How to Practice Mindful Eating and Become a Conscious Consumer

Kristina Carrillo-Bucaram

Kristina Carrillo-Bucaram is always a fountain of inspiration and encouragement for living a healthy lifestyle that features raw fruits and veggies. In this heartwarming video, Kristina shares her tips on becoming more conscious of everything that surrounds the your mealtime. She reminds us that the things we put into our body will be used to produce an entirely new body (in which nearly every cell is re-built) twice yearly!

Kristina’s first tip for conscious eating is consistent with my #1 for life in general: do it with love. Kristina says “Love your food so that it loves you back.”

Her second tip “meditate while eating” corresponds with my advice to meditate always, since meditation is really a synonym for observation. By observing every color, taste, texture and every other aspect of each bite more profoundly, we can enjoy our food more and reap more health benefits as compared to eating the same food with an agitated, superficial mind.

Finally, she advises us to become a conscious consumer.  Kristina and I are in total agreement here, that we vote with our money… so we ought to invest wisely to support our health and a sustainable planet.

Recover from Diet Failure

Kristina Carrillo-Bucaram

In this beautiful video, Kristina Carrillo-Bucaram will inspire you to love yourself, reward yourself, forgive yourself. Deep down, we all want to be healthy, but we must be understanding of our human flaws… if ever we give in to the temptation of unhealthy food, self-forgiveness and self-love is a much healthier response than feeling guilty, weak or broken. Here are some of Kristina’s suggestions for getting back to good health as quickly as possible:

  • Take responsibility: Others may have tempted you but ultimately your own decisions will lead you to either wellness or illness.
  • Make a list that includes your most profound reasons for wanting to get healthier.
  • Meditate on these innermost desires to bring back the spark that will ignite you into positive action
  • Surround yourself with inspiring people and find or create a supportive community
  • Have fun in the kitchen, making delicious recipes alone or with a loved one
  • Stay informed through articles, books and documentaries
  • Use the buddy system for getting healthy together
  • A supervised fast can clean out your system prior to returning to a healthy raw diet
  • Move your body for 30 minutes per day or more
  • Reward yourself with healthy food. Recognise that unhealthy food is more of a punishment than a reward.
  • Volunteer in your community. Giving feels great.
  • Be humble, gentle, understanding and patient with yourself
  • Make a plan for your meals and exercise
  • Inspire yourself frequently by leaving notes-to-self all over your home


This is crucial, since it is the love that we give that nourishes us the most. Each of us came to this world to provide a service. When we give the service that we came to give, we are living our dream, and following our mission. When we follow our mission, our body, mind and spirit function as a team. We feel more balanced when we are more balanced.

A tiny plant will push its tiny leaves above ground to absorb some nourishing sunlight. But the plant does not exist to receive. Its mission is to give… perhaps a nourishing food or a potent medicine or a beautiful, colorful, fragrant flower. Find your mission and give that service to the world.

Return to Love

See the breathtaking 360-degree views from Vida Lotus in Limon, Panama. The pictures are set to a musical piece called Return to Love (Retorno al Amor) composed by Lucho Gonzalez, interpreted by Michael Ducharme and recorded at Ocean Records Canada, with special thanks to Daniel Victor.

Loren Lockman on his transition to a raw vegan diet

I totally agree with Loren on this point: if you want your body to function optimally, you need to 1. Get clear on what it needs to do so (first cleanse and heal, then nourish appropriately with a raw vegan diet); and 2. Get committed to your health (that means not making excuses for continuing unhealthy behaviors).

Лорен Lockman на реакции организма к еде приготовленную пищу

Gourmet Meals

In this video, Loren Lockman of the Tanglewood Wellness Center answers the question “what happens to the human body on eating cooked food?”

Does eating cooked food affect the body’s temperature?

It does. Normal body temperature is 98.6 Fahrenheight or 37 Celsius. But normal means, not healthy, but average. Is this the healthy temperature?
Not necessarily.

Every time that you put cooked food in your body, your body says “something is wrong” and there is an immune response.

This was proven in an experiment about 80 years ago, where the same group of people were fed at different times both raw and cooked food. The result was that, each time a person ate cooked foods, the scientists observed the condition known as leucocytosis, the process by which the body sends white blood cells to the site of an injury.

Prior to this study, scientists were not aware that this process occured during digestion, so a new term was coined: “digestive leucocytosis”. But this condition did NOT occur when the same people ate raw food.

In a later study, scientists in Sweden showed that when we cook anything, we create acrylamide, a known carcinogen. The scientists were actually trying to understand why people that work with this chemical did not have any increased propensity to cancer. The researchers found that the reason for the lack of increased risk is due to the fact that nearly everyone exposes themselves to this chemical on a daily basis!

If you are consuming cooked carbohydrates, you are consuming (according to the U.S. goverment) up to 100 times the “safe” quantity of acrylamide.

Although the government claims that there is in fact a “safe” amount of a toxic carcinogen, Loren and I beg to differ: there is no safe quantity.

Loren asks “might this be the reason that cancer has been growing so rapidly?… Well [the constant exposure to carcinogens] certainly plays a major role”.

Every time you eat cooked food, your intelligent body says “oh this is toxic!”, and responds as though it has been poisoned… but only because it has!

To contact Loren, please visit


Medicinal Cannabis

Dr. Sanjay Gupta

Dr. Sanjay Gupta’s CNN Special: Weed uncovers the value of smoked and vaporized cannabis in treating epilepsy, cancer and other diseases. The video still misses the important point that eating raw cannabis is more medicinal and without the risks associated with smoke inhalation.

Dr. William Courtney

According to Dr. William L Courtney, MD, Cannabis is a vegetable and is valuable for both the treatment, and the prevention of disease. Raw cannabis has no psychotropic properties and should be consumed preventatively. Dr. Courtney is fighting to make Cannabis legal worldwide.

Dr. Leonard Coldwell

Dr. Leonard Coldwell says “You could live off of only hemp and never have a deficiency. Hemp and hemp oil is the cure for cancer. It cures skin cancer in 3-7 days.”

Rick Simpson

The story of one Canadian that has made it his mission to help those in need. Rick has improved the lives of his fellow citizens without asking anything in return.