Kristina’s Watermelon Juice Secret

Kristina's Watermelon Secret

A classic recipe from Fully-Raw Kristina Carrillo-Bucaram. Fresh watermelon juice goes down smoothly all year long, and particularly in the summer. Watch how Kristina combines her sweet watermelons with the green goodness of herbs.

Veronica’s Raw Banana Crepes

Veronica's Banana Crepes

Veronica Saunders shares her recipe for raw banana crepes stuffed with strawberries and blueberries and sweet sauce. Although technically this dish was created as a dessert, I suspect that many will enjoy this raw vegan delicacy instead of poison pancakes and synthetic syrup.


Veronica's Banana Crepes
Veronica’s Banana Crepes

Nutrient Deficiencies and FastingLas deficiencias nutricionales y los ayunos

** Loren Lockman is the director of the Tanglewood Wellness Center in Costa Rica. He has been coaching people to better health since 1992, and supervising water only fasts since 1997. He’s guided more than 2000 people through water-only fasts averaging 24-25 days and has seen a dramatic improvement or a complete elimination of many conditions.

** Loren Lockman es el director del Centro de Bienestar Tanglewood en Costa Rica. Ha asistido a mejorar la salud de mucha gente desde 1992, y ha supervisado los   ayunos desde 1997. Ha guiado a más de 2.000 personas en  su proceso de limpieza  a través mediante el ayuno por un  promedio de 24 a 25 días y  ha visto una mejora dramática o la completa eliminación de muchas enfermedades.