Kristina’s Raw Minestrone Soup

Raw Minestrone Soup

Here’s a great recipe for raw minestrone soup from Kristina Carrillo-Bucaram.


  • 10-15 tomatoes, juiced
  • 1 bell pepper,  juiced
  • 1 cup of diced carrots
  • 1-2 diced or spiralized zucchini
  • 1 cup of baby spinach
  • 1 cup sliced cherry tomatoes
  • 1 cup of chopped celery
  • ½ cup of parsley
  • ½ cup of cilantro
  • ½ cup of chopped mushrooms
  • ¼ cup of diced leeks
  • ¼ cup of diced green onion
  • fresh thyme
  • fresh sage
  • one small cayenne pepper, chopped finely


Instructions: Juice the tomatoes, the red bell pepper, and a few stalks of celery. Strain several times until you are left with a tomato broth as a base. Pour your base into a large soup bowl, and sprinkle in the other chopped ingredients! Your soup is now ready, but if you can resist the temptation to eat it immediately, the soup will become even more flavorful by waiting about an hour for the broth to absorb the flavors of the other ingredients.

This can be a fully raw (cold) soup. If you want it warm, you can use the warm soup function of a Blendtec or a Vitamix blender, which warms the soup slowly (due to the friction of the blades). Although this method does not actually cook or boil the soup, it is possible that some of the nutrients could be destroyed during this process.

Recover from Diet Failure

Kristina Carrillo-Bucaram

In this beautiful video, Kristina Carrillo-Bucaram will inspire you to love yourself, reward yourself, forgive yourself. Deep down, we all want to be healthy, but we must be understanding of our human flaws… if ever we give in to the temptation of unhealthy food, self-forgiveness and self-love is a much healthier response than feeling guilty, weak or broken. Here are some of Kristina’s suggestions for getting back to good health as quickly as possible:

  • Take responsibility: Others may have tempted you but ultimately your own decisions will lead you to either wellness or illness.
  • Make a list that includes your most profound reasons for wanting to get healthier.
  • Meditate on these innermost desires to bring back the spark that will ignite you into positive action
  • Surround yourself with inspiring people and find or create a supportive community
  • Have fun in the kitchen, making delicious recipes alone or with a loved one
  • Stay informed through articles, books and documentaries
  • Use the buddy system for getting healthy together
  • A supervised fast can clean out your system prior to returning to a healthy raw diet
  • Move your body for 30 minutes per day or more
  • Reward yourself with healthy food. Recognise that unhealthy food is more of a punishment than a reward.
  • Volunteer in your community. Giving feels great.
  • Be humble, gentle, understanding and patient with yourself
  • Make a plan for your meals and exercise
  • Inspire yourself frequently by leaving notes-to-self all over your home


This is crucial, since it is the love that we give that nourishes us the most. Each of us came to this world to provide a service. When we give the service that we came to give, we are living our dream, and following our mission. When we follow our mission, our body, mind and spirit function as a team. We feel more balanced when we are more balanced.

A tiny plant will push its tiny leaves above ground to absorb some nourishing sunlight. But the plant does not exist to receive. Its mission is to give… perhaps a nourishing food or a potent medicine or a beautiful, colorful, fragrant flower. Find your mission and give that service to the world.

Health Benefits of Saunas and Steambaths

Two ladies relaxing in a sauna

Using a sauna or a steambath is one of the healthiest habits that you could adopt on a daily or weekly basis. You may already associate the sauna and steambath with relaxation and luxury, as most high-end hotels, spas and health clubs include both a sauna and a steam room, yet most American homes do not. But after you consider all of the lesser-known, but equally-important health benefits of saunas and steambaths, you may find yourself visiting these gyms and spas more frequently, or you may decide to install a sauna or a steam bath in your home.

The following are just some of the health benefits that saunas and steambaths provide for the mind and body. Doctors and scientists confirm what the sauna enthusiasts of other countries such as Finland and Russia have known for many centuries:

  • •The sauna or steambath will improve your overall health and sense of well-being
  • •The sauna or steambath will bring more oxygen to your cells
  • •The sauna or steambath will relax your sore and tired muscles
  • •The sauna or steambath will reduce pain such as lower back pain
  • You will lose weight due to the calories burned in perspiration
  • Using a sauna or a steambath will reduce the number of colds and flus by half
  • •The sauna or steambath will improve your heart health
  • Using a sauna or a steambath will provide you more energy throughout the day
  • Using a sauna or a steambath may relieve conditions such as arthritis and rheumatism
  • Your skin will look and feel better and younger, with fewer blemishes and a healthy glow
  • Improved circulation, which in turn solves a plethora of conditions (even erectile dysfunction)
  • You will feel great; peaceful and relaxed after using a sauna or a steambath
  • You will sleep better after using a sauna or a steambath

The specific ailments that are frequently relieved with the use of a sauna or a steambath include: anxiety, muscle tension, acne, chronic fatigue, insomnia, depression, back pain, fibromyalgia, circulatory problems, erectile dysfunction, lethargy, poor circulation, lower back pain, and many more.

*Note that saunas and steambaths are not identical but the two provide similar benefits. To avoid repeating the phrase “saunas and steambaths” in every sentence, I shall use the terms interchangeably for the remainder of this article.

Detoxification and purification: The Primary Reasons to use a Sauna or a Steambath

The primary purpose of a sauna or a steambath is to cleanse the body through perspiration. The sauna’s heat causes a slight increase in the body’s core temperature, just enough to activate the body’s temperature-regulating mechanism, perspiration. The pores of the skin to open, allowing perspiration to flush out the impurities in the body. Toxemia



What Happens to Your Body in a Sauna or a Steambath?

When you take a sauna, the heat pumps up blood circulation near the skin and stimulates sweating. The sauna elicits about a quart of sweat per hour. Sweating helps the body rid itself of toxins and other unwanted materials and improves general circulation. In the sauna, the temperature your skin rises. Blood vessels dilate, increasing circulation in the skin and decreasing the resistance to blood flow through your veins and capillaries. This causes your blood pressure to go down briefly. Then your heartbeat increases to normalize your blood pressure.


Pain Relief and Muscle Relaxation

After a heavy workout, lactic acid often accumulates around the muscles that have been strained. It is this lactic acid that causes the pain that may linger for days due to improper circulation to those muscle groups. The steambath relieves this pain by pumping more oxygen-rich blood into the muscles, which dissipates the lactic acid. If you often feel tense muscles or “knots” in your back, you will feel similar relief from the increased circulation obtained in the sauna.

Recent scientific evidence also suggests that the sauna can relieve rheumatism and arthritis.


Increased Circulation: Goodbye Cold Clammy Hands and Feet!

The sauna increases the blood circulation to your entire body. This improves nearly every function of the body and mind, but tends to show the most dramatic effect in the extremities, which are the areas most deprived of oxygen when you have poor circulation. The steambath will dilate (open) the blood vessels to allow easier passage. In cold climates, many people know the misery of cold, clammy hands and feet, due to poor circulation. The sauna corrects this problem.

The Sauna: Better than Viagra!!

Erectile dysfunction (or E.D.) is the nemesis of many older men (and their wives!). E.D. can have several causes, including poor circulation, and mental stress. The sauna is one of the best treatments for both of these underlying conditions for erectile dysfunction. Factor in the fact that most people feel sexier when they are clean and healthy, and you will understand why one of my best friends, a 75-year-old man has assured me “Michael… the sauna is much better than Viagra!”. It bears mentioning that Viagra is a toxic substance that comes with a plethora of risks, including heart attack and chemical dependence. The sauna will help heal your whole and all of your parts, without any harmful side effects.


Younger, Healthier Skin

Your skin will look and feel younger, as the sauna flushes your clogged pores, which clears the complexion. Because the sauna brings more blood near the surface, and therefore more oxygen, skin cell renewal is increased. Some sauna users like to scrub away the top layers of dead skin cells, and allow these new cells to show through. The result is a brighter, smoother, and more youthful complexion.


Permanent Weight Loss

Saunas and steambaths are frequently used for weight loss. The weight loss has nothing to do with water loss, and everything to do with the number of calories burned. Sure, you will indeed lose some water weight, but you’ll gain that back immediately. To understand the reason that permanent weight loss occurs, you must consider that sweat does not simply “leak” out of the body… the body must push it out.

Perspiration is your body’s natural system for temperature regulation. When the core temperature rises above 37 degrees Celsius (98 degrees Fahrenheit), the body pushes the excess heat into the water inside your body, then pushes that water through the open pores to expel the excess heat. This process burns around 600 calories per hour, regardless of whether that sweat is from physical exertion, or simply from the sauna’s relaxing heat. So your body is exercising even while you feel relaxed!


Relief from Insomnia

The ‘exercise effect’ described above will leave your body ready for a peaceful rest. After a sauna or a steam session, you will fall asleep quickly and easily (when you are ready, that is). Insomniacs often resort to sleep medications, and sometimes perform strenuous physical activity to the point of collapse. But sauna users have no need for these extreme techniques. It easy to fall asleep naturally after taking a relaxing steambath.


Euphoria, and Mental Peace

Saunas and steambaths induce a feeling of euphoria, which includes mental peace and contentment and physical invigoration. The sauna will sharpen your senses and will heighten your tactile sensitivity.


The Best Anti-Depressant

Saunas and steambaths are known to help people with anxiety and depression. After leaving the sauna or steambath, the mind is in a relaxed, lucid state, free of worries. Also, since the body and mind are one, all of the physical benefits described above are at the same time helping the mind and emotions. As well, it is important to note that the sauna offers these benefits without the troubling side effects of chemical anti-depressants.


The Benefits of Light

Natural sunlight is an important factor in a person’s well-being, as there would be no life without the sun. Sunlight includes ultraviolet light, the visible spectrum (all of the rainbow colors from red to violet) and infrared light.

If you live in a warmer climate, you may already get a healthy daily dose of light. But those living in cold climates are frequently light-deprived, since the cold urges us inside, where the light we see comes from light bulbs, which only reproduce a small portion of the visible spectrum (mostly yellow).

Doctors have recently begun prescribing light therapy for a host of conditions. Blue light is known to kill some bacteria beneath the skin, while red light reduces inflammation. Infrared light penetrates through the skin and is absorbed by the muscles, relieving pain and loosening and expelling toxins through the skin. Even ultraviolet light is prescribed by doctors to treat psoriasis. UV light does carry some risks, in that it kills skin cells and stimulates oil production, which will block your pores and can cause skin blemishes. Despite a prominent fear that UV causes skin cancer, recent studies show that those living farther from the equator (those that receive less sunlight) have dramatically higher cancer rates than those that receive more sunlight.

Infrared light has no known risks. In fact, it is the safest form of heat, so safe that doctors use infrared light to heat newborn babies born prematurely.


Common Sense

A little common sense goes a long way. Be sure to replace the water you’re losing. Do not drink alcohol, which is a poison and a depressant that slows the blood and dulls your nerves, counteracting the benefits of the sauna. Ask your doctor for advice if you have a medical condition that causes you to worry whether you are fit to be in a sauna. Saunas and steambaths are supposed to be enjoyable. If you feel ill in the sauna, leave the sauna. Otherwise, enjoy, and be well!

Kristina’s Raw Apple Pie

Kristina's Fully Raw Apple Pie

Here is another fabulous recipe from Kristina Carrillo-Bucaram: Apple pie that tastes exactly like Grandma’s sugary-toxic recipe. Hint: it tastes the same because both are made with the same amount of LOVE!


  • Bushels of love
  • 8-10 apples of any variety
  • 3 pounds of pitted dates
  • Raw dried or fresh figs
  • Cinnamon and/or Nutmeg

More optional ingredients:

  • Dried coconut powder
  • Blueberries and/or raspberries
  • A few tablespoons of coconut oil
  • More love (actually this is not optional)

To make the crust, toss a pound of dates with 1/2 pound of figs in a food processor, and process until it reaches a cookie dough consistency. (Optional step: add a thin layer of dried coconut flakes to the bottom of the pie dish.)  Press this date/fig crust into the bottom of your pie pan dish. (If you started with the coconut flakes, they will stick to the crust but not to the dish.) Optionally paint a thin layer of coconut oil on top of the crust… if this pie ever makes it to your fridge, the coconut oil will harden and make your crust even stronger.

To make the apple pie filling, blend 3 apples with about 3/4 lb of dates, cinnamon and nutmeg, in a high-power blender such as Vitamix or Blendtec. Thinly slice your apples with a knife or with a mandolin and alternately layer the apple slices with your pie filling. If you are making straight-up apple pie that can easily rival Grandma’s, then you are finished now.

Kristina’s recipe is so yummy that you will want to make it over and over. If you are like me, then you may want to make it a little different each time, so at this point you can add an extra layer with the fruits of your choice. Pictured below, you will see the version that I made with a top layer of blended blueberries, raspberries and dates (and of course more love), and decorated with coconut flakes and more blueberries.

Apple Berry Pie
Apple Berry Pie

Instant Natural Tears for Dry Eyes

Every time you blink, tears are spread across your eyes, providing lubrication and protection. Tears, which are produced by several glands in and near the eyelids, are needed for proper eyesight and for the self-cleaning functions of the eyes. A tiny muscle controls the flow of tears over the cornea… normally the flow is minimal, but when a person experiences any overwhelming emotion (such as sadness, anger, pride or joy), this tiny muscle becomes relaxed, and tear flow is increased: the phenomenon of crying!

Dry eyes, on the other hand, may be caused by one or more of the following factors:

  1. The environment: a dry or smoky environment, wind and or air conditioning. All these can speed up the evaporation of tears.
  2. Computer use and/or reading: these activities may result in less frequent blinking.
  3. Use of contact lenses and/or laser refractive eye surgeries can decrease tear production.
  4. Some medications and medical conditions can reduce tear production.
  5. Age and gender are also considered factors, as many seniors experience dry eyes, and the hormonal changes related to pregnancy, oral contraceptives, and menopause may also contribute to the condition.


I live in a windy area, frequently read and use the computer, I’ve had laser refractive surgery, and in my teens I took a medication called Accutane that is infamous for causing dry eyes (the least of its side effects!). In other words I’ve had some personal experiences with dry eyes. Commonly proposed “solutions” include using eye drops (which often contain suspicious ingredients) and surgery that prevents the drainage of tears. But I have found a natural system that works for me quickly and efficiently. I simply watch one of the short videos, or read one of the short stories that follow. Each is an inspiring story of personal triumph. I wouldn’t recommend going through all of these moving stories at once, unless you have a box of tissues nearby, and a glass of water to re-hydrate!


Inspirational stories for moderately dry eyes (guaranteed to produce happy tears)

The story of Ezra Frech

The story of Ashly Williams

Inspirational stories for extremely dry eyes (may produce a cascade of happy tears)

These may also be useful for stage actors that need to produce realistic tears on demand.

The story of Choi Sung-Bong

More Inspirational Stories

The story of Kyle…

One day, when I was a freshman in high school, I saw a kid from my class was walking home from school.
His name was Kyle. It looked like he was carrying all of his books….

I thought to myself, ‘Why would anyone bring home all his books on a Friday? ‘He must really be a nerd.’

I had quite a weekend planned (parties & a football game with my friends tomorrow afternoon), so I shrugged my shoulders & went on.

As I was walking, I saw a bunch of kids running toward him. They ran at him, knocking all his books out of his arms & tripping him so he landed in the dirt. His glasses went flying, and I saw them land in the grass about ten feet from him. He looked up and I saw this terrible sadness in his eyes.

My heart went out to him. So, I jogged over to him as he crawled around looking for his glasses, and I saw a tear in his eye. As I handed him his glasses, I said, ‘Those guys are jerks.’ They really should get lives.

‘ He looked at me & said, ‘Hey thanks!’ There was a big smile on his face. It was one of those smiles that showed real gratitude.

I helped him pick up his books, and asked him where he lived. As it turned out, he lived near me, so I asked him why I had never seen him before. He said he had gone to private school before now. I would have never hung out with a private school kid before.

We talked all the way home, and I carried some of his books. He turned out to be a pretty cool kid. I asked him if he wanted to play a little football with my friends and I. He said yes.. We hung out all weekend and the more I got to know Kyle, the more I liked him, and my friends thought the same of him.

Monday morning came, and there was Kyle with the huge stack of books again.I stopped him and said, ‘Boy, you are gonna really build some serious muscles with this pile of books everyday!’ He just laughed and handed me half the books.

Over the next four years, Kyle and I became best friends. When we were seniors we began to think about college. Kyle decided on Georgetown and I was going to Duke. I knew that we would always be friends, that the miles would never be a problem. He was going to be a doctor and I was going for business on a football scholarship.

Kyle was valedictorian of our class. I teased him all the time about being a nerd. He had to prepare a speech for graduation.I was so glad it wasn’t me having to get up there and speak.

Graduation day, I saw Kyle. He looked great.He was one of those guys that really found himself during high school. He filled out and actually looked good in glasses. He had more dates than I had and all the girls loved him. Boy, sometimes I was jealous! Today was one of those days.

I could see that he was nervous about his speech. So, I smacked him on the back and said, ‘Hey, big guy, you’ll be great!’ He looked at me with one of those looks (the really grateful one) and smiled.’ Thanks,’ he said.

As he started his speech, he cleared his throat, and began…

‘Graduation is a time to thank those who helped you make it through those tough years. Your parents, your teachers, your siblings, maybe a coach…but mostly your friends… I am here to tell all of you that being a friend to someone is the best gift you can give them.

‘I am going to tell you a story.’ I just looked at my friend with disbelief as he told of the first day we met.

He had planned to kill himself over the weekend. He talked of how he had cleaned out his locker so his mom wouldn’t have to do it later and was carrying his stuff home. He looked hard at me and gave me a little smile.

‘Thankfully, I was saved… My friend saved me from doing the unspeakable..’

I heard the gasp go through the crowd as this handsome, popular boy told us all about his weakest moment. I saw his mom and dad looking at me and smiling that same grateful smile.Not until that moment did I realize it’s depth.

Never underestimate the power of your actions.. With one small gesture you can change a person’s life. For better or for worse.

A parent’s letter to their child

*Just for this morning, I am going to step over the laundry, and pick you up and take you to the park to play.

*Just for this morning, I will leave the dishes in the sink, and let you teach me how to put that puzzle of yours together.

*Just for this afternoon, I will unplug the telephone and keep the computer off, and sit with you in the backyard and blow bubbles.

*Just for this afternoon, I will not yell once, not even a tiny grumble when you scream and whine for the ice cream truck
and I will buy you one if he comes by.

*Just for this afternoon, I won’t worry about what you are going to be when you grow up, or second guess every decision
I have made where you are concerned.

*Just for this afternoon, I will let you help me bake cookies, and I won’t stand over you trying to fix them.

*Just for this evening, I will hold you in my arms and tell you a story about how you were born and how much I love you.

*Just for this evening, I will let you splash in the tub and not get angry.

*Just for this evening, I will let you stay up late while we sit on the porch and count all the stars.

*Just for this evening, I will snuggle beside you for hours, and miss my favorite TV shows.

*Just for this evening when I run my finger through your hair as you pray, I will simply be grateful that God has given me the
greatest gift ever given.

*I will think about the mothers and fathers who are searching for their missing children, the mothers and fathers who are
visiting their children’s graves instead of their bedrooms, and mothers and fathers who are in hospital rooms watching their children suffer senselessly, and screaming inside that they can’t handle it anymore.

*And when I kiss you good night I will hold you a little tighter, a little longer. It is then, that I will thank God for you, and
ask Him for nothing, except one more day.

Return to Love

See the breathtaking 360-degree views from Vida Lotus in Limon, Panama. The pictures are set to a musical piece called Return to Love (Retorno al Amor) composed by Lucho Gonzalez, interpreted by Michael Ducharme and recorded at Ocean Records Canada, with special thanks to Daniel Victor.

Loren Lockman on his transition to a raw vegan diet

I totally agree with Loren on this point: if you want your body to function optimally, you need to 1. Get clear on what it needs to do so (first cleanse and heal, then nourish appropriately with a raw vegan diet); and 2. Get committed to your health (that means not making excuses for continuing unhealthy behaviors).


Lotus Garden

Nearly everyone experiences at least an occasional headache, while around 15% of people suffer its most painful and debilitating form, the migraine. My protocol addresses the underlying cause of these conditions, which produces long-lasting results while other practitioners rely on techniques that at best mask the symptoms and sometimes contribute to a progressive worsening of the disease.

Jump to…

A headache is like an alarm that begs for a specific action. The alarm should persist, at least intermittently, until the original cause for the alarm has been solved. Failing to address the real cause of these conditions, the noise continues. Lacking a viable method of achieving true peace, some simply ignore the noise, while others  hide from it with prescription or illicit drugs.

The American Migraine Foundation states that “there is no cure for migraines” and that “Current Migraine Treatments are Inadequate”. I agree with them regarding the current popular treatments, but I expect they may change their opinion once they learn about the system that I have created.

A Description of Migraines

From the New England Journal of Medicine: There are two main types of migraine. Both types of migraine typically affect patients for the major part of their lives, at considerable socioeconomic and personal expense. (1)

The first, migraine without aura (previously called common migraine), is characterized by headache attacks lasting 4 to 72 hours. The headache is usually severe, unilateral, pulsating, aggravated by physical activity, and accompanied by nausea, vomiting, photophobia (hypersensitivity to light), and phonophobia (hypersensitivity to sound). (1)

In the second type, migraine with aura (previously called classic migraine), the attacks are initiated by neurologic symptoms called aura (visual, sensory, speech, or motor symptoms). Otherwise, the attacks are the same as those in migraine without aura. (1)

Migraine Statistics

According to the New England Journal of Medicine, six percent of the population have migraine without aura during a one-year period, and 9 percent have it at some time in their lives. The corresponding figures for migraine with aura are 4 percent and 6 percent. The male:female ratio for both types of migraine is approximately 1:3. (1)

The World Health Organization lists Migraines as one of the 20 most disabling medical illnesses in its Global Burden of Disease Study (updated in 2004), because the average migraine sufferer loses 1.3% of their years due to disability (YLD). 1.3% may sound like a small number, but it translates to 114 hours per year or 8,550 excruciating hours or nearly one full year of intense pain over a 75-year lifespan. The WHO also states that in terms of its disabling effect, migraines compare with dementia, quadriplegia and active psychosis.

The Migraine Trust, a charitable health and medical research center for migraines estimates that there are an estimated 190,000 migraine attacks every day in the United Kingdom alone.

Barriers to effective care

(From the World Health Organization)

Lack of knowledge among health-care providers is the principal clinical barrier. Worldwide, on average only four hours of undergraduate medical education are dedicated to instruction on headache disorders. The minority of individuals with headache disorders worldwide are professionally diagnosed; 40% for those with migraine and TTH, while for MOH it is only 10%.

Poor awareness extends to the general public. Headache disorders are not perceived by the public as serious since they are mostly episodic, do not cause death, and are not contagious. The low consultation rates in developed countries may indicate that many sufferers are unaware that effective treatments exist. 50% of people with headache are estimated to be self-treating.

Many governments, seeking to constrain health-care costs, do not acknowledge the substantial burden of headache on society. They might not recognize that the direct costs of treating headache are small in comparison with the huge indirect-cost savings that might be made (eg, by reducing lost working days) if resources were allocated to treat headache disorders appropriately.

The High Cost of Migraines

According to new data presented at the 48th Annual Scientific Meeting of the American Headache Society, migraine headaches cost American employers more than $24 billion a year in direct and indirect healthcare costs. Source: PR Newswire

Conventional Migraine Treatments

Conventional medicine recommends the use of pain medication to hide the most troublesome symptoms. Avoidance of triggers is not itself a treatment but doctors frequently recommend this as a prophylactic or preventative technique. Doctors also sometimes prescribe medications as an additional prophylactic.

Alternative Migraine Treatments

Popular alternative remedies include acupuncture, chiropractic and massage treatments.

From Wikipedia: While acupuncture is effective “true” acupuncture is not more efficient than sham acupuncture, with both appearing more effective than routine care, with fewer adverse effects than prophylactic drug treatment. Chiropractic manipulation, physiotherapy, massage and relaxation might be as effective as propranolol or topiramate in the prevention of migraine headaches…There is some tentative evidence of benefit for magnesium, coenzyme Q(10), riboflavin, vitamin B(12), and feverfew… Of the alternative medicines, Petasites hybridus (butterbur) has the best evidence for migraine prevention.

Common Migraine Triggers

Many people find that their migraine begins soon after consuming a particular food, or in the presence of a particular environmental factor. Author Alexander Mauskop lists these common triggers as: cheese, bacon, nuts, avocados, chocolate, yeast, spices, hot dogs, corn, anything fermemented, red wine, beer, beverages containing caffeine, skipping meals, stress, fatigue, bright lights, strong odors, certain medications, perfumes and other odors, air pollution, hormonal changes, the weather, seasonal changes and altitude.

The Problem with Avoiding Migraine Triggers

While some of these items should rightfully be avoided anyway, others, such as avocados, spices, the weather and seasonal changes are healthy, enjoyable parts of living well. Avocados provide some of the healthiest fat on Earth. As for spices… surely migraine sufferers shouldn’t be expected to avoid all 350+ common spices, many of which provide important nutrients and are indispensable in preventing many diseases. Those living high in the mountains could certainly move their household to a lower city, but with a considerable expense and inconvenience. And just how would you go about avoiding the weather. Either you must stay indoors forever, or perhaps move to San Diego, Malta or Colombia. You may indeed get some more enjoyment out of life by selecting one of these places to live, but this certainly cannot be an acceptable recommendation for avoiding migraines.

Avoid These Migraine-Causing Chemicals

I strongly suggest avoiding all of the following chemicals, even if you do not suffer from migraines. These chemicals are linked with migraines and a host of other serious physical and mental conditions ranging from Alzheimer’s to cancer to epileptic seizures and more.

Aspartame, a popular sweetener found in many packaged foods labelled “sugar free”, is linked to migraines and many other conditions. The journal Pediatric Neurology recently published a study on teens that frequently chew gum (most of which contains the chemical Aspartame). Of the thirty patients studied, 26 reported significant improvement and 19 reported a complete improvement after discontinuing the habit of gum-chewing. All twenty patients that resumed the habit experienced headache or migraine within days.

Bisphenol A (BPA), which mimics oestrogen, frequently leaches into food and beverages from its plastic container. A recent study published in the journal Toxicological Sciences provides more proof that BPA causes migraines.

Monosodium glutamate (MSG) is an excitatory neurotoxin (or excitotoxin) that is commonly added to packaged foods and even restaurant foods (particularly Chinese restaurant food) to enhance the neurologic perception of the food’s taste. In other words, the food does not actually taste better, but the brain is tricked into perceiving a better taste. The brain cells that are excited by MSG then die, so the enhanced pleasure comes at a great cost.   A 2010 study from the University of Oxford found that a gene called TRESK was implicated in some migraine patients. The researchers found that if the TRESK gene malfunctions, other factors (such as MSG) can more easily trigger a migraine.

Migraine Medications lists 91 pharmaceutical medications for temporary migraine relief. Some doctors prescribe one or more of these medications for acute migraine attacks and others also prescribe medication as a prophylactic, that is, to prevent future migraines. Prophylactic treatments are considered effective if they cut down the severity or frequency of the migraine attacks by half or more.

Medication-Overuse Headaches (MOH)

A common side effect of migraine medicines is that they actually cause  migraines.(2) Sometimes this side effect does not appear the first few times a new medication is taken, suggesting that the medication accumulates in the body, worsening the condition over time. This is called Medication-overuse Headaches (MOH).

This study, sponsored by the pharmaceutical giant GlaxoSmithKline examined Non-steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) Alone or With a Triptan and Reports of Transition From Episodic to Chronic Migraine. The study was completed in 2011 but the results were never published. Dare I guess the reason that the results remain hidden? The most likely answer is that the results of the study were not particularly flattering to the drug giant.

Other Common Side Effects of Popular Migraine Medications

Other side effects of popular migraine medications include an increased risk of heart attacks and strokes, gastrointestinal problems such as ulcers and bleeding, sometimes-fatal hepatic (liver) problems, renal (kidney) problems, muscle weakness, dizziness, nausea and mental health problems including depression, anxiety, irritability, and psychotic reactions, and sleep disturbances such as insomnia and nightmares. Some migraine medications cause weight gain and hair loss. Using Botox as a migraine treatment can cause headaches, bruising and pain at the injections sites, drooping eyelid, muscle pain and stiffness, and the inability to raise the eyebrows for the 3 months the Botox is in effect.

My Quest for the Migraine Cure

I began searching for an effective treatment for migraine at a very young age, to provide relief for two family members. Initially I looked at massage and myotherapy, without finding immediate success in either of these methods. I began reading about reflexology, acupuncture, chiropractic and other physical manipulation techniques. Each of these methods has been successful for some patients but not for the majority. I read up on homeopathy, naturopathy, and nutrition. These last two seemed to offer a real solution that would require patience and dedication on the part of the sufferer to produce results. I have incorporated this knowledge into my protocol, but I still needed to develop a method to provide immediate relief for those experiencing an acute migraine attack, and a system that could pre-empt future migraine attacks for at least the length of time needed to implement the naturalistic nutrition and lifestyle plans. I continued reading and experimenting for many years.

My Key Discovery: Wiggliness is Wellness!

By experimenting on more than a thousand volunteers I discovered that those suffering with migraines (and other serious health conditions) were less wiggly than healthier volunteers. I began to associate wiggliness with wellness. I noticed that wiggliness was not directly associated with any other physical attribute such as flexibility, body constitution/shape or overall fitness level. I began to focus more and more on wiggliness. Babies are the wiggliest humans and tend to be healthy. The elderly are the least wiggly and tend to suffer many chronic health conditions. There are other factors at play besides wiggliness, of course, but I was nonetheless interested to find a method for restoring wiggliness. I eventually developed a method that works, and the results have been called “miraculous” by those that experienced immediate and lasting relief from my system, when countless other systems had previously failed.

My Protocol for Immediate and Lasting Migraine Relief

After more than two decades of experimentation, I  succeeded in developing a highly effective,  non-invasive, non-pharmaceutical treatment protocol for chronic headaches and chronic migraines.

The hallmark of my system is a unique method of restoring the normal energy flow (wiggliness!) throughout the entire body, such that the body is able to “heal itself” quickly and efficiently. This self-healing includes proper oxygenation and detoxification, which are apparently hindered by a lack of what I call “wiggliness”.

In most cases, my migraine-healing method can eliminate an acute migraine attack in under ten minutes. By the end of the first session (which typically lasts 1.5 – 2 hours), the energy flow has been restored to the extent that approximately 80% of migraine sufferers will not have a recurrence for an extended period, generally 6 months – 1 year, even without a follow-up treatment. In the remaining 20% of subjects where migraines do continue, they are generally more than 50% less frequent and less severe. In these cases, a follow-up treatment may further improve the condition.

My migraine-healing method is designed to provide immediate relief from an acute migraine attack, as well as an effective non-pharmaceutical prophylactic against the migraines that would otherwise be forthcoming. Migraine pain is debilitating and demoralizing. It is therefore necessary to alleviate the condition for as long as possible, to afford the patient time and “space” to implement the remainder of my anti-migraine protocol. My migraine-healing treatment provides the necessary freedom from pain and stress and then focuses on making the result permanent through lifestyle training.

My migraine-healing method involves a sequence of 40 techniques of gentle body manipulation, each of which is set to a carefully-selected piece of music that contains a specific “pulse”. The movements must perfectly correspond with the pulse of the music. The majority of the techniques are quite simple. This allows my system to be taught to many people with different backgrounds. A chiropractor, a doctor or an experienced massage therapist will be able to master all 40 techniques with as little as three days of practice. Compassionate but less-experienced care-givers will still be able to perform 35 of those techniques.

The goal of my system is to allow energy to pass through the body “unobstructed” (to the greatest extent possible during a single session). If a serious blockage can be reduced by 80% during the session, the migraine condition will be halted. If the person were suffering an acute migraine attack just prior to the treatment, this will have disappeared. If the person usually suffers a daily migraine, she will likely enjoy a considerable period of time free of further attacks. This period is usually a minimum of several months but can be extended indefinitely with a very simple daily exercise that takes just 1-2 minutes to maintain the benefits of the treatment over the long term.

In addition to migraine symptoms vanishing, the patient may experience other benefits. If she previously had suffered from insomnia or anxiety, these conditions will also greatly improve and there may also be an improvement in some cases of depression.

The remainder of my protocol (besides its hallmark treatment described above) relates to living in harmony with nature. I developed The Lotus Lifestyle to provide the 8 simple steps for avoiding migraines and pretty well every other serious health problem:

  1. Breathe clean air, softly and deeply.
  2. Get adequate sunlight.
  3. Drink clean, living water.
  4. Eat plants to alkalize.
  5. Get wiggly with my migraine-healing treatment, or with fluid exercise such as tai chi.
  6. Detoxify with saunas, massage or fasting.
  7. Meditate or pray.
  8. Restand dream .

The Lotus Lifestyle is designed for everyone, not just migraine sufferers. It provides the guidelines for obtaining the correct nutrients and avoiding and eliminating harmful toxins. It is possible to follow The Lotus Lifestyle without spending a penny. I frequently teach this method in schools and when I am invited as a guest speaker. At my wellness center The Lotus Garden, visitors “learn by doing”… that is to say, they live all eight components of The Lotus Lifestyle, so they can immediately feel the dramatic improvement in their overall wellness. Daytime visitors can get an immediate boost in their energy and a dramatic reduction in pain and they can get a taste of delicious, healthy food. Guests that stay a longer period can fully detox and fully renew themselves, while breathing clean air and sampling infinite varieties of healthy meals.

Please do not hesitate to contact me with your questions or comments, or to book a visit to the Lotus Garden.


  1. Understanding the Biologic Basis of Migraine: Jes Olesen, M.D., New England Journal of Medicine, December 22, 1994
  2. Too frequent use of painkillers can cause rather than cure headaches: Hawkes N. British Medical Journal. September 18, 2012
  3. Non-steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs Alone or With a Triptan and Reports of Transition From Episodic to Chronic Migraine (study completed but results never published) Identifier: NCT01435941
  4. The Influence of Excessive Chewing Gum Use on Headache Frequency and Severity Among Adolescents, Pediatric Neurology, Nov 1, 2013

  5. Migraine Headaches, Journal of American Medical Association, June 24, 2009, Vol 301, No. 24
  6. Excitotoxins in Foods, Neurotoxicology. 1994 Fall;15(3):535-44.
  7. The American Migraine Foundation
  8. PR Newswire American Headache Society
  9. World Health Organization  Global Burden of Disease Study
  10. The Migraine Trust

This article was originally published on October 1, 2012 and was last edited December 18, 2013.


Respected Reader,

Doctor Omar Moreno
Doctor Omar Moreno


Availability of Wi-Fi is very convenient as it eliminates the use of cables. This technology is used in computers, tablets and mobile phones for sending e-mails and surfing the Internet anywhere within the range of the Wi-Fi signal.

Yet despite these benefits, studies show that the radiation generated by wireless routers negatively affects our health.

British activist website “Stop Smart Meters” recently published a list of 34 scientific studies showing adverse biological effects of exposure to Wi-Fi , including studies that link it to headaches, reduced sperm count and oxidative stress, which can ultimately lead to cancer.

The latest study of the damage caused by Wi-Fi comes from a surprisingly humble source: five  fifth-grade girls in Denmark, whose science experiment revealed that the wireless radiation is equally devastating to plants.


The experiment began when the five students realised that they had difficulty concentrating in school if they slept near their mobile phones the night before… see more.


Follow these tips to protect your health and that of your family from Wi-Fi radiation… view more


If you can not do without your Wi-FI, minimize it so… read more

Greetings and blessings,

Dr. Omar Moreno ND- DSNM

