Natural Birth Control to Avoid the Side Effects of Hormonal OptionsControl de la natalidad natural para evitar los efectos secundarios de Opciones hormonalesContrôle des naissances naturels pour éviter les effets secondaires des options hormonauxControle de natalidade natural para evitar os efeitos colaterais sobre as opções hormonais


In this video, Megan Elizabeth discusses several methods of birth control, including condoms, pills, injectables and Natural Family Planning. After carefully weighing the pros and the cons of each, Megan has selected to use Natural Family Planning. And she has found it to be remarkably effective, and easy-to-implement using a new gadget that she demonstrates in her video.

Condoms are the most popular method of birth control, but they can break, rendering them worse than useless, and even when they don’t break, they can be irritating, and they are sometimes made with questionable materials including animal products. Pills and injectables rely on tampering with one or more of the body’s essential hormones, which can cause mood swings and other even more serious side effects.

Natural Family Planning, on the other hand, teaches you the science of fertility, so that you will know, almost without a doubt, which days you can become pregnant, and which days it is nearly impossible. The key is to find out precisely which day ovulation begins, by taking the female partner’s basal body temperature each morning. Pregnancy is most likely on that day and the five days prior, since sperm can live inside a woman for about five days. If this sounds complicated, watch the video to see how Megan explains it, while showing you her fancy gizmo that reminds her each morning to take her temperature, then it takes the temperature, and displays a green light on days when you are night likely to conceive, and a red light on days that you’d better not proceed to have sexual relations unless you are ready for a new child.

My comment:

I first learned about the Natural Family Planning method of birth control in highschool. At that time, I was told that the Catholic Church does not approve of any other method of birth control because other methods “artificially” interfere with God’s plan for childbirth. That was hardly a convincing argument, so I’m pretty sure that most of my fellow classmates decided not to pursue this method, even though the science behind it is quite good.

When it came time for me to help my first girlfriend decide which method of birth control was best, I asked doctors and pharmacists to recommend good books on birth control, and then I hit the library. I was not completely surprised that none of the recommended books even mentioned NFP. Since my research revealed that no method besides abstinence was 100% effective, and we were not yet ready to start our family (we were in love but a wee bit young), my then-girlfriend and I settled on using condoms and Ortho Tri-Cyclen. My then-girlfriend did experience some mood alterations, which were less pronounced with another brand of the pill that she apparently tolerated better.

Since that time, I have learned a lot more about hormones, and overall I would recommend not messing with them unless you have a some life-threatening condition that your doctor insists can be fixed with hormones. And even then, I think it’s wise to work with your doctor(s) to find a suitable alternative, because while tinkering with hormones, you may fix one essential bodily system while breaking another.

In Megan’s video, she presents quite a compelling case to give Natural Family Planning another look. If you are with someone that would not make a good mother or father, or anyone that you aren’t planning on staying with long-term, I will officially recommend abstinence. But if you have decided to throw away that option, then the next-best option would be to “double-up” the safety by using both condoms and Natural Family Planning. Megan says it in her video, and it may be quite obvious for some, but I’ll repeat it here just in case: Natural Family Planning will NOT protect you from sexually-transmitted diseases. And for the record, condoms are not completely safe in this regard either, hence my number one recommendation would be to wait, and find the right partner. (Which is easier said than done… I’ve invested more than a decade already and haven’t found too many candidates that would help me teach my future children the right values. But I’ll save that topic for another day.)

Be well,

Michael Ducharme


** Megan Elizabeth is the author of three books including You In Bloom, Easy To Be Raw, and Easy To Be Raw Desserts. All three books are available in print form and in an instantly-downloadable e-book.

Megan’s Raw Vegan Falafel

Raw Vegan Falafel

Everyone loves falafels! But most falafels are made with poor ingredients and then deep-fried, which creates additional harmful toxins.  Thanks to Megan Elizabeth for her healthy (mostly-raw) version of this Mediterranean classic!

Ingredients (for falafel balls)

  • 3/4 cup raw Sunflower seeds (soaked and dried)
  • 2 cups carrot chunks
  • cilantro
  • 1/2 cup scallions (green onions)
  • teaspoon lime juice
  • 1/2 teaspoon coriander seeds
  • 1/2 teaspoon of cumin seeds
  • sesame seeds

Additional Ingredients (for the wrap)

  • romaine or butter lettuce
  • red cabbage
  • chopped tomatoes
  • cilantro
  • 1/2 tablespoon of sesame tahini
  • 1 tablesoon of water
  • 1 tablespoon of lime juice


Blend the first 7 ingredients in a food processor. Then make some little balls and dip in the sesame seeds such that the sesame seeds stick to the outside of the balls making them less sticky. Put in the refrigerator for about an hour (optional).

Use the leaves of a red cabbage as a pita bread, fill with lettuce, tomato, cilantro and your falafel balls. Add a dressing of blended tahini, water and lime juice.


Cannabis is a Vegetable, Useful for Preventing Disease El cannabis crudo no tiene ningun efecto psicotrópico y sirve para prevenir enfermedades

Medicinal Cannabis

According to Dr. William L Courtney, MD, Cannabis is a vegetable and is valuable for both the treatment, and the prevention of disease. Raw cannabis has no psychotropic properties and should be consumed both preventatively and therapeutically. Dr. Courtney is fighting to make Cannabis legal worldwide. Neither he nor I advocate breaking the law. Instead, contact your elected lawmakers, and bring their attention to this video. video en ingles del Dr. William L Courtney, MD, quien indica que el cannabis es un vegetal, y en su forma cruda no tiene ningun efecto psicotrópico y sirve para prevenir enfermedades como el cancer.

Inspiring video: a crippled man learns to run with yogaVideo Inspirador: un hombre menosvalido aprende a correr con el yogaInspirer vidéo: un homme infirme apprend à courir avec le yogaInspirando vídeo: um homem aleijado aprende a correr com yogaОзнакомительный видео: калека учится работать с йогойFrymëzues videon: një njeri i gjymtuar mëson për të drejtuar me yoga鼓舞人心的视频:一个瘸腿的人学会了瑜伽运行

Un video inspirador en ingles. No hace falta escuchar las palabras para sentir el poder transformativo del yoga y de creer en si mismo. Un hombre ex-militar sobrepeso y incapaz de caminar aprende a correr nuevamente.

Wheat is Toxic and AddictiveEl Trigo es Toxico y Adictivo

According to Dr. William Davis, a protein in wheat, gliadin, binds to opiate receptors in the brain, causing you to overeat. According to cardiologist Dr. William Davis, it is a perfectly-crafted poison to make you gain weight. No human should consume wheat. Eating wheat causes obesity, diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, cancer, dementia, autism and many other problems. Cut out wheat to lose up to 15 pounds in just 30 days.


Dr. Davis is the author of the book “Wheat Belly” and has recently appeared on the Dr. Oz Show.Segun el Dr. William Davis, una proteina en el trigo, gliadin, se junta a los receptores de opio en el cerebro, lo que provoca comer mas. Esto significa que el trigo es un veneno perfecto para hacerle engordar. Ningun ser humano debe comer el trigo. El trigo causa obesidad, el diabetes, la hipertension, la enfermedad del corazon, el cancer, la demencia, el autismo y varios otros problemas. Eliminalo para perder 15 libras en solamente 30 dias.

How Stress Affects the Body

A description of the physiological response to stress, including the release of “fight or flight” hormones, a rapid spike in blood sugar and the shunting of blood away from internal organs including the organs of reproduction and digestion, in favour of the muscles that are necessary for running and/or fighting. This process is necessary for survival, but is designed to be used for a very short time. It is akin to using your car’s 1st gear to climb a hill. The car will burn out quickly if you fail to shift out of first gear.


Nutritionist and writer Johnny Bowden is the author of a book describing the 150 healthiest foods on the planet. The New York Times published its 11 key recommendations for healthy foods that you may not be eating.Una descripcion de la respuesta fisiologico al estres, incluyendo la liberacion de las hormonas de “lucha o huida”, un rápido aumento de azúcar en la sangre y la derivación de la sangre desde los órganos internos, incluyendo los órganos de la reproducción y la digestión, a favor de los músculos que son necesarios para correr y / o luchar. Este proceso es necesario para la supervivencia, pero está diseñado para ser usado por un tiempo muy corto. Es similar al uso de la 1ª velocidad en un coche para subir una colina. El coche se quemará rápidamente si usted no cambia pronto a la segunda velocidad.

Cholesterol Saves Lives

Cholesterol is vitally needed to keep you alive. It is required to prevent internal bleeding and altzeimer’s and to reduce inflammation and it protects the nerves.

Cholesterol is demonized for the purpose of selling cholesterol-reducing drugs. Cholesterol is produced by your own body, and is only minimally influenced by diet.

The same elements that help your bones also help your heart: calcium, magnesium. Calcium is a macromineral that is very easy to get from food. Magnesium is a micromineral. Silicon or Silica is important for the entire connective tissue of the body and the nervous system.

The New, Improved Mike Tyson

Iron Mike Tyson, AKA Kid Dynamite

Iron Mike Tyson was one of the world’s greatest heavyweight boxing champions. In this shocking video, Mike explains the reason for his past violent tendencies and crazy behavior. When he switched to a vegan diet, his feelings of aggression and excessive pride melted away. Mike is now a calm, joyous family man that has also become more articulate and has maintained a great physical condition with high energy levels.

You will be amazed with what you see and hear. The former undisputed heavyweight champion boxer known as Iron Mike is a changed man. Saying that The New Mike is a great improvement over The Old Mike would be the understatement of the century.

Mike has become a vegan, and he’s decided to stick with this new lifestyle forever. In fact, he says he wishes he were always a vegan. Although he’s older now then when was beating the daylights out of all the world’s top heavyweight contenders, he is still in top shape, and it appears that his mind is clearer and sharper than ever.

Since becoming a vegan, Mike has lost his constant feelings of anger and his aggressive tendencies. He says he now understand why he was previously so crazy (although he admits that the drugs didn’t help either). By eliminating drugs and animal products from his diet, Mike has clearly become a better man, having healed physically, mentally and emotionally.

Many people worry about not getting enough protein from a vegan diet, and fear that they may lose their muscle mass. This is simply incorrect, and Mike’s example gives part of the proof. The belief that animal products provide more and better protein than plant products could not be farther from the truth. Animal proteins are not digested efficiently in humans, requiring meat-eaters to consume a greater amount of meat to get the same amount of digestible protein that a vegetarian gets from eating a normal amount of fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds.

New Mike Tyson
New Mike Tyson

Digesting meat also costs the body more energy than digesting plants. Like many, I previously believed that eating a big steak was a good source of energy. But rather than blindly follow the popular belief, I decided to test that theory on my own, by varying my eating habits over a period of time and paying close attention to my energy levels. I tested every portion size from three pounds of steak plus salad, mashed potatoes, three full baskets of biscuits and nearly a gallon of orange juice, all in a single sitting… down to just lemonade for 45 days. To my amazement, my energy level was inversely proportional to my caloric intake. While eating those “go big or go home” portions, my energy level dropped below my baseline, but while eating nothing, I felt an unmistakable increase of energy. On lemon juice alone, I was able to work twelve-hour days, then teach martial arts or power yoga, then continue working through the night, since I felt little or no need for sleep. (There are other good reasons to sleep besides the feeling of tiredness that we feel when we eat too much food.)

Old Mike Tyson

Back to Mr. Tyson. There, without a doubt, is another man that has experimented with various diets. For the majority of Tyson’s life, he ate animal meat, and even tried human meat on at least two rage-filled occasions. In 1997, while Tyson was fighting Evander Hollyfield, Tyson bit off part of Hollyfield’s ear. Then, in a press conference in 2002, Tyson attacked Lennox Lewis and bit his leg. But shortly after becoming vegan, Tyson told Oprah Winfrey that we all need to just love each other, and make peace instead of war.

For anyone that is not convinced that Tyson has made a truly remarkable self-improvement, the following short video will remind you just how savage the Old Mike Tyson was. Sensitive viewers should NOT watch the following video, as it portrays an angry, rude, violent and truly disturbed man, with zero respect for human life, as evidenced by his absolutely disgusting comments about women and even children.