Almost any physical activity will give you multiple benefits in your body, mind and soul. These benefits include strong muscles, weight control, increased self-esteem, balance and flexibility. Since your skin is an eliminative organ, any profuse sweating will purge environmental toxins through your skin.
To ensure that these benefits are life-long, choose a sport that you love to practice. But recognize that some sports are taxing on certain body parts while neglecting others. And some demand brute strength and lineal movements instead of fluid movements, with balance and flexibility. In other words, some forms of exercise will make you stronger, but less wiggly.
Among the best forms of exercise are swimming, yoga and martial arts such as tai chi and karate. With its thousands of postures, yoga will not neglect a single body part. It will promote strength, control and flexibility in all of your muscles, including the small stabilizing muscles, and importantly the heart and respiratory muscles. Martial arts will do the same, but with the added advantage of extra calories burned and (if it includes sparring) you will quickly learn to overcome stress.
Exercise is not the only way to get wiggly, but it is the one way to take charge of your own wiggliness.
The other option is a system that I developed to heal physical, mental and emotional illness without any effort on the part of the patient. Essentially it is a system of passive yoga, wherein I stretch, twist and wiggle the entire body to a very specific pulse. My system is highly effective against conditions like migraines, insomnia and anxiety. Very often, long-lasting results can be achieved in just one or two complete sessions.But for many people that live far from me, the treatment that I developed is not a feasible option. I therefore encourage you to try your best to get wiggly on your own. One final note on wiggliness: wiggly does not mean weak. It means that energy can pass freely throughout your body. Think of how a garden hose would react to your wiggling one end of it. In the relaxed state, your body should do roughly the same. If instead your body moves like a stick, then you have an energetic blockage that needs to be removed for optimal wellness.
Вам нужен прямой солнечный свет на вашем теле каждый день, поэтому не используйте никакой солнцезащитный крем первые 15-30 минут когда вы снаружи. Если вы захотите остаться дольше, чем требуемые 30 минут и вы хотите избежать ожогов, то вы должны использовать кокосовое масло, чтобы отразить ультрафиолетовые лучи. К тому же, кокосовое масло обеспечит вас замечательными питательными веществами так же как и увлажнит вашу кожу.
Причина по которой вам требуется нефильтрованный солнечный свет на вашей коже – это чтобы ваше тело могло произвести оптимальный уровень витамина Д, который в свою очередь защитит вас от рака и хозяина других болезней.
Вы можете проверить сайт и найти множество статей, касающихся потребности в нефильтрированных солнечных лучах на вашем теле, и об опасности коммерческих (химических) защитных кремов от загара. (Подсказка: пользование некоторыми солнцезащитными кремами может стать причиной рака).
Доктор Mercola правильно указал, что большие исследования подтвердили, что чем дальше вы находитесь от экватора, тем больше ваша вероятность развития рака (как рака кожи и как и другие виды рака). Доктор Mercola предполагает, что причина этого повышенного риска для тех, кто живет в более холодных климатах – это то, что они не получают достаточно солнечного света, чтобы произвести требуемый витамин Д.
Mercola настаивает на том, что “получать немного солнца” – значит обнажать кожу насколько это возможно. Только обнажая лицо и руки не позволит вам поглотить достаточно солнечного света, чтобы создать достаточное количество витамина Д. Поэтому не стесняйтесь. Но поймите, что некоторые люди справляются с солнцем лучше, чем другие, так что выходя с партнером, один из вас может выбрать более теневое место.
Food really is medicine, but it’s a lot more than that. If you consider that the average person may enjoy upwards of 100,000 meals in her lifetime, it is easy to see that food just may be the one thing that motivates us most, that evokes more emotions and unites more people than anything else. So it should come as no surprise that there are more than a few opinions on what you should eat. In fact, it is rare that any two experts would fully agree on what constitutes the ideal diet. Undoubtedly, experts that disagree with me will be just as sure that their ideas are correct, as I am confident of my own carefully-balanced views. I have studied nutritional textbooks, reviewed medical journals, and scoured the Internet, and I’ve found parts of the truth in all of these places. But my own experimentation has revealed other portions of the truth that appear to be absent from all of the literature. So I give you this page, a short summary of my views with links to lots more information from others that are extremely knowledgeable about nutrition. I encourage you to go for the essence of each person’s message, rather than worrying about following any particular diet precisely and fanatically.
A crucial step in The Lotus Lifestyle is to eat the right foods. But attempting to write the ideal diet that every person should eat to gain optimal health would be unrealistic. Trying to follow such a utopian diet may result in arguments between loved ones, feelings of guilt when one fails to follow the plan to the letter, and undue stress in finding and preparing all of the right ingredients in a world where unhealthy items are much more ubiquitous. Instead, I encourage you to relax, both while reading this page and afterwards, while selecting, preparing and sharing your food with the people most important to you (and even those that you don’t personally know). The videos below offer suggestions for selecting a nutritional strategy. You will also find a short list of some of the best and worst foods and recipes for tasty, healthy foods.
The Best Concepts for Nutrition
1. Navigating the maze of Conventional (pesticide-ridden) Farming Techniques vs. GMO’s vs. Organic Foods
a) Conventionally-Farmed Foods
The word “conventional” should not be misunderstood as “traditional”, since the latter implies that a particular method has been handed down many generations, presumably without any major known complication. Conventional, on the other hand, refers to the most common method of today. And in the case of farming, most farmers today slather their crops with a cocktail of herbicides and pesticides and inorganic growth stimulants. Benign-looking produce may actually be harmful if it is covered with carcinogenic (cancer-causing) pesticides, so avoid these whenever possible.
With the recent addition of genetically-modified organisms, (GMO’s) to the playing field, the general food supply is becoming increasingly dangerous every day. One can no longer live by the adage that an apple a day will keep the doctor away. Eating an apple that was engineered by the evil Monsanto each day may in fact lead you to attract an entire team of doctors and specialists. In the United States and Canada, GMO’s do not require special labeling and already they are practically everywhere. It is disturbing that these bastardized “foods” are allowed to be sold after hardly any human testing at all. In fact studies in several species of animals show serious problems including grotesque mutations, tumors, and mass sterility. Yes, that’s right, animals that eat GMO’s (some downright refuse to eat them, and it would be wise for us to do likewise) typically have more of their babies dead on arrival, and by the third generation, the animals are completely unable to reproduce. To find out if this will happen to our descendents would require waiting about 85 more years, since humans take much longer to reproduce than most animals. The most reasonable approach would be to avoid GMO’s completely until there is conclusive evidence that they are safe. So I’m going to pencil it in my planner for the year 2098 before I’ll consider feeding GMO’s to my family, just to be on the safe side. It sure seems to me, that even the bubonic plague is less dangerous than GMO’s, albeit its effect is immediately visible and deadly in a full two-thirds of those infected.
c) Organic Foods
Truly organic foods are, by definition, completely free of pesticides, herbicides, toxic additives, and they must not ever be genetically-modified. Therefore, this is the only completely safe option for your family.
2. Alkalize and Detoxify
Many popular foods cause an acidic reaction in the body that leads to cancer, diabetes and heart disease, to name but a few of the major consequences of not paying proper attention to your body’s pH, which stands for “potential of hydrogen”. The pH scale goes from 0-14, with lower numbers being more acidic, 7 being neutral, and higher numbers being alkaline. Your body needs to be alkaline before it can properly detoxify itself. Most vegetables, especially dark green vegetables, will provide a high number of nutrients and will produce the desired alkaline reaction. As for fruits, some produce an acidic reaction, while others produce a healthy alkaline reaction. Grains, meats and dairy, as well as coffee and most drugs, are purely acid-formers. The idea is not that you must never eat anything that produces an acidic reaction, simply that you make an effort to lean more towards alkaline than acidic, since the consequence of not doing so is the accumulation of toxins that will give rise to innumerable symptoms.
3. Prefer Plant Sources over Animal Sources
There are a multitude of reasons why you should eliminate animal products from your diet. Others focus on the moralistic reasons for doing so (and they are right) but I prefer to focus more attention on the health reasons. Plant-based products are MUCH healthier than their animal-based counterparts. It may be hard for some to believe that this is especially true with proteins. Yes, ALL plants have proteins, which are the building blocks of life contained in all living organism. It so happens that the proteins in plants are much more easily absorbed by the human body than are animal-based proteins. To get the same amount of digestible protein, you would have to eat a lot more meat, and this means that meat-eaters will inevitably have to waste a great deal of their energy digesting the meat products. And even then, a percentage of the meat will stay in your intestines forever, unless you find a clever way to expel them, such as a lengthy water fast or the unthinkable colonic enemas. And for fats, the saturated fats in animals are perfect for them, but really bad for us. And they are so bad, that saturated fats in plants have unfairly received a bad reputation, when in fact they are perfectly healthy. The most obvious example is that of coconut oil. It is a saturated fat, meaning that it is solid at about room temperature. But it is a perfect fuel for humans, and has been shown to promote weight loss (no foolin’!) and some studies show that it can even reverse brain diseases like alzeimer’s! All while tasting great and giving you plenty of energy that will never lead to diabetes or obesity, as is the case with energy in the form of simple sugars.
The following three short videos may give you some good reasons to try plant-based.
In the first video, Julieanna Hever discusses the many benefits of plant-based foods by comparing them to a magic elixir that has the potential to eliminate most disease, as well as world hunger and animal cruelty.
In the second video, Oprah interviews Alicia Silverstone, who is not necessarily a nutrition expert, but her argument is nonetheless valid. Alicia does not boldly request that all people immediately become vegan. Instead, she suggests that all people should be interested in health, and this interest should prompt them to “flirt” with veganism, to get the ball rolling in the right direction.
The third video provides some direct scientific evidence to debunk many popular myths about vegetarianism. It also provides many colorful images of appetizing vegetarian meals, and a few pictures of meat products that are decidedly less appetizing than the former. While some of the delicious vegetarian meals presented in this third video may not be very healthy, the video seeks to convince you that you do not require meat in your diet to eat delicious food.
One final video will eliminate any doubt that you may have about physical performance on a plant-only diet. The shaolin monks are among the top physical performers in the world, and they are strict vegans.
Some of the Best Foods
The following is a short list of some of the best foods, followed by some of the worst. Take a look at my food glossary for a more complete listing. Keep in mind that almost anything can be considered medicinal at some dose and toxic at another. I therefore prefer not to create green lists and red lists, white lists and black lists. Conveniently, human beings are so evolved that we can digest just about anything, even toxins. Our organism constantly eliminates toxins through respiration, perspiration, urination and defecation. Common sense would suggest that reducing toxic intake and increasing toxic elimination will lead to more health.
According to Tuleina, the medicine of the Kuna tribe of Panama, basil is everyday medicine for everybody. Basil has the highest level of iron of any food item. Some of its amazing health benefits may be obtained simply by smelling its wonderful fragrance. Basil contains about 35 times more iron than red meat. I have watched at least one basil miracle… a 70-year-old friend was written off for dead by the doctors and hospital staff that explained to me that his hemoglobin level was beyond rescue. I called all of the organic farmers that I know and asked them to give me all of the fresh basil that they could. All were amazed that my friend’s hemoglobin shot back up and within days he signed himself out of the hospital. A year later, he is still as strong as ever.
Lemons are among the best cancer-fighting foods in the world. Despite the acidic taste, lemons will help eliminate acidity from your system. Pure lemon juice can be used on salads instead of vinegar, and it can be added to almost any recipe. I do not recommend drinking pure lemon juice as it can harm the enamel of your teeth. Instead, dilute it with mountain spring water or filtered tap water, and enjoy it unsweetened or with stevia, the herbal sweetener that will not cause diabetes.
Aloe Vera
Aloe is a miracle plant that has an infinite number of medicinal and culinary uses. It is among the most perfect foods available, although it is rarely offered as food. The yellow oil called Aloin is present near the skin, and tastes bitter. But there are two ways to get Aloe’s healing benefits running through your system without the bitter taste: 1. Baby aloe plants may be eaten whole (without the roots). 2. You can remove the skin of a very large aloe plant. The clear “meat” of the leaves has a very mild taste and can be prepared with other ingredients, as sort of a vegetarian sushi.
Garlic has amazing curative properties. Garlic’s sulfur-containing compounds helps protect us against oxidative stress and inflammation. Garlic may also be used as an organic pest-control method… instead of spraying your crops with chemical pesticides, garlic juice will obtain similar results without harming your health.
A flavorful healing herb. The oil of oregano is quite powerful against colds, the flu, sore throats, and a large number of other bacterial and viral infections. You can buy oregano oil in a small jar at your favorite health food store. At the first sign of any illness, swallow about six drops of oregano oil, either alone or diluted in water.
Cannabis was once the largest crop in the world. It is a vegetable when its leaves and flowers are eaten in salads or juiced along with other essential nutrients. Its active ingredients, cannabinoids, may be concentrated into capsules and are prescribed by doctors and dispensed by pharmacists as medicine for cancer, multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, glaucoma, chronic pain, insomnia, anorexia and many more diseases. Its non-medicinal cousin, hemp, has been grown to produce fuel, clothing, paper and ultra-strong ropes. Cannabis has been outlawed as an illegal recreational drug in some countries during the last century. The author of this site does not promote the illegal use of any prohibited substance.
Cacao, and natural chocolate
Cacao has long been considered “food of the gods” and was used as currency by the Kunas (their abundant gold was used as a mere decoration as it could not be as valuable as that which produced health). Modern scientists are re-discovering the many medicinal uses of antioxidant-rich cacao, including its ability to fight cancer and heart disease. Chocolate may be even better for mental health issues including depression. Several woman have told me that they were able to avoid PMS by indulging in chocolate therapy a few days prior to the expected onset of the monthly symptoms. Take a look at my food glossary for a more complete listing.
Some of the Worst Foods
Avoid sugar, sweets and grains whenever possible
Sugar is a highly addictive substance that causes a great deal of illness, including cancer, diabetes and the condition we know as “aging”. Avoid all types of sugar, even brown sugar, and even try not to go overboard eating fruits that are high in fructose. Other things to avoid: alcoholic beverages, animal products, brewers yeast, carbonated soft drinks, coffee or products containing caffeine, dressing with vinegar, energy drinks (Red Bull, Cyclone, Gatorade, Koolaid or similar), flour or cereal products made with it, fried food of any kind with any kind of oil except coconut oil, gelatin and puddings, legumes or beans of any kind (lentils, peas, chickpeas, broad beans, black eye beans, others), ice cream, junk food (gum, candy, potato chips, etc.), ketchup, lecithin, mayonnaise, peanuts in any form, pickled olives, popcorn, smoking (cigar or cigarette), soy or soy milk, vinegar, wheat and wheat gluten. For more complete details, take a look at my food glossary and glossary of toxins.
Drink plenty of pure water. Preferably mountain spring water.
Mountain spring water provides a tri-fold benefit:
The pure water molecules themselves are used by every cell in the body, and are especially useful in eliminating toxins from the body;
Trace minerals from the earth can help your body in other ways. Tap water typically contains dangerous toxins such as chlorine and fluoride, which pose multiple risks to your health.
Mountain spring water is alive. That is to say, it is charged with the natural vibration of the Earth, which revitalizes us. Bottled water is dead by comparison. The book entitled The Secret Life of Water by Japanese Doctor Masaru Emoto, is filled with fascinating information and images. Dr. Emoto photographed water molecules under a microscope to show us how water from different sources may look the same to the naked eye and may even feel the same on the tongue, but the energy that each holds is dramatically different. If you don’t live near a mountain spring, the next-best-thing is to buy an excellent filter. The best ones will remove the chlorine and fluorine from your tap water, thereby eliminating the need for constantly consuming plastic bottles, which pollute the earth and can leach toxic chemicals into your body.
Coconut Water
Coconut water is one of nature’s most perfect beverages for humans. Coconut water is highly alkalizing. If you are able to get it straight from the coconut (especially the young, green ones), this may be even more beneficial to your health than drinking pure water. The reason is that although this may seem quite disturbing to consider, drinking pure water may not be able to increase your body’s overall hydration level. As Loren Lockman explains, “we are designed to get our water directly from raw vegetables, herbs and fruits”. Loren has spent three decades researching this subject matter. I asked him dozens of questions before I was able to come up with this synopsis: Human babies are born with about 80 percent water content. Then, little-by-little, as the child eats dried and cooked foods (which have a less than optimal water content), the body is systematically dehydrated as the organs of the body generously “donate” some of their water to allow the dried foods to be eliminated. So, over the years and decades, the overall percentage of water that makes up your body drops from eighty percent down to between fifty and sixty percent. If an adult can claim an overall hydration of 70%, she or he would be considered among the healthiest people alive. But that still falls short of the optimal hydration level. And unfortunately, even by drinking ten gallons of water per day, the overall hydration level will not increase. According to Lockman, the only way to effectively increase our water content is to first fast for a longer period (perhaps 45 days). This will allow the plaque in the intestines to be expelled. Only after the intestines are clean will they once again be able to absorb the water from the raw fruits and vegetables that we consume. Any cooked or dried foods that we eat will restart the process of dehydrating the body.
Ваша жизнь начинается со вздохом и заканчивается с выдохом. На всем протяжении вашей жизни, цикл дыхания продолжается, ночью и днем, через все взлеты и падения. Кажется, что ваше дыхание как бы на авто-пилоте, так как это не требует вашего постоянного внимания , чтобы продолжать дышать. Однако, ни скорость, ни глубина вашего дыхания не остаются постоянными.
Если бы вы оглянулись назад на вашу жизнь, и внимательно исследовали ваше дыхание во времена огромного спокойствия и радости, и также во времена страха и тревоги, то вы бы заметили удивительное сходство между вашим дыханием и вашим настроением. Действительно, лучшие моменты в жизни – обычно те же самые моменты, когда ваше дыхание медленное и глубокое. Короткое, не глубокое дыхание может сохранять вас живыми, но оно производит больше беспокойства, чем расслабления.
За этим феноменом стоит огромная наука: чем глубже ваше дыхание, тем более полностью вы можете насыщать кислородом и детоксифицировать ваше тело и ваш разум.
Неотъемлемая часть образа жизни Лотуса – это дышать глубоко и медленно, и так постоянно как это реально возможно на протяжении вашей жизни. Я также настоятельно рекомендую дышать самым свежим воздухом. Чистый воздух насыщен чистой энергией силы жизни, которая называется prana. Это – ваше питательное вещество номер один, выше воды и значительно выше пищи. Если вы попытаетесь вдохнуть немного грязного, токсичного, дымного воздуха , ваши легкие пошлют “панический” сигнал мозгу, командуя, чтобы вы сократили ваше дыхание, чтобы понизить повреждения. Но ни ваш мозг ни ваши лёгкие не хотели бы, чтобы вы продолжали делать неглубокие вдохи загрязненного воздуха. Идея состоит в том, чтобы увести себя из загрязненной области как можно скорее, и возобновить медленное и глубокое дыхание.
If your energy flow is interrupted or “blocked”, this will often result in physical, mental or even emotional disturbance. Fortunately there is an elegant solution. I have found that using only gentle, natural movements and some light twisting and strategic stretching, the natural energy flow can be restored, often within a single two-hour session. The result is usually that the physical, mental or emotional ailment will quickly subside.
My system is effective for migraine, headaches, anxiety, insomnia and some cases of depression.
Please contact me for details about treatment options for patients and training options for practitioners.
Kristina lives an exemplary lifestyle. She takes amazing care of herself and millions of people worldwide that follow her tips on lifestyle and raw food preparation.
Kristina lives in Houston, where she heads the largest organic produce co-operative in the United States, Rawfully Organic. Kristina coaches and inspires thousands of others to be fully raw. She is also the author of
If the radiance of her smile doesn’t inspire you enough to go raw, surely the exquisite flavors of her recipes will!
Fully Raw Kristina
Eight years ago, Kristina sought to cure her Hyperglycemia. She switched to a fully-raw plant-based diet and follows Dr. Doug Graham’s recommendation for keeping the ratio of 80% carbohydrates to 10% protein to 10% fat. There is no question that Kristina is thriving on her new diet. She has made it her mission to share the many benefits of fully raw food with you.
In the following videos, she will inspire you to experiment with raw plants at your own pace:
You can find Kristina’s videos in my Raw Food Recipes and other sections of this Web site, or visit her site at
Here are some more videos that I think you’ll find particularly valuable:
Cancer is the disease characterized by abnormal, uncontrolled growth and division of cells, which can create tumors that severely block the functioning of healthy cells. In fact doctors distinguish over 100 different types of cancer primarily based on the location of the tumor, or based on other symptoms if no tumor is detected. Unfortunately, it often takes 20 years or more for a tumour or other symptoms to show up in a medical screening.
Nearly Everyone Has Cancer
The American Cancer Society states that 12,549,000 Americans have cancer. While it may be alarming enough to know that 4% of Americans have been diagnosed with cancer, it ignores the other 301,365,040 (96%) of Americans that may be unaware that cancerous cells exist in their bodies.
According to Dr. William Li, “in autopsy studies of people who died in car accidents, up to 40% of women between age 40 and 50 have microscopic cancers in the breast”.
Compare that against the National Cancer Institute’s breast cancer statistics for 2007-2009: Age 40 – 1.47%. Age 50 – 2.38 %. Averaging the two, we get 1.925% for the 40-50 group. The NCI further states that 12.4% of American women will develop breast cancer in their lifetime.
The “official numbers” are a far cry from the actual numbers! Supposedly just 2% of women in their 40’s have breast cancer, but autopsies reveal a reality that is 20 times greater.
Dr. Li concludes, “We probably form microscopic cancers in our bodies all the time. We just don’t know it.”
In providing these statistics, my intention is not to scare you. In fact, my motivation is precisely the opposite. My goal is to show you that your immune system is more than capable of defeating the ubiquitous (yet weak) cancer cells.
Normal, healthy cells grow and divide at a normal rate, and they are pre-programmed to die so to make room for newer, growing healthy cells. If a cell’s DNA mutates or otherwise becomes corrupt, the body’s immune system is designed to detect these unwanted changes, and kill off the abnormal cells before they are able to block the functions of healthy cells.
What Causes Cancer?
Cancer cells appear as a genetic mutation of a healthy cell in response to its environment. That is to say that the healthy cell that finds itself in an unhealthy surrounding attempts to “adapt” to the unhealthy environmental conditions in an effort to survive.
The 3 main culprits are: toxins, acid, and low oxygen.
– toxins in the air, drinking water and in food and “medicine”
– acid produced by stress and mass-produced “food”
– lower levels of oxygen, due to an acidic diet and shallow breathing
The conditions that seem to cause a normal, healthy cell to mutate into a cancer cell are low oxygen, acidosis and/or toxemia. Cancer cells are weaker than ordinary, healthy cells. They either die or commit suicide (cell apoptosis) upon contact with oxygen, vitamin C, lemon juice, or when the body returns to its healthy alkaline state.
Keep in mind, I am not suggesting that there are only 3 factors that can corrupt a cell’s DNA, causing it to become cancerous. So far I’ve stated what I believe to be the top 3.
Recent studies have suggested a causal link between the humanpapillomavirus (HPV) and cervical cancers (and to a much lesser extent, rectal and other cancers). Between 93 and 97 percent of cervical cancers were found to be HPV-positive. It certainly does make sense to protect yourself from the sexually-transmitted HPV virus. But I’ve decided not to include HPV as one of the top-3 causes of cancer for the following reason. According to the prestigious Mayo Clinic:
What causes cervical cancer isn’t clear. However, it’s certain that the sexually transmitted infection called human papillomavirus (HPV) plays a role. Evidence of HPV is found in nearly all cervical cancers. However, HPV is a very common virus and most women with HPV never develop cervical cancer. This means other risk factors, such as your genetic makeup, your environment or your lifestyle choices, also determine whether you’ll develop cervical cancer.
In addition to viruses, which could initiate or accelerate a cancer growth, it would be wise to watch out for fungal infections including candida albicans. According to Dr. Tullio Simoncini of Rome, Italy, all cancer patients also have the candida fungus. Other doctors confirm an extremely high incidence of the candida fungus among cancer patients, but many believe that the candida virus, being opportunistic, takes advantage of a weakened body to form its colony. Dr. Simoncini contends that the tiny candida fungus first enters, then actually produces the cancer, which weakens the body allowing the fungus to grow more rapidly. Dr. Simoncini uses intravenous injection of sodium bicarbonate and/or topical application of iodine to rid the body of cancer and candida.
Cancer’s Cause and Cure: the 1931 Nobel Prize-Winning Discovery
Otto Heinrich Warburg, with a double doctorate in chemistry and medicine, won the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1931, and died in Berlin in 1970. Dr. Warburg discovered that cancer is caused by weakened cell respiration due to lack of oxygen at the cellular level. He further proved that cancer thrives in anaerobic (without oxygen), or acidic, conditions. Damaged cell respiration causes fermentation, resulting in low pH (acidity) in the cells. Cancer cells maintain an acidic pH, as low as 6.0, due to lactic acid production and elevated CO2. Oxygen is directly related to pH. The higher the pH, the higher the concentration of oxygen molecules.
A normal healthy cell takes in oxygen to convert glucose into energy. But in the absence of oxygen, the cell must nourish itself by converting glucose through fermentation. This produces lactic acid and lowers the cell pH (making it more acidic) and destroys the ability of DNA and RNA to control cell division. The cancer cells multiply rapidly and do not compensate by dying more rapidly. The lactic acid also causes local pain as it destroys cell enzymes. Cancerous tumors appear as a rapidly growing external cells covering a core of dead cells.
In his speech “The Prime Cause and Prevention of Cancer”, Dr. Warburg stated that “nobody today can say that one does not know what cancer and its prime cause is. On the contrary, there is no disease whose prime cause is better known, so that today ignorance is no longer an excuse that one cannot do more about prevention.”
Subsequently, researchers found cancer’s genetic link. Warburg spoke rather of the mitochondria being the origin of the damage to the cellular respiration. In fact, both theories fit together perfectly. And in fact, all correct theories must fit together. Theories that don’t fit are necessarily flawed.
It would seem, then, that the complete cycle is as follows: Stress and toxins cause acidosis, which lowers the oxygen, and with insufficient oxygen, the cell’s DNA mutates for survival, then damages the mitochondria, which damages cellular respiration, causing the cell to use fermentation, which produces more acid, and the cycle repeats.
Complete Cancer Cycle
Preventing cancer is better than curing it
Since every person has some cancer cells, everyone must have adequate access to professional assistance in preventing the inevitable, that the number of cancer cells will grow over time, and in a large percentage of people, will eventually result in tumours and otherwise appear “on the radar” of the current medical establishment.
Currently doctors are so busy treating the sick that they do not have time to focus on prevention. ironically, the only way to decrease their workload on sick people is to focus instead on prevention. In North America, there is no system in place that rewards doctors for keeping patients healthy.
But there are some good scientists that are working on additional ways to prevent cancer. You already know that you can prevent cancer by reducing stress, keeping yourself well-oxygenated through deep breathing, avoiding toxins, and maintaining a healthy PH with your diet. Perhaps the latest high-tech scientific discovery that could help you and your loved ones prevent cancer relates to disallowing the rapid formation of new blood vessels to cancer tissues. In the following video, William Li shows how many foods, particularly vegetables, fruits and spices, work synergistically as antiangiogenetics, that is, that they collectively assist the body in halting the blood supply to cancer cells.
It may not come as a surprise that vegetables, fruits and herbs work synergistically to support a healthy, disease-free body. But any scientists that go to great lengths to prove to the world that this is so should be applauded and duly rewarded. The absence of such scientific studies has led a great number of benevolent doctors to shun the use of herbs and vegetables in healing. These same doctors would gladly recommend natural products if only someone would prove that they are safe, let alone effective. Massive drug companies can afford millions of dollars to test their chemicals in laboratories, but small farmers cannot.
Take a vegetable like broccoli for example. The average person may assume that it is both safe and healthy to eat broccoli, and most of these people may also guess that eating broccoli may help you avoid cancer. But are these proven facts? Or it is wishful thinking on behalf of the world’s broccoli farmers and consumers? I was surprised to find a page about broccoli at, the home page for the American Cancer Society. The ACS generously admits that “Broccoli contains certain chemicals that may reduce the risk of colorectal or other cancers” and that “It is reasonable to include broccoli as part of a balanced diet”. But if you continue reading the same page, under the heading “Evidence“, the Cancer Society repeatedly calls for more tests to clarify and confirm that broccoli is helpful in preventing cancer. So far, it is confirmed that broccoli is helpful to laboratory animals, but we are not so sure that it is good for humans. Read and weep:
Randomized clinical trials are needed to clarify these results.
Laboratory and animal studies have suggested that certain compounds in broccoli may have anti-cancer properties. These types of studies can suggest possible helpful effects, but they do not provide proof that such effects can be achieved in humans. Further studies are needed to find out whether possible anticancer properties could benefit humans… More research in animals and humans will be needed to confirm these findings.
Cannabinoids to the Rescue
Every cell (including cancer cells) have a cannabinoid receptor (there are two types, called CB1 or CB2). The receptor is similar to a lock that waits for a specific key. In this case the keys are
cannabinoids, which are found most abundantly in the cannabis plant, and are also produced in very small numbers by the human body itself and in the cacao plant.
When these locks receive their special key, all 212 cell types are regulated. This means that if the cell is cancerous, it either becomes noncancerous or dies. the noncancerous cells are also improved, not
harmed. For example, an overactive immune system (which attacks healthy cells and causes diseases including arthritis and many more) will reduce its activity to a healthy level.
Citing an article in the Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, Dr. J. Michael Bostwick writes that “cannabinoid agonists have shown promise in the laboratory as antineoplastic agents, with demonstrated antitumor effects including decreased angiogenesis, decreased metastasis through interference with cell migration, inhibited carcinogenesis, and attenuated inflammation“.
As you might expect, neither broccoli nor cannabis is proven to be safe or effective in preventing cancer, at least according to some highly-doubtful individuals. Both have been around for millenia. Both green vegetables allegedlyrich in essential nutrients such as proteins, omega fatty acids and vitamins. But who will prove these allegations? Proper 3-phase scientific studies cost hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars to complete, and their findings may be completely disregarded by the medical community if even one tiny procedural detail is overlooked. In the case for broccoli, the raw product is legally available everywhere for about $1.50/pound. Unfortunately, because cannabis is still widely illegal, its cost may be upwards of $5,000/pound. And while many countries and states allow individuals to consume cannabis for their private medicinal use, many of these same jurisdictions haveinsanely banned scientific research, or they’ve made it so complicated and costly (through bureaucracy) that hardly a sane scientist will attempt it.
But doctors are calling, and some are screaming for more research to be done. The New England Journal of Medicine has recently conducted a poll of its members, the majority of whom are physicians, on whether they would recommend prescribing medical cannabis for pain and nausea related to the use of chemotherapy in a 68-year-old breast cancer patient.
Dr. J. Michael Bostwick argued that “federal policy has failed to keep pace with recent scientific advances” including the recently-discovered endocannabinoid system, which (in an article published by the Mayo Clinic) he called “a finely tuned physiologic modulator”. He noted that cannabis may have “analgesic, appetite-modulatory, immunosuppressant, antiemetic, neuroleptic, or antineoplastic effects, among other possibilities.” His conclusion: “As federal gridlock prevents much-needed research, patients… deserve the potential relief that medicinal marijuana affords.”
The poll closed with a total of 1446 responses, 76% of which support the use of medicinal cannabis. Additionally, 118 comments were submitted. The overwhelming majority were extremely positive, and correctly noted that while the American government has stunted the research there, the rest of the world has indeed provided sufficient proof as to the safety and efficacy of the cannabis plant.
The few opponents made some valid points too, mainly dealing with the poor delivery method that is smoking. Doctors Gary M. Reisfield, and Robert L. DuPont argued that “smoked marijuana is a nonmedical, nonspecific, and potentially hazardous method of drug delivery” and also remarked that “If [the patient’s] pulmonary disease includes lymphangitic spread, could smoking cause hypoxemia?” I wholeheartedly agree. Smoking not only stinks, it sucks.
Cannabis is a vegetable, and it is most useful in its raw form. Raw cannabis contains THC-acid and CBD-acid (THCa and CBDa). When heated, these convert to THC and CBD respectively, which reduce the benefits. THCa is much more anti-inflammatory. THC creates the often-unwanted high.
According to Dr. William Courtney, the tolerable dose of THCa is 60 times higher than with THC (600mg vs 10mg). The low human tolerance for (smoked or cooked) THC explains why some enjoy feeling “high” while others feel an unpleasant “acute toxic effect”. [5]
Dr. Courtney used a tincture of raw cannabis to treat a “massive…inoperable brain tumor” in an 8-year-old child. At 2 months: a dramatic reduction. At 8 months: the tumour had nearly disappeared. The child avoided side effects of chemotherapy and radiation.
Two pre-clinical trials have shown that CBD thwarts breast cancer growth. “…The effects of CBD on the reduction of breast cancer cell proliferation, invasion, and metastasis” and “Cannabidiol as a novel inhibitor of Id-1 gene expression in aggressive breast cancer cells”.
Other Healing Herbs
Other plants such as dandelion and probably thousands more, tend to work synergistically to defend the body against acidity, low oxygen, toxins and stress. Unfortunately, the hundreds of millions of dollars donated to cancer research actually promote harmful chemicals rather than natural herbs.
The University of Windsor is currently conducting the clinical trials in humans that will hopefully prove to the world that dandelion causes cancer cells to commit suicide (apoptosis) while leaving healthy cells unchanged or improved.
Some of the best-known and most highly-recommended herbs for fighting cancer are: aloe, cayenne pepper, ginger, curcumin, cinnamon, garlic and basil. These and other herbs and spices work synergistically to alkalize and detoxify the body, as well as to support the immune system, which in turn protects us from serious diseases. As mentioned in the video above, one of these protective actions is to cut off the blood supply of cancer cells.
The Baking Soda Cancer Cure
Dr. Simoncini and other doctors, as well as alternative health care providers, are turning more and more to sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) as possibly the best solution for cancer. Baking soda is highly-alkalizing, proven safe*, inexpensive, and available everywhere.
*by this, I mean that Baking Soda has stood the test of time. It has been used internally as an antacid with very infrequent unwanted side effects for many years.
I would not recommend using baking soda heavily for a long period of time. It is too powerful as an alkalizer to be used this way. Some of the body’s vital processes including digestion depend on acid. Dr. Simoncini’s protocol involves injecting the Sodium Bicarbonate directly to the tumour site, thereby having no effect on digestion in most cases.
The University of Arizona conducted a study entitled “Bicarbonate increases tumor pH and inhibits spontaneous metastases”.
SPDT: Sono Photo Dynamic Therapy
This therapy is not yet approved by the FDA, but is currently being offered in Guangzhou, China, Sydney Australia and Tijuana, Mexico. The system uses a chlorophyl-like substance that bonds to cancer cells, then subjects the patient to harmless Ultrasound and Infrared waves, which causes the release of oxygen molecures directly onto the cancer site, killing the cancer. I have personally visited the hospital in Guangzhou where this treatment was developed, and I have met with a multitude of patients from all over the world that had recovered from even the most fatal cancers.
Chemicals Cause Grotesque Mutations
Many studies are abandoned prior to their completion, to hide the horrible effects of these toxic substances on animals… grotesque mutations, undue suffering, sterility and untimely death. Leaked images of these poor creatures and their bizarre deformations are all over the Internet. But I find these images disturbing, and frankly I’m much too cool to post depictions of cruelty here.
Protect Yourself and Your Family
Breathe slowly and deeply as often as possible. Remind yourself to do this by placing a letter “B” around your home and office.
Drink the cleanest, fluoride-free water possible, and choose organic vegetables and fruits, while avoiding grains, sugars and processed foods as much as possible.
Use natural healing herbs together for their synergistic effects. If the use of cannabis is illegal in your jurisdiction, please write to your lawmakers, and demand that they make this important herb available to everyone. Many jurisdictions allow the medicinal use of cannabis for treating the symptoms of cancer, but this clearly ignores your right to prevent the disease.
Since stressful situations will inevitable arise, learn to observe these situations without accumulating the tension inside you. If stress does accumulate in you, it is important to utilize a stress-elimination technique, such as a healing massage, as often as possible.
NOTE: this is a “living document” that will be revisited and updated regularly as new information is available.
This information is given on the basis that it may be helpful but it does not replace the advice of your doctor. I would encourage you to discuss this information with your doctor. Every case is different, and your doctor is able to conduct a direct examination and help you to weigh your treatment options face-to-face.
Human papillomavirus is a necessary cause of invasive cervical cancer worldwide, The Journal of Pathology,Volume 189, Issue 1, pages 12–19, September 1999
Journal of Lipid Research, Cardiolipin and Electron Transport Chain Abnormalities in Mouse Brain Tumor Mitochondria: Lipidomic Evidence Supporting the Warburg Theory of Cancer,
Bostwick JM, Medicinal Use of Marijuana, New England Journal of Medicine 2013; 368:866-868 February 28, 2013 DOI: 10.1056/NEJMclde1300970
Bostwick JM. Blurred Boundaries: The Therapeutics and Politics of Medical Marijuana. Mayo Clinic Proceedings2012;87:172-186
Oesch S , Gertsch J. Cannabinoid Receptor Ligands as Potential Anticancer Agents—High Hopes for New Therapies. Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology . 2009;61(7):839–853
…The effects of CBD on the reduction of breast cancer cell proliferation, invasion, and metastasis”. Breast Cancer Res Treat. 129 (1): 37–47. 2010.
McAllister SD et al (2007) Cannabidiol as a novel inhibitor of Id-1 gene expression in aggressive breast cancer cells”. Molecular Cancer Therapeutics 6 (11): 2921–7.
Bicarbonate increases tumor pH and inhibits spontaneous metastases, Robey IF, et. al. Arizona Cancer Center,University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, USA.
[5] Gerra G et al. Recent Pat CNS Drug Discov . 2010;5(1):46–52
Простой восьми-лепестковый подход к достижению благополучия тела, разума и души. Ваши тело, разум и душа – это одно. Это единство – ваше сущестности. Эти три так неразрывно связаны, они – вы. В то время как многие недомогания могут повлиять на одну и более стороны вашей сущности, большинство являются результатом жизни вне гармонии с вашей сущностью, вашей природой. Хорошее здоровье достигается живя в равновесии. Ниже я представлю образ жизни, который обеспечит этот баланс, и таким образом предотвратит или вылечит почти любую возможную болезнь. Это потребует некоторую преданность и обязательство, чтобы обратить десятилетия токсичного накопления и плохих привычек. Но план который я представлю тут содержит удивительные восстановительные силы. Хорошее здоровье в пределах вашей досягаемости. Если вы примите образ жизни хорошего здоровья принимая лучшие решения каждый день, то вы гораздо менее вероятно будете нуждаться в помощи врача или больницы. Предотвращение болезни – это ключ. И это относительно легко достигнуть если вы начнёте браться за это сейчас. Начните в этот момент. Вот восемь простых шагов:
Шаг 1. Станьте подвижными: Пойте! Танцуйте! Практикуйтесь двигаться как ветер и как вода. Ваши тело и разум – одно, так что движения вашего тела разблокирует ваш разум. Лучшие упражнения поощряющие текущие движения всюду по вашему телу, такие как йога, боевые искусства и плавание. Короче говоря, выбирайте упражнения которые помогут вам стать и оставаться подвижными.
Шаг 2. Дышите глубоко и медленно. Стремитесь проводить столько времени насколько это возможно на чистом воздухе. В идеале, вы будете далеко от загрязняющих фабрик. Вы установите хорошие фильтры воздуха в вашем доме и офисе. Чистый свежий воздух – это питательное вещество номер один, и это существенно важно для хорошего самочувствия. Теперь дышите этим чистым воздухом глубоко и медленно.
Шаг 3. Выходите на солнце! Получение достаточного солнечного света на вашей коже – абсолютно жизненно необходимо для вашего здоровья, поэтому убедитесь, что вы получаете по крайней мере 15 минут солнечного света на вашем теле каждый день, предпочтительно около восхода или заката солнца, чтобы избежать самых сильных лучей полудня, которые скорее всего обожгут вас.
Шаг 4. Пейте много чистой воды! Это звучит так просто, но большинство людей либо не получают достаточно, или пьют низко качественную, загрязненную или “мертвую” воду. Японский ученый доказал, что вода теряет большую часть своих живительных свойств, когда она становится застойной. В идеале, вы пили бы живую воду прямо со свежего горного родника. Но если вы не можете, тогда сделайте следующий лучший шаг – устанавите отличный фильтр, вместо того, чтобы полагаться на воду в бутылках, которая часто также загрязнена как и вода из-под крана, и иногда даже хуже из-за пластиковых материалов впивающихся в воду из бутылки, испорчивая естественный гормональный баланс тела.
Шаг 5. Питайтесь растительной диетой: Подщелотите ваше тело с сырыми органическими травами, специями, овощами, фруктами, орехами и семенами. Переход на сырую вегетарианскую диету – это не то, что большинство людей думают, что это такое. Вегетарианцы лакомятся на практически безграничных вариантах вкуса и текстуры, в то время как наслаждаясь гораздо более высоким уровнем энергии, практически без болезней.
Шаг 6. Детоксикация: Даже если вы правильно питаетесь, избегая генетически измененные организмы, пестициды, и антибиотики и гормоны в продуктах животного происхождения, некоторые токсины наверняка проникнут в ваше тело…так что это мудро замечать количество того как много токсинов входит ежедневно как и выходит. Ваше тело устранит некоторые из этих токсинов естественным путём, но чтобы избавиться от остальных потребуется определенные усилия. Иначе, они будут накапливаться в ваших тканях и в конечном итоге приведут к болезни. К счастью, есть много способов детоксикации, и многие методы совершенно приятные, такие как расслабляющий массаж или сауна.
Шаг 7. Медитируйте и молитесь: Откройте ваш разум и ваше сердце божественной истине, которая проникает в вас и всю вселенную. Чем более глубоко вы наблюдаете за всем, тем больше ваше сознание может развиваться, и это приведет вас к тому, что вы будете более здоровыми и счастливыми.
Шаг 8. Отдыхайте: Сосредоточьтесь больше на качестве вашего сна, чем на его количестве. И обратите внимание на ваши сны, так как это до сих пор является наиболее забытым, но ведь это может принести выгоды за пределами ваших убеждений. Любовь: Это – не 9-ый шаг. Это самый важный элемент из всех других шагов. Любовь – это ваша основа, а страх – это противоположность любви. Поэтому определенно не бойтесь любить. Любите себя. Любите других. Любите вселенную. Любите любовь. Вы даже можете любить страх.
Что бы вы ни делали, не бойтесь любить. Чтобы легко вспомнить шаги к полному оздоровлению, вы можете представить восьми-лепестковый цветок лотоса с любовью в центре. Здесь очень краткое резюме восьми шагов к хорошему здоровью:
1. Кушайте растения для алканирования.
2. Станьте подвижными с музыкой и плавными упражнениями.
3. Дышите свежим воздухом, мягко и глубоко.
4. Получайте достаточный солнечный свет.
5. Пейте чистую, живущую воду.
6. Детоксифицируйтесь в сауне, с массажем или голоданием.
7. Медитируйте и молитесь. Откройте ваш разум и ваше сердце.
8. Отдыхайте и видьте сны. И никогда не забывайте Любить.