Doctor Otto Warburg

Cancer’s Cause, Prevention and Cure:

Dr. Otto Warburg’s 1931 Nobel-Prize-Winning Discovery

Dr. Otto Heinrich Warburg, with a double doctorate in chemistry and medicine, won the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1931, and died in Berlin in 1970. Dr. Warburg discovered that cancer is caused by weakened cell respiration due to lack of oxygen at the cellular level. He further proved that cancer thrives in anaerobic (without oxygen), or acidic, conditions. Damaged cell respiration causes fermentation, resulting in low pH (acidity) in the cells. Cancer cells maintain an acidic pH, as low as 6.0, due to lactic acid production and elevated CO2. DR. WARBURG PROVED THAT CANCER CANNOT LIVE IN AN ALKALINE BODY (pH 7.36). Oxygen is directly related to pH. The higher the pH,  the higher the concentration of oxygen molecules.

A normal healthy takes in oxygen to convert glucose into energy. But in the absence of oxygen, the cell must nourish itself by converting glucose through fermentation. This produces lactic acid and lowers the cell pH (making it more acidic) and destroys the ability of DNA and RNA to control cell division. The cancer cells multiply rapidly and do not compensate by dying more rapidly. The lactic acid also causes  local pain as it destroys cell enzymes. Cancerous tumours appear as a rapidly growing external cells covering a core of dead cells.

In his speech “The Prime Cause and Prevention of Cancer“, Dr. Warburg stated that “nobody today can say that one does not know what cancer and its prime cause is. On the contrary, there is no disease whose prime cause is better known, so that today ignorance is no longer an excuse that one cannot do more about prevention.” 

Preventing cancer is better than curing it

Dr. Otto Warburg

La Causa, la Prevencion y la Cura para Cancer: el decubrimiento que gano el Premio Nobel de Medicina en 1931.

Según el Dr. Warburg, el cáncer es la consecuencia de una alimentación antifisiológica y un estilo de vida anti fisiológico

Otto Heinrich Warburg (1883-1970). Premio Nobel 1931 por su tesis la causa primaria y la prevención

En el año 1931 el científico Otto Heinrich Warburg (1883-1970) recibió el premio Nobel por descubrir la causa primaria del cáncer en su tesis “La causa primaria y la prevención del cáncer“. Según el Dr. Warburg, el cáncer es la consecuencia de una alimentación antifisiológica y un estilo de vida antifisiológico.


Una alimentación antifisiologica (dieta basada en alimentos acidificantes y sedentarismo), crea en nuestro organismo un entorno de acidez y éste, a su vez, provoca la expulsión del oxígeno de las células. El Dr. Warburg afirmó:

  • “La falta de oxígeno y la acidosis son las dos caras de una misma moneda: cuando usted tiene uno, usted tiene el otro”.
  • “Las substancias ácidas rechazan el oxígeno; en cambio, las substancias alcalinas atraen el oxígeno”.
  • “Privar a una célula de oxígeno durante 48 horas puede convertirla en cancerosa”.
  • “Todas las células normales tienen un requisito absoluto para el oxígeno, pero las células cancerosas pueden vivir sin oxígeno (esta es una regla sin excepción)”.
  • “Los tejidos cancerosos son tejidos ácidos, mientras que los sanos son tejidos alcalinos”.

En su obra “El metabolismo de los tumores“, Warburg demostró que todas las formas de cáncer se caracterizan por dos condiciones básicas: la acidosis y la hipoxia (falta deoxígeno). También descubrió que las células cancerosas son anaerobias (no respiran oxígeno) y no pueden sobrevivir en presencia de altos niveles de oxígeno. En cambio, sobreviven gracias a la glucosa siempre y cuando el entorno este libre de oxígeno.

Por lo tanto, el cáncer no sería nada más que un mecanismo de defensa que tienen ciertas células del organismo para continuar con vida en un entorno ácido y carente de oxígeno. Las células sanas viven en un entorno alcalino y oxigenado, lo cual permite su normal funcionamiento. Una vez finalizado el proceso de la digestión, los alimentos generarán una condición de acidez o alcalinidad al organismo en función de la calidad de las proteínas, los hidratos de carbono, las grasas, los minerales y las vitaminas.

El resultado acidificante o alcalinizante se mide a través de una escala llamada PH, cuyos valores se encuentran en un rango de 0 a 14, siendo el PH 7 un PH neutro. Es importante saber cómo afectan a la salud los alimentos ácidos y alcalinos, ya que para que las células funcionen en forma correcta y adecuada su PH debe ser ligeramente alcalino. En una persona sana el PH de la sangre se encuentra entre 7,40 y 7,45. Tener en cuenta que si el PH sanguíneo cayera por debajo de 7 entraríamos en un estado de coma próximo a la muerte.

De acuerdo con lo expuesto aquí, se pueden generar dos listas de alimentos que acidifican y alcalinizan el organismo:

Alimentos que acidifican el organismo:

  • Azúcar refinada y todos sus productos (el peor de todos: no tiene ni proteínas, ni grasas, ni minerales, ni vitaminas; solo hidratos de carbono refinados que estresan al páncreas. Su PH es de 2,1, es decir, que es altamente acidificante).
  • Carnes (todas).
  • Leche de vaca y todos sus derivados.
  • Sal refinada.
  • Harina refinada y todos sus derivados (pastas, galletitas, etc.).
  • Productos de panadería (la mayoría contienen grasas saturadas, margarina, sal, azúcar y conservantes).
  • Margarinas.
  • Gaseosas.
  • Cafeína.
  • Alcohol.
  • Tabaco.
  • Medicinas.
  • Cualquier alimento cocinado (La cocción elimina el oxigeno y lo trasforma en ácido) inclusive las verduras cocinadas.
  • Todo lo que contenga conservantes, colorantes, aromatizantes, estabilizantes, etc: todos los alimentos envasados.

Constantemente la sangre se encuentra autorregulándose para no caer en acidez metabólica, de esta forma garantiza el buen funcionamiento celular, optimizando el metabolismo. El organismo debería obtener de los alimentos las bases (minerales) para neutralizar la acidez de la sangre de la metabolización, pero todos los alimentos ya citados aportan muy poco y en contrapartida desmineralizan el organismo, sobre todo los refinados. Hay que tener en cuenta que en el estilo de vida moderno estos alimentos se consumen todos los días del año.

Alimentos Alcalinizantes (Saludables y favorables a la vida)

  • Todas las verduras crudas producen una reacción alcalinizante.
  • El limón tiene un PH aproximado de 2.2, pero dentro del organismo tiene un efecto altamente alcalinizante (el más poderoso de todas las frutas).
  • Semillas: aparte de todos sus beneficios, son altamente alcalinizantes, como por ejemplo las almendras.
  • La miel (es altamente alcalinizante).
  • La clorofila de las plantas (de cualquier planta) es altamente alcalinizante (sobre todo el aloe vera).
  • El agua es importantísima para el aporte de oxigeno “La deshidratación crónica es el estresante principal del cuerpo y la raíz de la mayor parte de las enfermedades degenerativas” afirma el Dr. Feydoon Batmanghelidj
  • El ejercicio oxigena todo tu organismo, el sedentarismo lo desgasta.

El Doctor George w. Crile, de Cleverand, uno de los cirujanos más importantes del mundo declara abiertamente: “Todas las muertes mal llamadas naturales no son más que el punto terminal de una saturación de ácidos en el organismo”. Contrario a lo anterior es totalmente imposible que un cáncer prolifere en una persona que libere su cuerpo de la acidez, nutriéndose con alimentos que produzcan reacciones metabólicas alcalinas y aumentando el consumo del agua pura y que, a su vez, evite los alimentos que originan dicha acidez, y se cuide de los elementos tóxicos. En general el cáncer no se contagia ni se hereda…lo que se hereda son las costumbres alimenticias, ambientales y de vida que lo producen.”

Mencken escribió: “La lucha de la vida es en contra de la retención de ácido. El envejecimiento, la falta de energía, el mal genio y los dolores de cabeza, enfermedades del corazón, alergias, eczemas, urticaria, asma, cálculos y arteriosclerosis no son más que la acumulación de ácidos.”

El Dr. Theodore A. Baroody dice en su libro “Alkalize or Die” (alcalinizar o morir): “En realidad no importa el sin número de nombres de enfermedades. Lo que sí importa es que todas provienen de la misma causa básica: muchos desechos ácidos en el cuerpo” .

El Dr. Robert O Young dijo: “El exceso de acidificación en el organismo es la causa de todas las enfermedades degenerativas. Cuando se rompe el equilibrio y el organismo comienza a producir y almacenar más acidez y desechos tóxicos de los que puede eliminar, entonces se manifiestan diversas dolencias.

¿Y la quimioterapia?

La quimioterapia acidifica el organismo a tal extremo, que este debe recurrir a las reservas alcalinas de forma inmediata para neutralizar tanta acidez, sacrificando bases minerales (Calcio, Magnesio, Potasio) depositadas en huesos, dientes, uñas, articulaciones y cabellos. Es por ese motivo que se observa semejante degradación en las personas que reciben este tratamiento, y entre tantas otras cosas, se les cae a gran velocidad el cabello. Para el organismo no significa nada quedarse sin cabello, pero un PH acido significaría la muerte.

Dr. Otto Warburg

Otto Heinrich Warburg


De acordo com o Dr. Warburg, o cancro é o resultado de um alimentacao e um estilo de vida anti-fisiológica.


Prêmio Nobel 1931 para a sua tese a causa primária ea prevenção

Em 1931, o cientista Otto Heinrich Warburg (1883-1970) recebeu o Prêmio Nobel por descobrir a causa primária de câncer em sua tese “A causa primária ea prevenção do câncer.” De acordo com o Dr. Warburg, o cancro é o resultado do estilo de vida antifisiológico anti-fisiológico e nutricional.

Por quê?

Uma fonte de anti-fisiológica (acidificantes dieta alimentar e inactividade física), cria um ambiente no nosso acidez corpo e este, por sua vez, faz com que a expulsão do oxigénio a partir das células. Dr. Warburg afirmou:

    “A falta de oxigênio e acidose são dois lados da mesma moeda: quando você tem um, você tem o outro.”
    “O oxigénio rejeitar substâncias ácidas, enquanto que substâncias alcalinas atrair oxigénio”.
    “Privar uma célula de oxigênio para 48 horas pode se tornar cancerosas.”
    “Todas as células normais têm uma exigência absoluta de oxigênio, mas as células cancerosas podem viver sem oxigênio (esta é uma regra sem exceção).”
    “Tecidos cancerosos são ácidos tecidos, enquanto que os tecidos normais são alcalinas.”

Em seu livro “O metabolismo dos tumores”, Warburg demonstrou que todas as formas de câncer são caracterizadas por duas condições básicas: a acidose e hipóxia (falta desoxigenado). Também descobriu que as células cancerosas são anaeróbicas (não respire oxigénio) e não podem sobreviver na presença de níveis elevados de oxigénio. Em contraste, a glucose sobreviver enquanto este ambiente isento de oxigénio.

Portanto, o câncer não seria nada mais do que um mecanismo de defesa que tem certas células do corpo para se manter vivo em um ambiente desprovido de oxigênio e ácido. As células saudáveis ​​vivem em um ambiente alcalino e oxigênio, que permite a operação normal. Uma vez que o processo de digestão, os alimentos gerar uma condição ácida ou alcalina no organismo, dependendo da qualidade de proteínas, hidratos de carbono, gorduras, minerais e vitaminas.

Acidificantes ou alcalinizantes O resultado é medido por uma escala chamada pH, cujos valores estão no intervalo de 0 a 14, pH 7 pH ser neutro. É importante saber como afecta a saúde alimentos ácidos e alcalinos, como para as células funcionem adequadamente e de forma adequada, o pH deve ser ligeiramente alcalino. Em uma pessoa saudável, o pH do sangue situa-se entre 7,40 e 7,45. Note que, se o pH do sangue caíram abaixo de 7 entraria em coma perto da morte.

Deste modo aqui descrito, podem gerar duas listas de alimentos e alcalinizou acidificar o corpo:

Os alimentos que acidificam o corpo:

    O açúcar refinado e todos os produtos de todos os piores (não tem proteína, sem gordura, sem minerais, vitaminas, carboidratos refinados apenas que o estresse no pâncreas. Seu PH é 2,1, ou seja, é altamente acidificantes).
    Carne (todos).
    Leite de vaca e todos os seus derivados.
    Sal refinado.
    Farinha refinada e todos os seus derivados (tortas, biscoitos, etc.).
    Produtos de padaria (a maioria contêm gorduras saturadas, margarina, sal, açúcar e conservantes).
    Qualquer alimento cozido (Cozinhar elimina oxigênio e transformada em ácido), incluindo legumes cozidos.
    Tudo o que contém conservantes, corantes, aromatizantes, estabilizantes, etc: todos os alimentos embalados.

Constantemente autorregulándose sangue não está a cair em acidose metabólica, assegurando assim o bom funcionamento das células, optimizando o metabolismo. O organismo deve obter bases alimentares (minerais) para neutralizar a acidez do sangue do metabolismo, mas, acima de todos os alimentos e contribui muito pouco e em troca desmineralizar corpo, especialmente refinado. Tenha em mente que o estilo de vida moderno estes alimentos são consumidos todos os dias do ano.

Alimentos alcalinizantes (saudável e favorável à vida)

    Todos os vegetais crus alcalinizantes produzir uma reação.
    O limão tem um pH de cerca de 2,2, mas em que o corpo tem um efeito altamente alcalinizantes (o mais potente de todos os frutos).
    Sementes: além de todos os seus benefícios, são altamente alcalinizantes, como amêndoas.
    Mel (altamente alcalinizantes).
    A clorofila em plantas (de qualquer planta) é altamente alcalinizante (especialmente vera aloe).
    A água é importante para o fornecimento de oxigênio “desidratação crônica é o principal órgão estressante e raiz da maioria das doenças degenerativas”, disse o Dr. Batmanghelidj Feydoon
    Exercício oxigena seu corpo inteiro, ele usa um estilo de vida sedentário.

Dr. George w. Crile, de Cleverand, um dos cirurgiões mais importantes do mundo declara abertamente: “Todas as mortes naturais misnamed são apenas o ponto final de uma saturação de ácidos no organismo.” Ao contrário do que o que precede é totalmente impossível para um cancro crescem no corpo de uma pessoa, para libertar a sua acidez, a produção de alimentos, alimentados com alcalinas reacções metabólicas e aumento do consumo de água pura, e que, por sua vez, evitar os alimentos que causam tais acidez, e cuidar dos elementos tóxicos. Câncer em geral não é contagiosa nem hereditária herdou … quais são os hábitos alimentares, ambientais e de vida que produzi-lo. “

Mencken escreveu: “A luta da vida é contra a retenção de ácido. O envelhecimento, a falta de paciência de energia, mau e dores de cabeça, doenças do coração, alergias, eczema, urticária, asma, rins e arteriosclerose são apenas a acumulação de ácidos. “

Dr. Theodore A. Baroody diz em seu livro “Alkalize or Die” (alcalinizar ou morrer): “Não importa os nomes incontáveis ​​das doenças O que importa é que todos eles vêm da causa raiz mesmo:. Muitos resíduos ácidos no corpo” .

O Dr. Robert Young disse: “O excesso de acidificação no organismo é a causa de todas as doenças degenerativas. Quando o equilíbrio é perturbado eo corpo começa a produzir e armazenar mais acidez e lixo tóxico que pode ser eliminado, então se manifestar de várias doenças.


E sobre a quimioterapia?

Quimioterapia acidifica o corpo, de tal forma que ela deve basear-se reservas imediatamente alcalinas para neutralizar a acidez tal, sacrificando minerais de bases (cálcio, magnésio, potássio) depositadas em ossos, dentes, unhas e cabelo, das articulações. É por isso que uma tal degradação é observada em pessoas que recebem este tratamento, e entre muitas outras coisas, eles deixam de lado o cabelo de alta velocidade. Para o corpo não significa nada perder cabelo, mas um pH ácido significar a morte.

Doctor Bruce LiptonDoctor Bruce LiptonDocteur Bruce LiptonDoctor Bruce Lipton

Dr Bruce Lipton
Dr Bruce Lipton

Bruce H. Lipton, PhD is a stem cell biologist, bestselling author, recipient of the 2009 Goi Peace Award, and a guest speaker on TV and radio shows, as well as national and international conferences. Dr. Lipton began his scientific career as a cell biologist. He received his Ph.D. Degree from the University of Virginia at Charlottesville before joining the Department of Anatomy at the University of Wisconsin’s School of Medicine in 1973. Dr. Lipton’s research on muscular dystrophy, studies employing cloned human stem cells, focused upon the molecular mechanisms controlling cell behavior. An experimental tissue transplantation technique developed by Dr. Lipton and colleague Dr. Ed Schultz and published in the journal Science was subsequently employed as a novel form of human genetic engineering. In 1982, Dr. Lipton began examining the principles of quantum physics and how they might be integrated into his understanding of the cell’s information processing systems. He produced breakthrough studies on the cell membrane, which revealed that this outer layer of the cell was an organic homologue of a computer chip, the cell’s equivalent of a brain. His research at Stanford University’s School of Medicine, between 1987 and 1992, revealed that the environment, operating though the membrane, controlled the behavior and physiology of the cell, turning genes on and off. His discoveries, which ran counter to the established scientific view that life is controlled by the genes, presaged one of today’s most important fields of study, the science of epigenetics. Two major scientific publications derived from these studies defined the molecular pathways connecting the mind and body. Dr. Lipton’s deepened understanding of cell biology highlighted the mechanisms by which the mind controls bodily functions, and implied the existence of an immortal spirit. He applied this science to his personal biology, and discovered that his physical well-being improved, and the quality and character of his daily life was greatly enhanced. Dr Lipton’s books include The Biology of Belief (Hay House Publishing, ISBN 978-1-4019-2311-2) and  Spontaneous Evolution, Our Positive Future and a Way to Get There From Here (Hay House Publishing, ISBN 978-1-4019-2580-2).

Dr Bruce Lipton
Dr Bruce Lipton

Bruce H. Lipton, PhD is a stem cell biologist, bestselling author, recipient of the 2009 Goi Peace Award, and a guest speaker on TV and radio shows, as well as national and international conferences. Dr. Lipton began his scientific career as a cell biologist. He received his Ph.D. Degree from the University of Virginia at Charlottesville before joining the Department of Anatomy at the University of Wisconsin’s School of Medicine in 1973. Dr. Lipton’s research on muscular dystrophy, studies employing cloned human stem cells, focused upon the molecular mechanisms controlling cell behavior. An experimental tissue transplantation technique developed by Dr. Lipton and colleague Dr. Ed Schultz and published in the journal Science was subsequently employed as a novel form of human genetic engineering. In 1982, Dr. Lipton began examining the principles of quantum physics and how they might be integrated into his understanding of the cell’s information processing systems. He produced breakthrough studies on the cell membrane, which revealed that this outer layer of the cell was an organic homologue of a computer chip, the cell’s equivalent of a brain. His research at Stanford University’s School of Medicine, between 1987 and 1992, revealed that the environment, operating though the membrane, controlled the behavior and physiology of the cell, turning genes on and off. His discoveries, which ran counter to the established scientific view that life is controlled by the genes, presaged one of today’s most important fields of study, the science of epigenetics. Two major scientific publications derived from these studies defined the molecular pathways connecting the mind and body. Dr. Lipton’s deepened understanding of cell biology highlighted the mechanisms by which the mind controls bodily functions, and implied the existence of an immortal spirit. He applied this science to his personal biology, and discovered that his physical well-being improved, and the quality and character of his daily life was greatly enhanced. Dr Lipton’s books include The Biology of Belief (Hay House Publishing, ISBN 978-1-4019-2311-2) and  Spontaneous Evolution, Our Positive Future and a Way to Get There From Here (Hay House Publishing, ISBN 978-1-4019-2580-2).

Doctor Leonard Coldwell

Dr. Leonard Coldwell
Dr. Leonard Coldwell

Dr. Leonard Coldwell is a leading authority for Cancer cures, Stress-Related Illness, and Burnout Syndrome, and is a successful motivational and success trainer.

He is the author of 19 bestselling books including: The Only Answer to Cancer, and The Only Answer to Surviving Your Illness and Your Doctor.

Discovering his gifts at a very early age, he cured his own mother from Hepatitis C, Liver Cirrhosis, and liver cancer – after her doctor had given her only 6 months to live. 42 years later, she is still alive and healthy! Dr. Coldwell has now cured over 35,000 cancer patients (a 92.3% cancer cure rate).

Dr. Coldwell has earned 4 doctor degrees and 4 PHDs. He regularly appears on television and on radio shows such as Coast to Coast, and as the keynote speaker for the largest Health Education Organization, the Health Freedom Expo.

Dr. Coldwell’s videos about health and happiness have been viewed millions of times. Dr. Coldwell’s system for healing is the Instinct Based Medicine System®, (or IBMS®): the system for eliminating the root cause of all disease.

Dr. Leonard Coldwell, the author of The Only Answer to Cancer (now in its 8th printing within 21 months) will show you how he worked historically to identify and eliminate the root cause of all disease in his patients. Dr. Coldwell is the author of thousands of publications as well as almost 300 self-help programs available on CD or DVD.

Dr. Coldwell is also known as one of the leading Health Freedom Fighters and his book: “The Only Answer to Tyranny” has already broken all sales records.


You may visit his Web site at:

Doctor Peter Osborne

Dr Peter Osborne
Dr Peter Osborne


Dr. Peter Osborne is the clinical director of Town Center Wellness in Sugar Land, Texas.  He is a doctor of chiropractic medicine and a clinical nutritionist.  He is an expert in orthomolecular and functional medicine.  His clinical focus is the holistic natural treatment of chronic degenerative diseases with a primary focus on gluten sensitivity and food allergies.  He has helped thousands of patients recover from mysterious medical illnesses.

He is a professor of Neurophysiology, Nutrition,  Biology, and Anatomy & Physiology and lectures  to doctors on gluten sensitivity, celiac disease, and drug induced nutritional deficiencies.  He is the co-founder  of Nutra-MD, a nutritional supplement product line.  He is the host for the radio program Alternatives for Health & Wellness and the Executive Secretary for the American Clinical Board of Nutrition. He founded Gluten Free Society to help educate patients and physicians on the far reaching effects of gluten sensitivity.


Dr. Omar Moreno: Dairy Linked to Degenerative DiseasesDr. Omar Moreno: Lacteos Relacionados con Enfermedades DegenerativasDr. Omar Moreno: Le lait lié aux maladies dégénérativesDr. Omar Moreno: Leite ligado a doenças degenerativasМолоко Связанный с дегенеративных заболеваний Dr Omar Moreno: Qumësht E lidhur me sëmundjet degjenerative退行性疾病联系到牛奶


Dairy is linked with breast cancer, ovarian cancer and prostate cancer, obesity, allergies, osteoporosis and digestive problems. Dairy damages the arteries, causing varicose veins and contributing to the clogging of the coronary arteries. DEAR System Iridology can reveal if there is risk of damage to the coronary arteries over time. Consume calcium with good bio-availability,  such as from vegetables and appropriate supplements. Doctor Integral Ltda provides high quality calcium supplements.

Greetings and blessings

Dr. Omar Moreno ND-DSNM


Lacteos relacionados con cancer de seno, ovarios y próstata, obesidad, alergias, osteoporosis y problemas digestivos. Los lacteos dañan las arterias, causando varices y contribuyendo con el taponamiento de las arterias coronarias. La iridología de Sistema DEAR puede revelar si existe riesgo de daños a las arterias coronarias a largo plazo. Prefiera consumir calcio de buena biodisponibilidad como el de los vegetales y suplementos adecuado.  Doctor Integral Ltda ofrece suplementos de calcio de alta calidad. Para ver el articulo completo sobre los lacteos y los daños a la salud, visite

Tabla explicatoria de Medicina Natural de Sistema DEAR


Saludos y bendiciones

Dr. Omar Moreno ND-DSNM

Centro Integral Dr. Omar Moreno

Tel 396-1785

Cel 6633-1293

Doctor Wallace LiangDoctor Wallace Liang

Wally is an open-minded and forward-thinking family physician. To say that he is an overachiever would be an understatement. In addition to his medical degree, Wally has added a law degree to his list of accomplishments. This means that he is one of the rare individuals that can bridge the gap between the medical system and the legal system. Too often, the legal system hinders healing rather than helping it. The few men and women brave enough to make such a great sacrifice of time and money so as to be well-versed in both fields deserve the utmost respect from members of both professions, and from the public at large, whose very lives they serve and protect.

Doctor Sandra Lee

Sandra Lee is a doctor of osteopathy and a radiologist. Her medical skills allow her to analyze the entire human organism to identify the root cause of almost any illness, rather than focusing on the transient symptoms. Because she deeply cares for the wellbeing of each of her patients and their entire family, she goes to great lengths to prescribe just what the patient needs without prescribing anything that is likely to bring unwanted side effects. Often the patient only needs a minor adjustment in her physical position rather than pain medications. A simple walk in the park can work better than anti-depressants. If any member of my family falls ill, Sandra is at the top of my list of whom to consult.

Doctor William CourtneyDoctor William CourtneyDocteur William CourtneyDoctor William Courtney

Dr. William L. Courtney holds a degree in Microbiology from the University of Michigan. He received his Doctor of Medicine from Wayne State University, and Interned for Residency in Psychiatry at California Pacific Medical Center and went on to earn his Post Doctorate in Forensic Examination and Forensic Medicine. His area of specialty is non-psychoactive, dietary cannabis, on which he has presented scientific papers on his research.


Dr. Dean Ornish: Healing Through Diet

Dr. Dean Ornish

In this video, Dean Ornish discusses a number of big issues. Cardiovascular disease, diabetes and obesity are huge killers that are entirely preventable through diet and lifestyle.

Loneliness and depression are also large-scale problems that make people much more likely to smoke, drink, overeat, overwork, get sick and die early. The simple treatment is anything that promotes intimacy: friendship, altruism, compassion and service are just some examples.

A study by David Spiegle of Stanford was published in The Lancet. The randomized study examined the survival rates of breast cancer patients. Those that formed a support group, meeting just one hour per week had twice the survival rate after five years.

Ornish credits his yoga teacher with isolating the key difference between illness and wellness:

illness vs. wellness. i vs we.

Edward Ducharme

Edward Ducharme

Dr. Edward Ducharme, my beloved uncle, holds a double PhD in English and education and a law degree. But considering that laughter is indeed medicine, let’s make that a triple-doctorate. As a humourist, my uncle is a true master. It usually only takes him but a few short minutes to have me in tears, and at the end of an hour, I’ve had an envigorating abdominal workout. Days later, I am still giggling at his antics and my ribs still hurt with good pain.

Edward has inspired me countless times and in more ways than he knows. Notably, he continues to inspire daily me as a thinker and as a linguist. Edward is a relentless searcher of the truth, and he would be willing to search through a mountain of dictionaries, if it were necessary, just to find the best word to convey his message. But he usually has the right word on the tip of his tongue. He is quick and witty, charming and sarcastic, in the DuCharme style, but Ed does it better than the rest of us.

I especially want to thank my Uncle Ed for inspiring me to write. My upcoming book, Get Wiggly, would not be possible without his advice. And this very Web site would probably hold a fraction of its present content had my uncle not single-handedly tumbled my writer’s block.

Edward entered law in his mid-40s and is now a judge of the highest court in the province: The Ontario Court of Appeal. An appellate judge is required on a daily basis to write decisions that are meaningful, understandable and effective. On the bench, his tremendous analytical capabilities and superb writing skills are well-utilized.

“When I was doing my doctoral work, I became interested in a theoretical problem: Where is the meaning of a text? … Is it found in the words on the printed page? Or is it found in the intention of the author? Or is it found in the mind of the reader?… I never intended to practice law… I meant only to inquire about that issue: Where is the meaning of a legal text?”

“I said to my mother, ‘What do you think of the idea of me studying law?’”… “And she sat right up in her bed and she said, ‘That’s a fabulous idea! Promise me you’ll practice with your brother.’”


“Trust thyself. Accept the place the divine providence has found for you.”
– from Ralph Waldo Emerson’s poem Self Reliance