Todo mundo está se tornando vegano. Aqui está o porquê.

Joaquin Phoenix Vegan. Photo source: PETA.

Todo o mundo? Sim, todos! E isso inclui você, querido leitor.

Historicamente, os pensadores mais brilhantes e de elite do nosso mundo sempre preferiram plantas a animais em seus pratos. Isso inclui Albert Einstein, Albert Newton, Nicola Tesla, Hipócrates, Pitágoras, Benjamin Franklin, Budha, Gandhi e muito mais. Os primeiros veganos mantinham esse estilo de vida saudável, enquanto as massas se agarravam a padrões cansados ​​de comportamento insensato, insalubre e bárbaro.

Hoje, todas as principais organizações e estudos de saúde apoiam dietas baseadas em vegetais. Isso inclui a Organização Mundial da Saúde e sua Agência Internacional para Pesquisa sobre o Câncer (IARC), a Academia Americana de Nutrição e Dietética, a Food & Organização da Agricultura das Nações Unidas*, American Heart Association, American Journal of Cardiology e The China Study, com base em 20 anos de pesquisa da Cornell University, Oxford University e da Academia Chinesa de Medicina Preventiva , um estudo descrito pelo The New York Times como “o Grande Prêmio da epidemiologia”.

Todos os atletas sérios preferem plantas para impulsionar seu desempenho. E isso inclui campeões do UFC, estrelas do futebol da NFL, corredores de ultramaratonas, jogadores de beisebol da liga principal, estrelas do basquete da NBA, campeões de levantamento de peso pesado, patinadores artísticos e boxeadores campeões de peso pesado. (Veja meu artigo O novo e aprimorado Mike Tyson.)

A Roadmap to Inner Peace

Inner peace cannot be purchased or sold, nor can it be downloaded or e-mailed. The good news is that you already have it within you. If you have not found it yet, you are probably not far from finding it. The most common reason for not finding inner peace is that we instead chase after small portions of outer peace. We tell ourselves that we have found inner peace, and we stop searching for true inner peace before even beginning to search within. The following tips will help you to distinguish true inner peace from its impostor, outer peace.

Inner peace vs. outer peace

Inner peace is always within you, while outer peace depends on one or more outside circumstances. Inner peace was within you before you were born, will be with you after you die, and it is in you now, even if chaos surrounds you. Outer peace comes and goes depending on external circumstances, such as soft music or nature sounds, a relaxing massage or a yoga class. Inner peace is permanent; outer peace is temporary.

Yoga and the search for inner peace

Yoga is designed to help you find inner peace, and all true yoga masters have found it. Continue reading “A Roadmap to Inner Peace”

Redefining Pizza, from Addictive Drug to Superfood

The Original Pizza Recipe was Delicious but Flawed

Pizza is an Italian specialty dish that has spread across the globe in a million variations. In some cases, the only resemblance to the original is its characteristic disk shape. Millions have invented “new” versions of pizza, usually by adding ingredients. Sadly, few have had the courage (or the knowledge) to address the two major problems with the original Neapolitan recipe. Continue reading “Redefining Pizza, from Addictive Drug to Superfood”