
Mixed berries: strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries

Here are a few varieties of berries, with their names in English and in Spanish. Berries mostly originate in cold climates. Each has its unique color and size and taste and nutrient content. Despite these obvious differences, in Central and South America, the name “mora” is often given to any berry except strawberries. The correct generic term for berries, “bayas”, is almost never used. The word “Arandano” is often used for both blueberries and cranberries. Hopefully this page will help clear up any confusion over the correct terms for several popular berries in English and in Spanish.

If you would like to make a delicious raw vegan pie with mixed berries, see my recipe for berry-rhubarb pie.

Bell Peppers

red, organge, yellow and green bell-peppers

Bell Peppers

red bell peppers - pimentones rojos Bell peppers contain a very broad range of antioxidants including vitamin E and manganese, as well as twice the amount of vitamin C of a typical orange. Bell peppers also include these phytonutrients: Flavonoids: luteolin, quercetin, hesperidin; Carotenoids: alpha-carotene, beta-carotene, cryptoxanthin, lutein, zeaxanthin; Hydroxycinnamic Acids: ferulic acid, cinnamic acid. (Source: World’s Healthiest Foods)


Dragonfruits contain polyphenols and a variety of healthful fatty acids including Linolenic acid, Linoleic acid, Palmitoleic acid, Stearic acid and Myristic acid.




Avocado is fatty fruit that is excellent for your health. It has a buttery taste that combines well with many foods. If the avocado is overly ripe, use it in your hair instead of on your plate.

Avocados provide nearly 20 essential nutrients, including fiber, potassium, Vitamin E, B-vitamins such as folic acid. Avocados are high in healthy fats such as oleic acid, palmitic acid and linoleic acid, and studies have shown that consuming avocados regulates blood cholesterol (increasing HDL “good” cholesterol while decreasing LDL “bad” cholesterol)


Los aguacates proporcionan cerca de 20 nutrientes esenciales, incluyendo la fibra, potasio, vitamina E, vitaminas del grupo B como el ácido fólico. Los aguacates son ricos en grasas saludables, tales como el ácido oleico, ácido palmítico y ácido linoleico, y los estudios han demostrado que el consumo de aguacates regula el colesterol en la sangre (aumento de HDL colesterol “bueno”, mientras que la disminución de LDL colesterol “malo”)


Abacates fornecem cerca de 20 nutrientes essenciais, incluindo fibras, potássio, vitamina E, vitaminas do complexo B e ácido fólico. Abacates são ricas em gorduras saudáveis​​, tais como o ácido oleico, ácido palmítico e ácido linoleico, e estudos demonstraram que o consumo de abacates regula o colesterol no sangue (um aumento de HDL colesterol “bom”, enquanto diminui LDL colesterol “ruim”)


Strawberry Fresa


Strawberries have lots of vitamin C, manganese, and essential unsaturated fatty acids. Strawberries also contain anti-inflammatory phytochemicals (such as polyphenols, flavonoids and phenolic acids) that help prevent both cancer and heart disease.


Las fresas tienen un montón de vitamina C, manganeso y ácidos grasos insaturados esenciales. Las fresas también contienen fitoquímicos antiinflamatorios (como los polifenoles, flavonoides y ácidos fenólicos) que ayudan a prevenir el cáncer y las enfermedades del corazón.


Morangos são cheios de vitamina C, manganês e ácidos graxos essenciais insaturados. Morangos também contêm fitoquímicos anti-inflamatórios (como os polifenóis, flavonóides e ácidos fenólicos) que ajudam a prevenir o câncer e doenças cardíacas.

PapayaPapayaMamãoПапайяPapaja 木瓜


Papaya Papayas are loaded with vitamin C, plus vitamin A, potassium, magnesium and lots of other nutrients. Papayas are alkalizing and extremely easy to digest.

Papaya La papaya esta cargado con vitamina C, además de vitamina A, potasio, magnesio y muchos otros nutrientes. Las papayas son alcalinizantes y muy fácil de digerir.


Papaia é carregado com vitamina C, bem como a vitamina A, potássio, magnésio e outros nutrientes. Mamões são alcalinizantes e fácil de digerir.


Kiwi fruit


Kiwis are high in vitamin C, plus vitamins E and K, potassium and magnesium, and the carotenoids beta-carotene, lutein and zeaxanthin. Kiwis have been shown to prevent blood clotting as effectively as aspirin, with no side effects. The skin is edible and nutrient-dense.


Kiwi es alta en vitamina C, además de las vitaminas E y K, potasio y magnesio, y los carotenoides beta-caroteno,
luteína y zeaxantina. Los kiwis se han demostrado tan eficazmente como la aspirina para prevenir la coagulación
de la sangre, sin efectos secundarios. La piel es comestible y rica en nutrientes.





Apples help regulate your blood sugar. Apples are loaded with phytonutrients including polyphenols,
which help prevent spikes in blood sugar several ways.

Recent research has discovered that the polyphenols in apples can stimulate the beta cells of the pancreas to secrete insulin, helping diabetics and pre-diabetics.

The polyphenols also lessen absorption of glucose from the digestive tract, and stimulate the insulin receptors, increasing the uptake of glucose from the blood.

Also, the flavonoids like quercetin that apples contain inhibit enzymes (including alpha-amylase and alpha-glucosidase) which help break down complex carbohydrates into simple sugars. When these enzymes are inhibited, your blood will have fewer simple sugars.

Apples are among the alkalizing fruits. Unfortunately, apples are often covered in pesticides. If you cannot get organic apples, you may have to cut off the skin, sacrificing some of the nutrients (and cutting off the skin will not eliminate the pesticides that have been absorbed into the flesh of the apple, so the only real solution is to buy or grow your own organic apples).


Las manzanas ayudan a regular el azúcar en la sangre. Las manzanas están cargados de fitonutrientes incluyendo polifenoles, que ayudan a prevenir los picos de azúcar en la sangre de varias maneras.

La investigación cientifica recientamente ha descubierto que los polifenoles en las manzanas pueden estimular las células beta del páncreas para secretar insulina, ayudando a los diabéticos y prediabéticos.

Los polifenoles también disminuyen la absorción de glucosa desde el tracto digestivo, y estimulan los receptores de insulina, aumentando la captación de glucosa de la sangre.

Además, los flavonoides como la quercetina que las manzanas contienen inhiben enzimas (incluyendo alfa-amilasa y alfa-glucosidasa) que ayudan a descomponer los carbohidratos complejos en azúcares simples. Cuando se inhiben estas enzimas, su sangre tendrá menos azúcares simples.


Maçãs ajudam a regular o açúcar no sangue. Maçãs são carregados com fitonutrientes, incluindo polifenóis,
que ajudam a prevenir picos de açúcar no sangue várias maneiras.

Uma pesquisa recente descobriu que os polifenóis da maçã pode estimular as células beta do pâncreas a secretar insulina, ajudando diabéticos e pré-diabéticos.

Os polifenóis também diminuir a absorção de glicose pelo trato digestivo e estimulam os receptores de insulina, aumentando a captação de glicose do sangue.

Além disso, os flavonóides quercetina como que as maçãs contêm inibe as enzimas (incluindo alfa-amilase e alfa-glicosidase), que ajudam a quebrar os carboidratos complexos em açúcares simples. Quando estas enzimas são inibidas, o seu sangue terão menos açúcares simples.