: The Happiness That Comes from Within
In Joy, Osho posits that to be joyful is the basic nature of life. Joy is the spiritual dimension of happiness, in which one begins to understand one’s intrinsic value and place in the universe. Accepting joy is a decision to “go with the flow,” to be grateful to be alive and for all the challenges and opportunities in life, rather than setting conditions or demands for happiness.The Insight for a New Way of Living series aims to shine light on beliefs and attitudes that prevent individuals from being their true selves. The text is an artful mix of compassion and humor, and readers are encouraged to confront what they would most like to avoid, which in turns provides the key to true insight and power.Joy is a wondrous investigation into the source and importance of joyfulness in our lives.
Courage: The Joy of Living Dangerously
Courage is not the absence of fear, says Osho. It is, rather, the total presence of fear, with the courage to face it. This book provides a bird’s-eye view of the whole terrain-where fears originate, how to understand them, and how to find the courage to face them. In the process, Osho proposes that whenever we are faced with uncertainty and change in our lives, it is actually a cause for celebration. Instead of trying to hang on to the familiar and the known, we can learn to enjoy these situations as opportunities for adventure and for deepening our understanding of ourselves and the world around us. Unlike books that focus on heroic acts of courage in exceptional circumstances, the focus here is on developing the inner courage that enables us to lead authentic and fulfilling lives on a daily basis. This is the courage to change when change is needed, the courage to stand up for our own truth, even against the opinions of others, and the courage to embrace the unknown in spite of our fears-in our relationships, in our careers, or in the ongoing journey of understanding who we are and why we are here. Courage also features meditation techniques designed by Osho to help people deal with their fears.
Being in Love: How to Love with Awareness and Relate Without Fear
In this thoughtful, provocative work, Osho challenges us to question what we think we know about love and opens us to the possibility of a love that is natural, fulfilling, and free of possessiveness and jealousy. Osho dares us to resist the unhealthy relationship patterns we’ve learned from those around us, and to rediscover the meaning of love for ourselves. “By the time you are ready to explore the world of love, you are filled with so much rubbish about love that there is not much hope for you to be able to find the authentic and discard the false.”
Rebellious and independent from the very childhood, he insisted on experiencing the truth for himself rather than acquiring borrowed knowledge from others’ belief systems.
He attained Enlightenment at the age of twenty one and went on to complete his education. He taught philosophy at the University of Jabalpur for many years. Meanwhile, he would meet people, address large gatherings and give talks traveling all over India.
Osho revived all the ancient spiritual traditions like Vedanta, Sankhya, Yoga, Tantra, Sufi, Hasid, Tao, Baul and Zen. Not only he revived all these traditions and spoke on great saints and masters like Krishna, Jesus, Buddha, Mahaveera, Shiva he developed his unique dynamic meditation techniques that help the modern man unburden his anxieties, stress through a deep cleansing process in order to achieve a relaxed state of meditation and ultimately – Enlightenment.
Osho spoke on almost every aspect of life not through an intellectual understanding but based on his own existential experience distilling the essence of what is significant to the spiritual growth of modern man. His talks are transcribed and published in over 600 volumes and translated into many languages. The meditation centers owing allegiance to him can be found all over the world.
In early 1970’s a commune started to emerge around him in Pune where many seekers came from around the world to meditate. This beautiful Buddhafield became the spiritual capital of the world. Osho traveled to USA and many other countries finally arriving in Pune commune in 1987 where he left his body on January 19, 1990.
(11 Diciembre, 1931 – 19 Enero, 1990)
Felicidad sucede cuando usted se ajuste a su vida, cuando se encaja tan armoniosamente que sea lo que esta haciendo es su alegria. Entonces de repente se llega a saber: la meditacion le sigue. Si le gusta el trabajo que usted esta haciendo, si usted ama la forma en que esta viviendo, entonces usted es meditativo.
Osho, Un Repentino Choque de Trueno , Capitulo 7
Alegria: La felicidad que viene de dentro
En Alegria, Osho plantea que ser feliz es la naturaleza basica de la vida. Alegria es la dimension espiritual de la felicidad, en la que uno comienza a comprender su valor intrinseco y el lugar en el universo. Aceptar la alegria es una decision de “ir con la corriente,” para estar agradecidos de estar vivo y para todos los retos y oportunidades en la vida, en vez de fijar condiciones o exigencias para ser feliz. La serie para una nueva forma de vivir tiene como objetivo brillar luz sobre creencias y actitudes que impiden a las personas de ser su verdadero yo. El texto es una mezcla artistica de compasion y humor, y anima a los lectores de enfrentar lo que mas quieren evitar, que a su vez proporciona la clave de la verdadera perspectiva del poder. Alegria es una maravillosa investigacion sobre el origen y la importancia de la alegria en nuestras vidas.
Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh “Osho”
(1931 – 1990)
A felicidade acontece quando você se encaixa sua vida, quando você se encaixa tão harmoniosamente que é o que você está fazendo é a sua alegria. Então, de repente você chegou a conhecer: a meditação segue. Se você gosta do trabalho que você está fazendo, se você ama a maneira que estamos vivendo, então você está meditativo.
Osho, um choque repentino do Trovão, Capítulo 7
Alegria: A felicidade que vem de dentro
Em Alegria, Osho sugere que ser feliz é a natureza básica da vida. Alegria é a dimensão espiritual da felicidade, em que se começa a entender o seu valor intrínseco e lugar no universo. Aceitando a alegria é uma decisão de “ir com o fluxo”, para ser grato por estar vivo e todos os desafios e oportunidades na vida, em vez de definir as condições ou exigências para a felicidade. A série para uma nova maneira de viver se destina a brilhar a luz de crenças e atitudes que impedem as pessoas de ser seu verdadeiro eu. O texto é uma mistura artística de compaixão e humor, e incentiva os leitores a enfrentar o que mais queremos evitar, que por sua vez fornece a chave para a verdadeira perspectiva de poder. Alegria é uma pesquisa maravilhosa sobre a origem e importância da alegria em nossas vidas.
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These are my paternal grandparents, Wilfred and Theresa. Gramps was a tough worker, but an old softie at home, letting my father get away with frequent mischief with at most an empty threat to take away his car keys. But my grandmother was a lot more strict. She insisted on cultivating a certain set of core values that were inaliable. Gramma died of leukemia when I was two years old, but I can still remember her rocking in her chair. When I learned the name of the condition that claimed her life, I secretly vowed to find a solution, for leukemia and all cancers for that matter. Now, more than three decades later, Gramma’s wisdom continues to shine as brightly as any star. I have found several possible solutions for cancer, although it will take perhaps a couple more decades for all of the testing that is required to share this with the entire world. But Grandma’s core values are not so far away. These, I enjoy on an a daily basis. She taught us that money could never buy class, and that the most important skill is that of making others feel comfortable (the very definition of class, I reckon). She also taught us to love family first, which was not an invitation to stop there. Gramma took excellent care of her own family, and both of my grandparents were extremely active in helping the community. The “family-first” theory was a lesson on practicality. And logistically, this concept makes a lot more sense than any other system. It sounds so simple, but if everyone did this, the world would be much sweeter. Just like Gramma’s Apple Pie.