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Truth and Lies About Protein
The Protein Myth
One of the greatest modern myths is that, since your muscles are made of protein, then eating protein must be good for you. Another way of saying this is that if you want to have strong muscles, then you should eat muscles. Some cultures also believe that eating animal feet is good for your feet, eating heart is good for your heart, eating brain is good for your brain, and so on. (more…)
Hanshi's Download: How Albert Mady Saved my Life... Twice!

For anyone not familiar with Karate lingo, “Hanshi” is a Japanese word that means “respected one” or “grand master”. The training that I received from Hanshi Albert Mady has improved my life in countless ways. At Mady’s Chicara Dojo in Windsor, Ontario, Albert Mady taught me to control my body and my mind. I learned, through Albert, that martial arts is not about violence or showing off, but rather, about living with integrity, respect, honor, and balance.
Raw Vegan Coconut Ceviche Recipe
I am delighted to share the following raw vegan video recipe with you. Kristina has out-done herself again in creating her own fully raw version of a very popular Latin American dish: ceviche. (more…)
Raw vegan food can eliminate migraines and transform your health completely
The way that Kristina Carrillo-Bucaram transformed her life and her health is truly inspiring. At sixteen she was pre-diabetic with hyperglycemia. By eighteen, she suffered awful migraines, insomnia, depression, nausea, constipation, hair loss, skin problems, lack of confidence and her blood sugar issues remained. Continue reading “Raw vegan food can eliminate migraines and transform your health completely”
Limon Panama: The World’s Central Garden
Limon Panama can be described as Paradise on Earth, at the center of the globe.
Limon offers the perfect climate, with perfect proportions of sun, water, wind and earth. But Limon overflows with love. Its people are among the happiest in the world. The Limoners are joyful, honest, compassionate and generous. In Limon, the gardens bloom all-year-long and every day there are abundant fresh fruit. Continue reading “Limon Panama: The World’s Central Garden”
Here are a few varieties of berries, with their names in English and in Spanish. Berries mostly originate in cold climates. Each has its unique color and size and taste and nutrient content. Despite these obvious differences, in Central and South America, the name “mora” is often given to any berry except strawberries. The correct generic term for berries, “bayas”, is almost never used. The word “Arandano” is often used for both blueberries and cranberries. Hopefully this page will help clear up any confusion over the correct terms for several popular berries in English and in Spanish.
If you would like to make a delicious raw vegan pie with mixed berries, see my recipe for berry-rhubarb pie.
Vana's Raw Vegan Pizza
Here is an exciting recipe for all pizza-lovers… In the following video, Vana will show you how to make a delicious and beautiful pizza that is also good for you. Vana’s recipe does require a food dehydrator, though. For those that do not have one, I am working on finding an alternative, perhaps using the sun’s infrared rays… stay tuned. Those that do have a dehydrator will love this recipe… (more…)
Bell Peppers
Bell Peppers
Bell peppers contain a very broad range of antioxidants including vitamin E and manganese, as well as twice the amount of vitamin C of a typical orange. Bell peppers also include these phytonutrients: Flavonoids: luteolin, quercetin, hesperidin; Carotenoids: alpha-carotene, beta-carotene, cryptoxanthin, lutein, zeaxanthin; Hydroxycinnamic Acids: ferulic acid, cinnamic acid. (Source: World’s Healthiest Foods)
Dragonfruits contain polyphenols and a variety of healthful fatty acids including Linolenic acid, Linoleic acid, Palmitoleic acid, Stearic acid and Myristic acid.