Health, Wellness & Healing
Dr. Sanjay Gupta’s CNN Special: Weed uncovers the value of smoked and vaporized cannabis in treating epilepsy, cancer and other diseases. The video still misses the important point that eating raw cannabis is more medicinal and without the risks associated with smoke inhalation.
According to Dr. William L Courtney, MD, Cannabis is a vegetable and is valuable for both the treatment, and the prevention of disease. Raw cannabis has no psychotropic properties and should be consumed preventatively. Dr. Courtney is fighting to make Cannabis legal worldwide.
Dr. Leonard Coldwell says “You could live off of only hemp and never have a deficiency. Hemp and hemp oil is the cure for cancer. It cures skin cancer in 3-7 days.”
The story of one Canadian that has made it his mission to help those in need. Rick has improved the lives of his fellow citizens without asking anything in return.
The FDA, often criticized for allowing toxic substances to be sold as food, is taking a major step toward preventing disease. Hydrogenated oils, also known as trans fats, will no longer be “Generally Recognized As Safe” or GRAS for short.
This means that manufacturers will no longer be allowed to sell them without first producing scientific proof that they are safe. And frankly, no one could prove such a thing, without resorting to fuzzy math, trickery, deceit and outright corruption.
In 2006, the New England Journal of Medicine published a review article entitle “Trans Fats and Cardiovascular Disease” wherein that the authors cautioned against even conducting a long-term trial, saying that it would be “unethical, given the adverse effects of trans fats on serum lipid levels and inflammation”.
Using hydrogenated oil instead of healthy oil helps the bottom line of the manufacturer by increasing the shelf life and lowering the cost of its products, but they are terrible for your body. Several studies have implicated trans fats in a variety of conditions like heart disease, cancer, obesity, diabetes, ADHD and Alzheimer’s.
The World Health Organization reports that heart disease is the leading cause of death worldwide.
According to Dr. Dariush Mozaffarian and others, in the April 16, 2006 edition of the New England Journal of Medicine:
“On a per-calorie basis, trans fats appear to increase the risk of Coronary Heart Disease more than any other macronutrient, conferring a substantially increased risk at low levels of consumption… In an analysis of nearly 140,000 subjects, a 2 percent increase in energy intake from trans fatty acids was associated with a 23 percent increase in the incidence of Coronary Heart Disease.
Prior to 2006, the FDA did not require manufacturers to disclose the inclusion of trans fats on labels of their packaged goods. Americans were consuming a large daily dose of a deadly toxin without so much as a tiny warning on the label. Since the FDA began requiring that trans fats be labeled, the food industry has dramatically reduced the amount of trans fats used in its products. According to the FDA, Americans consumed about 4.6 grams of trans fats per day in 2003 compared to about 1 gram per day in 2012.
Unfortunately, many products still contain these dangerous semi-solid oils and often people don’t read the labels, and some may not understand the dangers of trans fats.
If the FDA’s current motion is successful in effectively banning trans fats from manufactured foods, Americans are likely to suffer 20,000 fewer heart attacks per year, and about 7,000 untimely deaths from heart attacks will be prevented. This measure, which is long overdue, sadly won’t come into effect immediately.
The FDA made its decision to require trans fats to be labeled in 2003, but that measure did not come into effect until 2006.
Although I do applaud the FDA for eventually making the right moves on this particular toxin, one simply cannot afford to rely on the FDA for food safety in the predictable near future. When you go to the supermarket, it would be wise to bring a magnifying glass to help you scrutinize every item that you will feed to your family. For the next undetermined time you must be on the lookout for trans fats under all its criminal aliases, including “partially-hydrogenated vegetable oil” , “margarine” and “shortening”.
GMO stands for Genetically Modified Organism. In essence, mad scientists extract parts of a gene from one species and force it onto another species. The short term effect is a new, patentable gene that has a disgusting safety record.
But safety has nothing to do with GMO, whose only goal is to produce profits for the patent-holder. GMO’s do not offer a single benefit to the consumer. They do not taste better, or offer any additional nutrient value. The manufacturer does promise a benefit to farmers, but fails to deliver on that promise.
What is the promise to farmers?
Farmers erroneously believe they will receive higher yields with the GMO crops. In reality, the yields are higher with organic, sustainable crops, which are more resistant to drought. Therefore the only “benefit” to the farmer is a more expensive seed that is “roundup-ready”, meaning that they can spray copious amounts of Glyphosate (a chemical weapon of war) on their food crops. Everything will die except for zombified plants that look like food.
What happens to Animals fed GMO’s?
Animals often instinctively avoid the GMO’s. Researchers have been repeatedly shocked at seeing the animals’ refusal to eat the GMO food that looks identical to the organic version. When they are forced to eat GMO’s, they often develop grotesque tumours, have stillborn babies, or are rendered infertile. The effect is passed down to future generations. When an animal is fed GMO’s, her offspring will typically be smaller, may die suddenly within the first week, or will likely be infertile. Instead of a perpetual cycle of producing new generations forever, the way God intended, the GMO-fed animals usually extinguish themselves within just three generations.
What about Human Trials?
Well that is kind of a trick question, since there have been none! Yes, that’s right. Some lawmakers thought that it would be a good idea to skip the human trials and proceed to allow the Evil Monsanto to release its animal-disfiguring and toxic GMO’s directly to the market so that YOU (yes, YOU) can be the guinea pig!
OH MY GOD! Are you serious?
Unfortunately, yes. The unwitting human test-subjects are already showing a plethora of horrible symptoms, most commonly headaches including migraines, inflammation (everywhere) and every kind of digestive disorder, plus food allergies. Also, most long-term disorders including diabetes and autism have steadily increased since the release of GMO’s just a few years ago. The full extent of the damage is still unknown, because diseases like cancer often take many years to develop. In about 5-10 more years, if GMO’s are still around, there may be a huge amount of evidence proving that GMO’s are directly related to cancer.
But you’ll have to wait about 70 more years to find out if your grand-kids are able to continue the family-tradition of making babies. One of the main reasons that scientists use animals for scientific study is precisely this: most animals have a much shorter lifespan than we do. We can therefore see the “long-term” effects of a substance much faster than if we wait for three human generations. Certainly, there are some cases where a substance is harmful to an animal yet harmless to humans and vice versa. That’s why we (normally) have three phases of study before allowing a substance into the market:
Phase one: test tubes! If it looks harmful in a test tube, then we probably shouldn’t feed it to an animal!
Phase two: animals! If it looks to be beneficial in the test tubes, let’s test it on a sick animal, and see if it cures them! But if we give it to a healthy animal and the animal dies or becomes seriously ill, then we definitely shouldn’t be giving this to humans.
Phase three: humans! If a substance has been shown to cure sick animals, there may be some humans willing to try their luck. This is usually done with the full consent of the patient, who is required to read a long list of possible side effects, then sign a waiver of responsibility… in case the experiment is unsuccessful.
It’s deplorable that the government has allowed good, honest, non-consenting individuals to become part of this sick experiment. I did not sign any consent form. Did you? I thought not. And yet these GMO’s are now so ubiquitous that they are hard to avoid. Nearly the entire supermarket is filled with them. They are most likely in your fridge and in your gut. Sadly, you’ve probably fed these same poisons to your children, believing them to be safe, at least as safe as other processed food.
So what can I do?
Opt out of the experiment immediately! If you live in a country that has a modicum of respect for human life, the GMO’s will either be completely banned or at least properly labeled. If you live in the USA or Canada, whose governments claim to protect life but so far have not followed through on that promise, you’ll have to assume that GMO’s are in just about every package of processed food. In particular, you should stay away from ALL non-organic products containing corn, soy and canola.
I am sure that you love your family as much as I love mine. If so, then you will want to inform each and every member of your family (and there is no need to stop there) about the looming dangers of GMO. You may want to send them this article, or buy a copy of the documentary above. You may also want to help your family clean out its fridges and pantries. If it seems like “wasting money” to throw away food, remember these two points:
First, illness ALWAYS costs more than wellness!
And second, GMO’s are NOT food!!!!!!!!!!!
OGM significa Organismo Genéticamente Modificado. En esencia, unos científicos-locos extraen partes de un gen de una especie y la meten a la fuerza al gen de otra especie. El efecto a corto plazo es un nuevo gen “patentable” con un historial de seguridad repugnante. Pero la seguridad no tiene nada que ver con los OGM, cuyo único objetivo es producir ganancias para el titular de la patente. OGM no ofrecen una ventaja para el consumidor. Ellos no saben mejor, ni ofrecen algún valor nutricional adicional. El fabricante promete un beneficio para los agricultores, pero tampoco logra cumplir tal promesa.
¿Cuál es la promesa de los agricultores?
Los agricultores creen erróneamente que recibirán mayores rendimientos con los cultivos transgénicos. En realidad, los rendimientos son más altos con los cultivos orgánicos-sostenibles, que son más resistentes a la sequía. Por lo tanto, el único “beneficio” para el agricultor es una semilla más caro que es “roundup-ready” (listo para el veneno Roundup), lo que significa que puede rociar grandes cantidades de glifosato (un arma química de guerra) en sus cultivos de alimentos. Todo alrededor morirá, con la excepción de las plantas zombis que se parecen a los alimentos.
¿Qué sucede con los animales alimentados con transgénicos?
Los animales a menudo instintivamente evitan el OGM. Los investigadores frecuentemente se sorprenden al observar la forma que los animales niegan a comer los alimentos OGM que, a simple vista humana, parecen idénticos a la versión orgánica. Cuando se ven obligados a comer los OGM, los pobres animales a menudo desarrollan tumores grotescos, tienen bebés nacidos muertos, o se vuelven estéril. Tristemente, el efecto se transmite a las futuras generaciones. Cuando un animal es alimentado de OGM, típicamente sus hijos serán más pequeños, pueden morir repentinamente durante la primera semana, y los que sobreviven son estériles. En vez del ciclo perpetuo de la reproducción según el plan-maestro de Dios, los animales alimentados con OGM suelen extinguirse en sólo tres generaciones.
¿Qué hay de ensayos con humanos?
No ha habido ninguno! Sí, es cierto. Algunos legisladores pensaron que sería una buena idea para saltar las pruebas en humanos y permitir al Malisimo Monsanto de liberar sus OGM’s tóxicos directamente al mercado para que usted (sí, usted) se convierta en conejillo de indias!
DIOS MIO! ¿Es en serio?
Por desgracia, sí. Los seres humanas sujetos involuntariamente a la “prueba” ya están mostrando una plétora de síntomas horribles, más comúnmente dolores de cabeza, incluyendo las migrañas, la inflamación (por todas partes) y cada tipo de trastorno digestivo, además de alergias a los alimentos y mucho mas. La mayoría de los trastornos crónicos como la diabetes y el autismo han aumentado de manera constante desde el lanzamiento de los transgénicos hace apenas unos años. El alcance total de los daños aún se desconoce, ya que las enfermedades como el cáncer a menudo tardan años en desarrollarse. En unos 5-10 años más, si los transgénicos todavía abundan, puede haber una gran cantidad de pruebas de que los transgénicos están directamente relacionados con el cáncer.
Pero usted tendrá que esperar unos 70 años más para ver si sus nietos son capaces de continuar la tradición familiar de la procreación. Una de las razones principales que los científicos usan animales para el estudio científico es precisamente esto: la mayoría de los animales tienen una vida mucho más corta de la nuestra. Por tanto, podemos ver los efectos “a largo plazo” de una sustancia mucho más rápido que si esperamos a tres generaciones humanas. Ciertamente, hay algunos casos en los que una sustancia es perjudicial para el animal pero inofensivos para los humanos y viceversa. Es por eso que (normalmente) se requiere de tres fases de estudio antes de soltar una sustancia en el mercado:
Fase uno: tubos de ensayo! Si la sustancia parece perjudicial en esta fase, es preferible no dársela ni a los animales!
Fase dos: los animales! Si la sustancia parece ser beneficiosa en la primera fase, se proceda a probarla en animales enfermos, con la esperanza de que se curen! Pero si le damos a un animal sano y el animal muere o resulta gravemente enfermo, entonces definitivamente no deberíamos dar esto a los seres humanos.
Fase tres: los seres humanos! Si se ha demostrado que una sustancia cura a los animales enfermos, puede haber algunas personas dispuestas a probar su suerte. Esto se hace con el pleno consentimiento del paciente, que está obligado a leer una larga lista de posibles efectos secundarios, y luego firmar una renuncia de la responsabilidad… en caso de que el experimento no tenga éxito.
Es deplorable que el gobierno ha permitido que la gente buena, honesta, sin consentimiento, forman parte de este experimento absurdo. Yo no firmé ningún formulario. ¿Y usted? Tampoco. Mas sin embargo, estos OGM son ahora tan omnipresente que son difíciles de evitar. Casi todo el supermercado se llena con ellos. Probablemente existen en su nevera y en su intestino. Lamentablemente, usted probablemente ha alimentado a sus hijos con estos mismos venenos, considerando que eran seguros, por lo menos tan seguro como los demás alimentos procesados.
Entonces, ¿qué puedo hacer?
Darse de bajo del experimento de forma inmediata! Si usted vive en un país donde el gobierno tiene un mínimo de respeto por la vida humana, el OGM o será totalmente prohibido o por lo menos adecuadamente etiquetados. Si usted vive en los EE.UU. o Canadá , cuyos gobiernos pretenden proteger la vida, pero hasta ahora no han cumplido con esa promesa, tendrá que asumir que los transgénicos son en casi todos los paquetes de alimentos procesados. En particular, usted debe permanecer lejos de todos los productos no-orgánicos que contienen maíz, soya y canola.
Estoy seguro de que usted ama a su familia tanto como amo la mía. Si es así, entonces informa a cada uno de los miembros de su familia (y desde allí puede seguir informando la demás gente) sobre los peligros inminentes de OMG. Es posible que desee enviar este artículo, o comprar una copia del documental anterior. También puede ayudar a su familia a limpiar sus refrigeradores y botar a los OGM venenosos. Si le parece “una pérdida de dinero” tirar la comida, recuerde bien estos dos puntos:
Primero, la enfermedad siempre cuesta más que el bienestar!
Y segundo, los transgénicos no son comida!!!!!
It’s practically a thankless job. Worse than that, the good people at the United States Food and Drug Administration are frequently under pressure from all sides of many a heated debate. Patent holders want to sell more drugs and prefer that the FDA make all plants illegal. Well-intentioned promoters of natural health like Dr. Mercola and others regularly accuse the FDA of only looking out for the interest of Big Pharma. Some bureaucrats are innocently stuck in the crossfire.
The government does seem to push the patented synthetic drugs–each with its own unenviable list of horrible side effects–when there are certainly better, less harmful solutions out there. But certainly not all of its officers are corrupt. Let us not lose sight of the fact that the FDA is charged with no easy task. And let us never be slow to recognize the great work of the few outstanding officials that are legitimately fighting for the health and wellness of all.
Continue reading “Dra. Wooa do FDA de conter o Abuso de Drogas”
9th degree black belt, Isshin-ryu Karate
4th degree black belt, Kyokushin Karate
5-time North American Breaking Champion
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Helen Fisher explica a biologia por trás de o amor e a fidelidade. Ela explica as razões pelas quais os seres humanos estão inclinados a fazer batota, e os métodos que usamos para ficar juntos.
Oncologists continue using chemotherapy drugs because of the scientific studies that support their use while alternative health “experts” are screaming the benefits of natural substances that are helpful and less dangerous. After carefully considering the pros and cons of each, it is clear that while small doses of chemo may provide some benefit to some patients, higher cumulative doses should be avoided.
Doctors are scientists that are focused on one thing: using the best tools available whose effectiveness are scientifically proven to improve or lengthen the life of the patient. Naturopaths and other alternative practitioners also attempt to improve and lengthen the patient’s life, but very often relies on common sense, folk traditions, and informally-gathered “anecdotes” that may or may not qualify as legitimate evidence, depending on who you ask.
If you ask me, I say that medicines continue to be handled by doctors, herbs continue to be handled by herbalists, and evidence continue to be handled by lawyers and judges.
Scientists prefer to base their opinion on larger, more formal studies, with strict procedures for comparing the effect of one substance against a fake. In most cases the look-alike is a sugar pill or a saline injection that tricks the patient into believing that she is receiving an active ingredient. To achieve the so-called “gold standard” of scientific studies, the randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study, even the doctor must be fooled into thinking that she is administering the drug.
No herbalist can afford to conduct such a study. Herbs are in the public domain, available to patients for free or for next to nothing. The herbalist has heard that a particular natural substance will have a beneficial effect based the vitamins or minerals that it contains, or based on the success stories from past users. But these “anecdotes” are considered unscientific.
Where is the truth in all of this?
A wise man that I know taught me to go to great lengths to find the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, no matter how obvious the truth may seem on the surface, and no matter how confusing things get when you dig up heaps of seemingly-disconnected facts. Only the most thoughtful and most patient among us are willing to take the time to carefully examine each scientific study and each “unscientific” anecdote to decide which of these belongs in the final weighing of the evidence.
In a perfect world, there would be wonderful studies comparing the effects of synthetic drugs against the natural alternative. There would be no need for deceiving hard-working, intelligent doctors, no more fooling the innocent and cooperative patients. Less money wasted messing around with sugar and salt.
I admit that it is mildly interesting to see how many patients are healed just by taking a moot pill, since this phenomenon proves that a person’s positive thoughts do in fact have a positive influence on her healing. But this has been proven and re-proved. On to other matters that are yet unclear in the minds of many.
We all want to know exactly how well does the notorious chemotherapy work when compared directly against the mighty dandelion, or raw natural cannabis?
There are heated debates, but rarely does a debate end with both sides having the same view of the truth.
Physicians and alternative practicioners must find some common ground. We must work together, without finger-pointing or name-calling. We must remember that we all want the same thing: to heal the patient, with the best means possible. We must be civil and fair. Each one of us must strive for the extremely-high standard of fairness that a wise judge strives for.
As Lown said in his 1996 book, the Lost art of healing, “Caring without science is well-intentioned kindness, but not medicine.”
The New England Journal of Medicine is a highly-prestigious weekly medical journal that is strictly devoted to science. In its pages you will find the observations and opinions of the most highly-trained professionals in the field of medicine.You will not find a great many studies on natural substances, not because the contributors or the editors are against nature, but simply because this type of study in fact doesn’t exist. But there is no shortage of information on chemotherapy agents, like doxorubicin.
On September 24, 1998, the NEJM published a report by K. Pawan and others, stating that with higher doses of doxorubicin, up to 36 percent of patients suffered cardiomyopathy or congestive heart failure. (“Higher” means a cumulative dose of more than 601 mg/sq m of body surface area.) At a medium dose, the risk was still up to 18 %. The researchers proposed a “dose cap” of 500 mg/sq m of body surface area, which seems to cap the risk of heart attack at “just” 4 %.
Clearly, even those that argue in favour of chemotherapy agree that its use should be minimized to avoid its most dangerous side effects.
In numerous studies, cannabis has been found to have antineoplastic, analgesic, antiemetic and appetite-modulatory properties. And raw cannabis has never been proven to harm a patient. Smoked cannabis does produce unwanted side effects such as undesired psychotropic changes and a slight risk of hypoxemia. But raw cannabis juice poses no such risks and contains the essential nutrients THC-acid and CBD-acid.
According to Dr. William Courtney, the tolerable dose of THCa is 60 times higher than with THC (600mg vs 10mg). The low human tolerance for THC explains why a slight change in dose will take some from a pleasant “high” to an unpleasant “acute toxic effect”. [Gerra G et al. Recent Pat CNS Drug Discov . 2010;5(1):46–52]
Dr. Courtney used a tincture of raw cannabis to treat a “massive…inoperable brain tumor” in an 8-year-old. At 2 months: a dramatic reduction. At 8 months: the tumour had nearly disappeared. Thus the child avoided side effects of chemotherapy/radiation.
Two pre-clinical trials have shown that CBD thwarts breast cancer growth. […the effects of CBD on the reduction of breast cancer cell proliferation, invasion, and metastasis”. Breast Cancer Res Treat. 129 (1): 37–47. 2010.] -and- [McAllister SD et al (2007). “Cannabidiol as a novel inhibitor of Id-1 gene expression in aggressive breast cancer cells”. Molecular Cancer Therapeutics 6 (11): 2921–7.]
A study at the University of Windsor showed that dandelion tea caused cancer cell apoptosis (cell suicide) in cancer cells.
Cannabis has been well-known and documented for more than 5,000 years. Dandelion has been known for at least a century, and neither plant is known to be dangerous to humans. Yet each of these natural remedies is a long way from gaining the acceptance of the overall community of physicians and healers. Or are they? Hundreds of thousands have been spent thus far showing dandelion’s promise. But several hundred thousand more are needed to complete a “gold standard” study.
to be continued.
My dad, AKA The Chief, is the toughest guy I know. Take one look at his blog and you will see what I mean. If you can read it without laughing and crying, then you are better than me.
Warning: visit Patrick Ducharme’s Blog ONLY if you have thick skin and if you can handle the (often) ugly truth.
Pictured, below, my dad is dressed up as the “dictator” of the Ducharme Revolutionary Independence Party (DRIP) for a charitable event.