Dr. Omar Moreno: Dairy Linked to Degenerative DiseasesDr. Omar Moreno: Lacteos Relacionados con Enfermedades DegenerativasDr. Omar Moreno: Le lait lié aux maladies dégénérativesDr. Omar Moreno: Leite ligado a doenças degenerativasМолоко Связанный с дегенеративных заболеваний Dr Omar Moreno: Qumësht E lidhur me sëmundjet degjenerative退行性疾病联系到牛奶


Dairy is linked with breast cancer, ovarian cancer and prostate cancer, obesity, allergies, osteoporosis and digestive problems. Dairy damages the arteries, causing varicose veins and contributing to the clogging of the coronary arteries. DEAR System Iridology can reveal if there is risk of damage to the coronary arteries over time. Consume calcium with good bio-availability,  such as from vegetables and appropriate supplements. Doctor Integral Ltda provides high quality calcium supplements.

Greetings and blessings

Dr. Omar Moreno ND-DSNM


Lacteos relacionados con cancer de seno, ovarios y próstata, obesidad, alergias, osteoporosis y problemas digestivos. Los lacteos dañan las arterias, causando varices y contribuyendo con el taponamiento de las arterias coronarias. La iridología de Sistema DEAR puede revelar si existe riesgo de daños a las arterias coronarias a largo plazo. Prefiera consumir calcio de buena biodisponibilidad como el de los vegetales y suplementos adecuado.  Doctor Integral Ltda ofrece suplementos de calcio de alta calidad. Para ver el articulo completo sobre los lacteos y los daños a la salud, visite http://spa.dearsys.com/Biblioteca/Noticias/lacteos_perjudiciales.pdf

Tabla explicatoria de Medicina Natural de Sistema DEAR http://spa.dearsys.com/Biblioteca/


Saludos y bendiciones

Dr. Omar Moreno ND-DSNM

Centro Integral Dr. Omar Moreno

Tel 396-1785

Cel 6633-1293

Doctor William CourtneyDoctor William CourtneyDocteur William CourtneyDoctor William Courtney

Dr. William L. Courtney holds a degree in Microbiology from the University of Michigan. He received his Doctor of Medicine from Wayne State University, and Interned for Residency in Psychiatry at California Pacific Medical Center and went on to earn his Post Doctorate in Forensic Examination and Forensic Medicine. His area of specialty is non-psychoactive, dietary cannabis, on which he has presented scientific papers on his research.


Coconut Oil May Cure or Prevent Alzheimer’s, Parkinsons, Epilepsy, Schizophrenia and AutismAceite de Coco Puede Curar o Prevenir Las Enfermedades de Alzheimer y Parkinson, La Epilepsia, La Esquizofrenia y El Autismo

Alzheimer’s is a kind of “diabetes of the brain” where insulin prevents the brain cells from receiving the glucose that they need. Without fuel, the brain cells die. Keytones are an alternative fuel that is easily accepted into the brain cells. Keytones are metabolised by the liver after eating medium-chain fatty acids found in coconut oil. Coconut oil is the healthiest oil available, as it raises your HDL (good) cholesterol and unlike almost any other oil, it remains intact under the high heat of your frying pan.

La enfermedad de Alzheimer es una variedad de “diabetes del cerebro” donde la insulina previene a las celulas cerebrales de recibir la glucosa que necesitan. Sin combustible, las celulas cerebrales mueren. Los keytones son un combustible alternativo que es facilmente recibido en las celulas cerebrales. Los keytones son producidos por el higado despues de comer grasas de cadena medianas, las cuales se encuentra en el aceite de coco. El aceite de coco es el aceite mas saludable porque sube su nivel de colesterol HDL (el beneficioso) y a contrario de casi todos los aceites, no se convierte en toxina cuando se expone a las altas temperaturas de la coccion.

Dr. Dean Ornish: Healing Through Diet

Dr. Dean Ornish

In this video, Dean Ornish discusses a number of big issues. Cardiovascular disease, diabetes and obesity are huge killers that are entirely preventable through diet and lifestyle.

Loneliness and depression are also large-scale problems that make people much more likely to smoke, drink, overeat, overwork, get sick and die early. The simple treatment is anything that promotes intimacy: friendship, altruism, compassion and service are just some examples.

A study by David Spiegle of Stanford was published in The Lancet. The randomized study examined the survival rates of breast cancer patients. Those that formed a support group, meeting just one hour per week had twice the survival rate after five years.

Ornish credits his yoga teacher with isolating the key difference between illness and wellness:

illness vs. wellness. i vs we.

Food guideGuia de alimentosGuide alimentaireGuia Alimentarруководство Питаниеudhëzues ushqim饮食指南

fruits and veggies

This food glossary is a document in progress. Please check back later for additional information, updates and clarifications. The German Commission E lists monographs for more than 350 herbs, some of their known uses and contraindications.




Este glosario es un documento en progreso. Por favor, vuelva más tarde para obtener información adicional, actualizaciones y aclaraciones.




Berry Rhubarb Pie

Berry Rhubarb Pie
Berry Rhubarb Pie
Berry Rhubarb Pie

One of my family’s all-time favourite desserts is Strawberry-Rhubarb pie, but it turns out that rhubarb combines well with lots of other fruits and berries too. In this recipe, I’ve blended two stocks of rhubarb with a handful each of blueberries, blackberries and raspberries, and I tossed in one medium-sized mango just for fun.

The first step is to soak one cup each of almonds and pecans in one bowl, and two cups of cashews in another bowl, for at least a few hours (but preferably overnight) to remove as much of the phytic acid and enzyme-inhibitors as possible. After straining the water that’s filled with anti-nutrients, you’ll be left with just the best part of the nuts: healthy fats and protein, with vitamins and minerals.

The next step is to toss the almonds and pecans in a food processor with about a cup of pitted dates and maybe a half-cup of shredded coconut and process for about twenty seconds. Take the sticky, grainy mixture out of the food processor and push it into a glass pie plate.

Next, squeeze out about half a cup of lemon and lime juice, separating the seeds for planting if possible. Pour the juice into a Vitamix or Blendtec blender along with the rind of half a lemon and half a lime. Add in two stocks of rhubarb, three handfulls of berries and one mango, minus the seed. Add the strained cashews and two heaping spoonfulls of coconut oil… blend until smooth, and pour it into the crust.

Decorate your pie with a few extra berries and refrigerate for a short while… the coconut oil will quickly firm up the creamy filling in the fridge. Your pie is ready. Enjoy sharing it with loved ones.

Megan’s Raw Vegan Falafel

Raw Vegan Falafel

Everyone loves falafels! But most falafels are made with poor ingredients and then deep-fried, which creates additional harmful toxins.  Thanks to Megan Elizabeth for her healthy (mostly-raw) version of this Mediterranean classic!

Ingredients (for falafel balls)

  • 3/4 cup raw Sunflower seeds (soaked and dried)
  • 2 cups carrot chunks
  • cilantro
  • 1/2 cup scallions (green onions)
  • teaspoon lime juice
  • 1/2 teaspoon coriander seeds
  • 1/2 teaspoon of cumin seeds
  • sesame seeds

Additional Ingredients (for the wrap)

  • romaine or butter lettuce
  • red cabbage
  • chopped tomatoes
  • cilantro
  • 1/2 tablespoon of sesame tahini
  • 1 tablesoon of water
  • 1 tablespoon of lime juice


Blend the first 7 ingredients in a food processor. Then make some little balls and dip in the sesame seeds such that the sesame seeds stick to the outside of the balls making them less sticky. Put in the refrigerator for about an hour (optional).

Use the leaves of a red cabbage as a pita bread, fill with lettuce, tomato, cilantro and your falafel balls. Add a dressing of blended tahini, water and lime juice.
