Lao TzuLao Tzu

Lao Tzu authored the Tao Te Ching

Being deeply loved by someone give you strength, while deeply loving someone gives you courage.

I have three treasures. Guard and keep them:
The first is deep love,
The second is frugality,
And the third is not to dare to be ahead of the world.
Because of deep love, one is courageous.
Because of frugality, one is generous.
Because of not daring to be ahead of the world, one becomes the leader of the world.

The more laws and order are made prominent,
The more thieves and robbers there will be.

“Knowing others is intelligence; knowing yourself is true wisdom. Mastering others is strength; mastering yourself is true power. If you realize that you have enough, you are truly rich.”

“Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don’t resist them; that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like.”

“Time is a created thing. To say ‘I don’t have time,’ is like saying, ‘I don’t want to.”


Dao refers to The Way – the way of an individual’s cooperation with the course of the natural world.(11) It cannot be captured in definitions, as such an attempt would be antithetical to its nature, but its properties or characteristics can be described. Accordingly, the dao may be said to be:

Tao Te Ching (Dao De Jing)


According to Lao Tzu, words can never fully express The Complete Truth:

The way that can be spoken of

Is not the constant way;

The name that can be named

Is not the constant name.(12)


One person comes from the source (from Tao itself). That person attracts a second. The two become three. The three take on the world:

The way begets one; one begets two;

two begets three;

three begets the myriad creatures.(13)

The Tao is open-minded and non-possessive:

The way is broad, reaching left as well as right.

The myriad creatures depend on it for life yet it claims

no authority.

It accomplishes its task yet lays claim to no merit.

It clothes and feeds the myriad creatures yet lays no

claim to being their master.(14)

The Taoist goal is a life of beauty and compassion:

Those who comprehend the Tao are not focused only on themselves;

they are also connected to the world.(15)

The Taoist goal is to become one with all things and to coexist with

Heaven and Earth.(16)

Dalai LamaDalai Lama

Tenzin, the Dalai Lama

The purpose of our lives is to be happy.

Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions.

If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion.

There is no need for temples, no need for complicated philosophies. My brain and my heart are my temples; my philosophy is kindness.

Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible.

My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness.

All major religious traditions carry basically the same message, that of love, compassion and forgiveness. The important thing is they should be part of our daily lives.

We can live without religion and meditation, but we cannot survive without human affection.

We can never obtain peace in the outer world until we make peace with ourselves.

In the practice of tolerance, one’s enemy is the best teacher.

It is very important to generate a good attitude, a good heart, as much as possible. From this, happiness in both the short term and the long term for both yourself and others will come.

Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them humanity cannot survive.

Old friends pass away, new friends appear. It is just like the days. An old day passes, a new day arrives. The important thing is to make it meaningful: a meaningful friend – or a meaningful day.

Open your arms to change, but don’t let go of your values.

Sleep is the best meditation.

Sometimes one creates a dynamic impression by saying something, and sometimes one creates as significant an impression by remaining silent.

Erich Fromm – The Art of LovingErich Fromm – El Arte de AmarErich Fromm – L’art d’aimerErich Fromm – A Arte de AmarИскусство любитьErich Fromm – Arti i dashur爱的艺术

On Giving and Receiving

Giving produces more happiness than receiving, not because of deprivation but rather because in the act of giving is the expression of my vitality… In the sphere of material things, giving signifies being rich. He that has a lot is not nearly as rich as he that gives a lot. 

On the Objects of Love

Love is not essentially a relationship with a specific person; it is an attitude, an orientation of the  character that determines the type of relationship that a person has with the entire world, not with a single “object” of love. If a person only loves one other person and is indifferent to the rest of his fellow men, his love is not true love, but rather a symbiotic relationship, or an amplified selfishness.

On Fraternal Love

The most fundamental kind of love, basic in all types of love, is fraternal love. By this, one understands a sense of responsibility, care, respect and knowledge with respect to any other human being, the desire to promote his or her life… if I have developed the ability to love, I cannot avoid loving my brothers… this is based on the experience that we are all one. The differences in talent, intelligence and knowledge, are negligible compared with the identity of human essence that is common to all men.

On Maternal Love

The narcissistic, dominating and possessive woman can be a “loving” mother while her child is young. Only the mother that truly loves, the woman that is happier giving than receiving, that is firmly planted in her own existence, can be a loving mother when her child in in the process of separation.

Maternal love for the growing child, love which desires nothing for the self, may be the most difficult form of love to achieve, and also the trickiest, because of the ease with which a mother can love her young child. But precisely due to the said difficulty, a woman can only truly be a loving mother if she can love; if she can love her husband, other children, strangers, and all human beings.

On Erotic Love

… the longing of complete fusion, of union with another person. By its very nature, it is exclusive and not universal; it is also, perhaps, the trickiest form of love that exists.

In the first place, it is easily confused with the explosive experience of “falling in love”, the hasty removal of barriers that existed prior to this moment between two strangers. But such an experience of sudden intimacy is, by its very nature, of short duration. When the stranger has been converted to an intimately-known person, there are no more barriers to overcome, no more sudden closening to achieve. One gets to know the “loved” person as much as one knows oneself. Or, perhaps, it would be better to say as little. If the experience of the other person were more profound, if one could experience the infinite depth of the other’s personality, they would never seem so familiar–and the miracle of taking down barriers would renew itself daily. But for the majority of the people, the self as well as others, seem to be rapidly explored to exhaustion. For them, intimacy is principally established through sexual contact. Because they experience separation from the other fundamentally as a physical separation, a physical union means overcoming separation.

If the desire for physical union is not stimulated by love, if the erotic love is not at the same time fraternal, this will never lead to unity except in a transitory, orgiastic sense.

Erotic love, if it is true love, has a premise. To love from the essence of the being–and to experience the other person in the essence of their being. In essence, all human beings are identical.

On Tenderness

Tenderness is in no way, as Freud believed, a sublimation of the sexual instinct; it is the direct product of fraternal love, and exists equally in physical forms of love and in the non-physical forms.

On Lovers

At the beginning of a relationship, the lovers “consider the intensity of their passion, that being crazy for one another, as a proof of the intensity of their love, when it only shows the degree of their prior loneliness.”

On Marriage

To love someone is not merely a powerful feeling–it is a decision, it is a choice, a promise. If love were not more than a feeling, there would not be any basis for the promise of eternal love. A feeling begins and it may disappear. How can I judge that it will endure eternally, if my act does not imply a deliberation and decision?

Taking these points of view in to account, one may arrive at the conclusion that love is exclusively an act of will and a commitment.

On Selfishness

The selfish person is only interested in himself, desires everything for himself, does not feel pleasure in giving, but rather only in taking… judges others based on their utility; is basically incapable of lovingSelfishness and love for oneself, far from being identical, are really opposites. The selfish individual does not love himself too much, but rather too little; in reality, he hates himself.

Freud sustained that the selfish person is narcissistic, as though he denies his love to other and instead directs it toward himself. It is true that selfish people are incapable of loving others, but they are also unable to love themselves.

On Sexual Satisfaction

Love is not the result of adequate sexual satisfaction; on the contrary, sexual satisfaction–and even knowledge of the so-called sexual techniques–is the result of love. If any proof other than daily observation were necessary to support this thesis, these could be found in the vast material of psycho-analytic data. The study of the most frequent sexual problems–frigidity in women and the more and less serious forms of psychic impotence in men–, demonstrates that the cause is not rooted in a lack of knowledge of an adequate sexual technique, but rather in the inhibitions that impede loving. Fear or hatred of the opposite sex are at the root of difficulties that impede a person from surrendering completely… If a sexually-inhibited person can let go of his or her fear or hatred, and thus become capable of loving, their sexual problems are resolved. If not, then no knowledge of sexual techniques will help.

Sobre El Dar y Recibir

Dar produce mas felicidad que recibir, no porque sea una privacion, sino porque en el acto de dar esta la expresion de mi vitalidad… En la esfera de las cosas materiales, dar significa ser rico. No es rico el que tiene mucho, sino el que da mucho.

Sobre Los Objetos Amorosos

El amor no es esencialmente una relacion con una persona especifica; es una actitud, una orientacion del caracter que determina el tipo de relacion de una persona con el mundo en totalidad, no con un “objeto” amoroso. Si una persona ama solo a otra y es indiferente al resto de sus semejantes, su amor no es amor, sino una relacion simbiotica, o un egotismo ampliado.

Sobre El Amor Fraternal

La clase mas fundamental de amor, basica en todos los tipos de amor, es el amor fraternal. Por el se entiende el sentido de responsabilidad, cuidado, respeto y conocimiento con respecto a qualquier otro ser humano, el deseo de promover su vida… si he desarrollado la capacidad de amar, no puedo dejar de amar a mis hermano… se basa en la experiencia de que todos somos uno. Las diferencias en talento, inteligencia, conocimiento, son despreciables en comparacion con la identidad de la esencia humana comun a todos los hombres.

Sobre El Amor Maternal

La mujer narcisista, dominadora y posesiva puede llegar a ser una madre “amante” mientras el niño es pequeño. Solo la mujer que realmente ama, la mujer que es mas feliz dando que tomando, que esta firmemente arraigada en su propia existencia, puede ser una madre amante cuando el niño esta en proceso de la separacion.

El amor  maternal por el niño que crece, amor que no desea nada para si, es quiza la forma de amor mas dificil de lograr, y la mas engañosa, a causa de la facilidad con que una madre puede amar a su pequeño. Pero precisamente debido a dicha dificultad, una mujer solo puede ser una madre verdaderamente amante si puede amar; si puede amar a su esposo, a otros niños, a los extraños, a todos los seres humanos.

Sobre El Amor Erotico

… el anhelo de de fusion completa, de union con una unica otra persona. Por su propia naturaleza, es exclusivo y no universal; es tambien, quiza, la forma de amor mas engañosa que existe.

En primer lugar, se lo confunde facilmente con la experiencia explosiva de “enamorarse”, el subito derrumbe de las barreras que existian hasta ese momento entre dos desconocidos. Pero tal experiencia de repentina intimidad es, por su misma naturaleza, de corta duracion. Cuando el desconocido se ha convertido en una persona intimamente conocida, ya no hay mas barreras que superar, ningun subito acercamiento que lograr. Se llega a conocer a la persona “amada” tan bien como a uno mismo. O, quiza, seria mejor decir tan poco. Si la experiencia de la otra persona fuera mas profunda, si se puediera experimentar la infinitud de su personalidad, nunca nos resultaria tan familiar–y el milagro de salvar las barreras podria renovarse a diario. Pero para la mayoria de la gente, su propia persona, tanto como las otras, resulta rapidamente explorada y agotada. Para ellos, la intimidad se establece principalmente a traves del contacto sexual. Puesto que experimentan la separatidad de la otra persona fundamentalmente como separatidad fisica, la union fisica significa superar la separatidad.

Si el deseo de la union fisica no esta estimulado por el amor, si el amor erotico no es a la vez fraterno, jamas conduce a la union salvo en un sentido orgiastico y transitorio.

El amor erotico, si es amor, tiene una premisa. Amar desde la esencia del ser–y vivenciar a la otra persona en la esencia de su ser. En esencia, todos los seres humanos son identicos.

Sobre La Ternura

La ternura no es en modo alguno, como creia Freud, una sublimacion del instinto sexual; es el producto directo del amor fraterno, y existe tanto en las formas fisicas del amor como las no fisicas.

Sobre Los Amantes

Al comienzo de una relacion, los amantes “consideran la intensidad del apasionamiento, ese estar locos el uno por el otro, como prueba de la intensidad de su amor, cuando solo muestra el grado de su soledad anterior.”

Sobre El Matrimonio

Amar a alguien no es meramente un sentimiento poderoso–es una decision, es un juicio, es una promesa. Si el amor no fuera mas que un sentimiento, no existirian bases para la promesa de amarse eternamente. Un sentimiento comienza y puede desaparecer. Como puedo yo juzgar que durara eternamente, si mi acto no implica juicio y decision?

Tomando en cuenta esos puntos de vista, cabe llegar a la conclusion de que el amor es exclusivamente un acto de la voluntad y un compromiso.

Sobre El Egoismo

La persona egoista solo se interesa por si misma, desea todo para si misma, no siente placer en dar, sino unicamente en tomar… juzga a todos segun su utilidad; es basicamente incapaz de amarEl egoismo y el amor a si mismo, lejos de ser identicos, son realmente opuestos. El individuo egoista no se ama demasiado, sino muy poco; en realidad, se odia.

Freud sostiene que el egoista es narcisista, como si negara su amor a los demas y lo dirigiera hacia si. Es verdad que las personas egoistas son incapaces de amar a los demas, pero tampoco pueden amarse a si mismas.

Sobre La Satisfaccion Sexual

El amor no es el resultado de la satisfaccion sexual adecuada; por el contrario, la felicidad sexual–y aun el conocimiento de la llamada tecnica sexual–es el resultado del amor. Si aparte de la observacion diaria fueran necesarias mas pruebas en apoyo de esa tesis, podrian encontrarse en el vasto material de los datos psicoanaliticos. El estudio de los problemas sexuales mas frequentes–frigidez en las mujeres y las formas mas o menos serias de impotencia psiquica en los hombres–, demuestra que la causa no radica en una falta de conocimiento de la tecnica adecuada, sino en las inhibiciones que impiden amar. El temor o el odio al otro sexo estan en la raiz de las dificultades que impiden a una persona entregarse por completo… Si una persona sexualmente inhibida puede dejar de temer u odiar, y tornarse entonces capaz de amar, sus problemas sexuales estan resueltos. Si no, ningun conocimiento sobre tecnicas sexuales le sirvira de ayuda.

Sobre o Dar e Receber

Dar produz mais felicidade do que receber, e não porque é uma privação, mas porque no ato de dar é a expressão da minha vida … Na esfera das coisas materiais, dar significa ser rico. Não é rico o que têm muito, mas o que dá muito.

Sobre Os Objetos de Amor

O amor não é primariamente um relacionamento com uma pessoa específica, é uma atitude, uma orientação de caráter que determina o tipo de relacionamento de uma pessoa com o mundo inteiro, e não um “objeto” amoroso. Se uma pessoa ama apenas um outro e é indiferente para o resto de seus companheiros, o seu amor não é amor, mas uma relação simbiótica, ou um egoísmo ampliado.

Sobre O Amor Fraternal

O tipo mais fundamental do amor, básica em todos os tipos de amor, é o amor fraternal. Por meio do senso de responsabilidade, respeito, cuidado e conhecimento a respeito de qualquer outro ser humano, o desejo de promover a sua vida … se eu desenvolvi a capacidade de amar, eu não posso parar de amar o meu irmão … baseia-se na experiência de que somos todos um. As diferenças de talento, inteligência, conhecimento, são negligenciáveis ​​em comparação com a identidade da essência humana comum a todos os homens.

Sobre O Amor Materno

A mulher narcisista, dominadora e possessiva pode se tornar uma mãe “amante” enquanto a criança é jovem. Somente a mulher que realmente ama, a mulher que está mais feliz dando que tomando, que está firmemente enraizada em sua própria existência, pode ser uma mãe amorosa, quando a criança está em processo de separação.

O amor materno para a criança crescer, o amor que não quer nada para si, é, talvez, a forma mais difícil de amor para alcançar, e a mais enganosa, por causa da facilidade com que uma mãe pode amar seu filho jovem. Mas, precisamente por causa desta dificuldade, uma mulher só pode ser uma mãe verdadeiramente amorosa se pode amar, se pode amar seu marido, outras crianças, estranhos, a todos os seres humanos.

Sobre o amor erótico

… o anseio de fusão completa, de união com uma única outra pessoa. Por sua própria natureza, é exclusiva e não universal, também é talvez a forma mais ilusória de amor que existe.

Em primeiro lugar, é facilmente confundida com a experiência explosiva de “apaixonar-se”, o colapso repentino das barreiras que existiam até aquele momento entre dois estranhos. Mas essa experiência de intimidade súbita é, por sua própria natureza, de curta duração. Quando o estranho se tornou uma pessoa intimamente conhecida, não há mais barreiras a superar, para fazer qualquer abordagem repentina. Você começa a conhecer a pessoa “amada”, tam bem como a si mesmo. Ou, talvez, seria melhor dizer tam pouco. Se a experiência da outra pessoa fora mais profunda se puediera experimentar a infinidade de sua personalidade, nunca seria tão familiar – e o milagre de superar as barreiras poderiam ser renovada diariamente. Mas para a maioria das pessoas, o seu próprio pessoa, assim como os outros, é rapidamente explorada e esgotada. Para eles, a intimidade é estabelecida principalmente através do contato sexual. Como eles experimentam da separação da outra pessoa principalmente como separação física, a união física significa para eles superar a separação.

Se o desejo de união física não é estimulado pelo amor, se o amor não é tanto erótico e fraterna,  nunca leva à a união exceto em um sentido orgiástico e transitório.

O amor erótico, se é amor, tem uma premissa. Amar a partir da essência do ser – e experimentar a outra pessoa na essência do seu ser. Em essência, todos os seres humanos são idênticos.


Sobre A Ternura

Ternura não é de forma alguma, como Freud acreditava, uma sublimação do instinto sexual, é o produto direto do amor fraterno, e há em ambas as formas de amor, física e não-física.

Sobre Amantes

No início de uma relação, as amantes consideram a intensidade de sua paixão, isso de ser loucos um pelo outro, como prova da intensidade de seu amor, quando apenas mostra a extensão da sua solidão diante.

Sobre o casamento

Amar alguém não é apenas um sentimento poderoso – é uma decisão, um julgamento, é uma promessa. Se o amor fosse só um sentimento, não haveria base para a promessa de amar para sempre. Um sentimento começa e pode desaparecer. Como eu posso julgar que durara para sempre, se o meu ato não envolve julgamento e decisão?

Sobre o egoísmo

O egoísta só se preocupa com si mesmo, quer tudo para si, não tem prazer em dar, mas apenas para tomar… todos os juízes de acordo com a sua utilidade; é basicamente incapaz de amar… Egoísmo e amor-próprio, longe de ser idênticos, são realmente opostos. O indivíduo egoísta não ama muito, mas muito pouco, na verdade, ele odeia si mesmo.

Freud sustenta que o egoísta é narcisista, como se a negar o seu amor para os outros e dirigido para si mesmo. É verdade que as pessoas egoístas são incapazes de amar os outros, mas eles nem podem se amar.


Sobre a satisfação sexual

O amor não é o resultado de satisfação sexual adequada, ao contrário, a felicidade sexual – e até mesmo o conhecimento da chamada técnica sexual – é o resultado do amor. Se além da observação diária eram necessárias mais provas para apoiar essa tese, poderiam ser encontradas no material vasto de dados psicanalíticos. O estudo dos mais freqüentes problemas sexuais – frigidez na mulher e formas mais ou menos graves de impotência psíquica nos homens – mostra que a causa não está na falta de conhecimento da técnica adequada, mas inibições que impedem o amor. O medo ou ódio do outro sexo estão na raiz das dificuldades que impedem uma pessoa entregar-se completamente… Se uma pessoa sexualmente inibida pode parar o medo ou ódio, em seguida, tornar-se capaz de amar, as problemas sexuais são resolvidas. Se não, nenhum conhecimento de técnicas sexuais ajudará.

Albert Mady: Breaking ChampionAlbert MadyAlbert MadyAlbert MadyAlbert MadyAlbert Mady

Albert Mady Teaching

Grand Master Albert Mady
Grand Master Albert Mady

Martial Arts go beyond physical exercise to encompass mental and physical exercises, cultivating balance and generating consciousness. They are based on the timeless principle of observing and controlling the flow of energy. A true master of martial arts is a master of living.

If you spend some time observing a master like Albert Mady, it will change your life for the better. Albert is a true master of his own style of mixed martial arts including Isshinryu Karate, Muay Thai and tameshiwari, wherein he converts himself to dynamite and explodes through and pulverizes concrete like it were a vanilla wafer.

Albert Mady and Michael Ducharme
Albert Mady and Michael Ducharme

Mady’s full contact, bare-knuckle kickboxing class is a mix of women and men and there are classes for kids. Mady is equally committed to his world-champion students and the regular people wanting to learn life-saving self-defence tequniques. And the lives he has saved are many.  Despite his innumerable honours and achievements, he remains down-to-earth, extremely generous, and a loyal friend to many. He has trained many bodies and many minds to follow the invincible spirit at the heart of every student.

Grand Master Albert Mady
Gran Maestro Albert Mady

Los Artes Marciales van mas alla del ejercicio fisico, incorporando ejercicios mentales y espirituales para cultivar balance y generar consciencia. Son basados en el principio de observar y controlar el flujo de energia. Un verdadero maestro de artes martiales es un maestro de vivir.

Si usted observa un maestro como Albert Mady, eso mejorará su vida. Albert es un verdadero maestro de su propio estilo de artes marciales mixtas, incluyendo Isshinryu karate, Muay Thai y tameshiwari, el arte en lo cual el hombre se convierte en dinamita y pulveriza el cemento como si fuera un barquillo de vainilla.

Albert Mady and Michael Ducharme
Albert Mady y Michael Ducharme

Mady enseña sus artes marciales a las mujeres y a los hombres, y hay clases para los niños. Mady ha creado un gran numero de campeónes mundiales, pero nunca resta importancia a sus alumnos principiantes queriendo aprender las tecnicas de autodefensa. Le sorprenderia saber cuantas vidas Maestro Mady ha salvado (incluyendo la mia). A pesar de sus innumerables honores y logros, sigue con los pies en la tierra, muy generoso, y un amigo leal a muchos. Él ha entrenado a muchos cuerpos y muchas mentes a seguir el espíritu invencible en el corazón de cada uno.

Para contactar al maestro Albert Mady, visita

Grand Master Albert Mady
Grand Master Albert Mady

Grand Master Albert Mady
Grand Master Albert Mady

Grand Master Albert Mady
Grand Master Albert Mady

Grand Master Albert Mady
Grand Master Albert Mady

Grand Master Albert Mady
Grand Master Albert Mady

Tony BrechkowTony BrechkowTony BrechkowTony Brechkow

Professor Anthony S. Brechkow is one of the best people that I know, and has been a strong influence in my life, from a young age until today. Tony is a veritable master of all trades, as he manages entire apartment buildings nearly single-handedly. No problem is too complicated for Tony. He could be standing in the middle of a blazing inferno, and still manage to think the situation (not problem!) through with a cool head, calming those around him. Tony has been and remains involved in all types of businesses, from the aforementioned apartment building complexes, to bakeries of pita bread and healthy snack foods, to glass companies, and many more.

Tony Brechkow in a santa hatWhen I founded a decade and a half ago, Tony was a beacon of support. Back in the early days of the Internet, all of the Internet marketing “experts” told me that it would not be possible to sell saunas on the Internet. I did not listen to these nay-sayers. Instead, I called the most positive person that I know: Tony!

Tony loves to share his knowledge with those that are eager to learn. It is for this reason that he has found the time to contribute his time as a professor at the St. Clair College in Windsor, Ontario. Tony would do almost anything to help a young person succeed in life.

We are talking about one of the most generous people on Earth. If you see Tony and compliment him on his shirt, he will not hesitate to take it off and give it to you. Recently, Tony and I had a nice visit in Panama. Tony got a nice taste of my raw vegan lifestyle, and lost about 20 pounds, with a simultaneous boost in energy. Not that he needed the extra energy… at 77 years old, you would not believe how active he remains. Tony bounced up and down the mountain, and completed more odd jobs than a crew of seven able-bodied locals half his age.

Cheers to you, Tony!

Michael, Tony, greg and Jack at the Castle
Tony and I and two other good friends in Panama

Edward Ducharme

Edward Ducharme

Dr. Edward Ducharme, my beloved uncle, holds a double PhD in English and education and a law degree. But considering that laughter is indeed medicine, let’s make that a triple-doctorate. As a humourist, my uncle is a true master. It usually only takes him but a few short minutes to have me in tears, and at the end of an hour, I’ve had an envigorating abdominal workout. Days later, I am still giggling at his antics and my ribs still hurt with good pain.

Edward has inspired me countless times and in more ways than he knows. Notably, he continues to inspire daily me as a thinker and as a linguist. Edward is a relentless searcher of the truth, and he would be willing to search through a mountain of dictionaries, if it were necessary, just to find the best word to convey his message. But he usually has the right word on the tip of his tongue. He is quick and witty, charming and sarcastic, in the DuCharme style, but Ed does it better than the rest of us.

I especially want to thank my Uncle Ed for inspiring me to write. My upcoming book, Get Wiggly, would not be possible without his advice. And this very Web site would probably hold a fraction of its present content had my uncle not single-handedly tumbled my writer’s block.

Edward entered law in his mid-40s and is now a judge of the highest court in the province: The Ontario Court of Appeal. An appellate judge is required on a daily basis to write decisions that are meaningful, understandable and effective. On the bench, his tremendous analytical capabilities and superb writing skills are well-utilized.

“When I was doing my doctoral work, I became interested in a theoretical problem: Where is the meaning of a text? … Is it found in the words on the printed page? Or is it found in the intention of the author? Or is it found in the mind of the reader?… I never intended to practice law… I meant only to inquire about that issue: Where is the meaning of a legal text?”

“I said to my mother, ‘What do you think of the idea of me studying law?’”… “And she sat right up in her bed and she said, ‘That’s a fabulous idea! Promise me you’ll practice with your brother.’”


“Trust thyself. Accept the place the divine providence has found for you.”
– from Ralph Waldo Emerson’s poem Self Reliance

Fully-Raw Kristina Carrillo-Bucaram

Kristina Carrillo-Bucaram

Kristina lives an exemplary lifestyle. She takes amazing care of herself and millions of people worldwide that follow her tips on lifestyle and raw food preparation.

Kristina lives in Houston, where she heads the largest organic produce co-operative in the United States, Rawfully Organic. Kristina coaches and inspires thousands of others to be fully raw. She  is also the author of

If the radiance of her smile doesn’t inspire you enough to go raw, surely the exquisite flavors of her recipes will!

Kristina Carrillo-Bucaram
Fully Raw Kristina

Eight years ago, Kristina sought to cure her Hyperglycemia. She switched to a fully-raw plant-based diet and follows Dr. Doug Graham’s recommendation for keeping the ratio of 80% carbohydrates to 10% protein to 10% fat.  There is no question that Kristina is thriving on her new diet.  She has made it her mission to share the many benefits of fully raw food with you.

In the following videos, she will inspire you to experiment with raw plants at your own pace:

You can find Kristina’s videos in my Raw Food Recipes and other sections of this Web site, or visit her site at

Here are some more videos that I think you’ll find particularly valuable:


Megan Elizabeth

Megan Elizabeth's Strawberry Brownie Bites

Megan Elizabeth
Megan Elizabeth

Megan Elizabeth is an author, an educator, and a wellness coach. She frequently shares delicious healthy recipes via her books (printed and electronic/paperless), Web site, and on youtube.

Megan creates meals of all types but it seems to me that she is particularly talented with desserts. I have includes many of her creations in the raw recipes section of this Web site.

Here are just a few examples of her culinary art:

Salads and Main courses:


In addition to delicious recipes, Megan regularly posts videos on a variety of wellness topics to help people live a healthier life in general. In the following video, Megan explains one of the natural alternatives to hormone-based birth control:



Osho (Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh)

Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh “Osho” (11 December, 1931 – 19 January, 1990)

Happiness happens when you fit with your life, when you fit so harmoniously that whatsoever you are doing is your joy. Then suddenly you will come to know: meditation follows you. If you love the work that you are doing, if you love the way you are living, then you are meditative.

Osho, A Sudden clash of Thunder, Chapter 7

Books by Osho

Joy: The Happiness That Comes from Within

In Joy, Osho posits that to be joyful is the basic nature of life. Joy is the spiritual dimension of happiness, in which one begins to understand one’s intrinsic value and place in the universe. Accepting joy is a decision to “go with the flow,” to be grateful to be alive and for all the challenges and opportunities in life, rather than setting conditions or demands for happiness.The Insight for a New Way of Living series aims to shine light on beliefs and attitudes that prevent individuals from being their true selves. The text is an artful mix of compassion and humor, and readers are encouraged to confront what they would most like to avoid, which in turns provides the key to true insight and power.Joy is a wondrous investigation into the source and importance of joyfulness in our lives.

Courage: The Joy of Living Dangerously

Courage is not the absence of fear, says Osho. It is, rather, the total presence of fear, with the courage to face it. This book provides a bird’s-eye view of the whole terrain-where fears originate, how to understand them, and how to find the courage to face them. In the process, Osho proposes that whenever we are faced with uncertainty and change in our lives, it is actually a cause for celebration. Instead of trying to hang on to the familiar and the known, we can learn to enjoy these situations as opportunities for adventure and for deepening our understanding of ourselves and the world around us. Unlike books that focus on heroic acts of courage in exceptional circumstances, the focus here is on developing the inner courage that enables us to lead authentic and fulfilling lives on a daily basis. This is the courage to change when change is needed, the courage to stand up for our own truth, even against the opinions of others, and the courage to embrace the unknown in spite of our fears-in our relationships, in our careers, or in the ongoing journey of understanding who we are and why we are here. Courage also features meditation techniques designed by Osho to help people deal with their fears.

Being in Love: How to Love with Awareness and Relate Without Fear

In this thoughtful, provocative work, Osho challenges us to question what we think we know about love and opens us to the possibility of a love that is natural, fulfilling, and free of possessiveness and jealousy. Osho dares us to resist the unhealthy relationship patterns we’ve learned from those around us, and to rediscover the meaning of love for ourselves. “By the time you are ready to explore the world of love, you are filled with so much rubbish about love that there is not much hope for you to be able to find the authentic and discard the false.”


Rebellious and independent from the very childhood, he insisted on experiencing the truth for himself rather than acquiring borrowed knowledge from others’ belief systems.

He attained Enlightenment at the age of twenty one and went on to complete his education. He taught philosophy at the University of Jabalpur for many years. Meanwhile, he would meet people, address large gatherings and give talks traveling all over India.

Osho revived all the ancient spiritual traditions like Vedanta, Sankhya, Yoga, Tantra, Sufi, Hasid, Tao, Baul and Zen. Not only he revived all these traditions and spoke on great saints and masters like Krishna, Jesus, Buddha, Mahaveera, Shiva he developed his unique dynamic meditation techniques that help the modern man unburden his anxieties, stress through a deep cleansing process in order to achieve a relaxed state of meditation and ultimately – Enlightenment.

Osho spoke on almost every aspect of life not through an intellectual understanding but based on his own existential experience distilling the essence of what is significant to the spiritual growth of modern man. His talks are transcribed and published in over 600 volumes and translated into many languages. The meditation centers owing allegiance to him can be found all over the world.

In early 1970’s a commune started to emerge around him in Pune where many seekers came from around the world to meditate. This beautiful Buddhafield became the spiritual capital of the world. Osho traveled to USA and many other countries finally arriving in Pune commune in 1987 where he left his body on January 19, 1990.

Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh “Osho”

(11 Diciembre, 1931 – 19 Enero, 1990)

Felicidad sucede cuando usted se ajuste a su vida, cuando se encaja tan armoniosamente que sea lo que esta haciendo es su alegria. Entonces de repente se llega a saber: la meditacion le sigue. Si le gusta el trabajo que usted esta haciendo, si usted ama la forma en que esta viviendo, entonces usted es meditativo.

Osho, Un Repentino Choque de Trueno , Capitulo 7

Libros de Osho

Alegria: La felicidad que viene de dentro

En Alegria, Osho plantea que ser feliz es la naturaleza basica de la vida. Alegria es la dimension espiritual de la felicidad, en la que uno comienza a comprender su valor intrinseco y el lugar en el universo. Aceptar la alegria es una decision de “ir con la corriente,” para estar agradecidos de estar vivo y para todos los retos y oportunidades en la vida, en vez de fijar condiciones o exigencias para ser feliz. La serie para una nueva forma de vivir tiene como objetivo brillar luz sobre creencias y actitudes que impiden a las personas de ser su verdadero yo. El texto es una mezcla artistica de compasion y humor, y anima a los lectores de enfrentar lo que mas quieren evitar, que a su vez proporciona la clave de la verdadera perspectiva del poder. Alegria es una maravillosa investigacion sobre el origen y la importancia de la alegria en nuestras vidas.

Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh “Osho”

(1931 – 1990)

A felicidade acontece quando você se encaixa sua vida, quando você se encaixa tão harmoniosamente que é o que você está fazendo é a sua alegria. Então, de repente você chegou a conhecer: a meditação segue. Se você gosta do trabalho que você está fazendo, se você ama a maneira que estamos vivendo, então você está meditativo.

Osho, um choque repentino do Trovão, Capítulo 7

Livros de Osho

Alegria: A felicidade que vem de dentro

Em Alegria, Osho sugere que ser feliz é a natureza básica da vida. Alegria é a dimensão espiritual da felicidade, em que se começa a entender o seu valor intrínseco e lugar no universo. Aceitando a alegria é uma decisão de “ir com o fluxo”, para ser grato por estar vivo e todos os desafios e oportunidades na vida, em vez de definir as condições ou exigências para a felicidade. A série para uma nova maneira de viver se destina a brilhar a luz de crenças e atitudes que impedem as pessoas de ser seu verdadeiro eu. O texto é uma mistura artística de compaixão e humor, e incentiva os leitores a enfrentar o que mais queremos evitar, que por sua vez fornece a chave para a verdadeira perspectiva de poder. Alegria é uma pesquisa maravilhosa sobre a origem e importância da alegria em nossas vidas.

Wilfred and Theresa DucharmeWilfred y Theresa DucharmeWilfred et Theresa Ducharme

Wilfred and Teresa Ducharme

Wilfred and Theresa Ducharme
Wilfred and Theresa Ducharme

These are my paternal grandparents, Wilfred and Theresa. Gramps was a tough worker, but an old softie at home, letting my father get away with frequent mischief with at most an empty threat to take away his car keys. But my grandmother was a lot more strict. She insisted on cultivating a certain set of core values that were inaliable. Gramma died of leukemia when I was two years old, but I can still remember her rocking in her chair. When I learned the name of the condition that claimed her life, I secretly vowed to find a solution, for leukemia and all cancers for that matter. Now, more than three decades later, Gramma’s wisdom continues to shine as brightly as any star. I have found several possible solutions for cancer, although it will take perhaps a couple more decades for all of the testing that is required to share this with the entire world. But Grandma’s core values are not so far away. These, I enjoy on an a daily basis. She taught us that money could never buy class, and that the most important skill is that of making others feel comfortable (the very definition of class, I reckon). She also taught us to love family first, which was not an invitation to stop there. Gramma took excellent care of her own family, and both of my grandparents were extremely active in helping the community. The “family-first” theory was a lesson on practicality. And logistically, this concept makes a lot more sense than any other system. It sounds so simple, but if everyone did this, the world would be much sweeter. Just like Gramma’s Apple Pie.