Vegetarians Suffer 32% Fewer Heart Attacks

A recent study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition confirms that a vegetarian diet is among the best ways to prevent a heart attack.

This study, produced by the scientists at the University of Oxford and published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, analysed data from 15,100 vegetarians and 29,400 non-vegetarians.

Over the 11-year study, 169 people died from heart disease and 1,066 were hospitalized – and these were 32 percent more likely to be non-vegetarians.

According to Dr Francesca Crowe, “The main message is that diet is an important determinant of heart health… Vegetarians probably have a lower intake of saturated fat so it makes senses there is a lower risk of heart disease.”

The study also showed that the vegetarians had lower blood pressure, lower levels of “bad” cholesterol and had a healthier weight.

My comment:

Choosing a vegetarian diet is not enough in and of itself to ensure overall health, nor to eliminate the risk of heart disease. Some vegetarians in this study also suffered heart attacks, and some died. A diet that excludes meat but includes refined sugars and grains is still unhealthy, and leads to multiple types of diseases. Some vegetarians also smoke and avoid excercise. Stress also affects vegetarians and non-vegetarians. In general, vegetarians tend to be calmer than non-vegetarians (perhaps due to the hormones often found in animal products) but even an outwardly calm person may accumulate stress and anxiety inside, with detrimental health consequences.

Judging by Dr. Crowe’s comment, it appears that she may be under the impression that all saturated fats are unhealthy. This is not the case. While it is true that saturated fats from animal sources are usually quite harmful, there are some saturated fats from vegetable sources that are extremely beneficial to your health, such as those found in coconul oil.

Raw Burrito

Kristina's Fully Raw Burrito



  • Large Collards Leaves
  • 1-3 Colorful Bell Peppers
  • Half of One Zucchini
  • One Cucumber
  • 1-2 Shredded Carrots
  • Juice of 3 Lemons
  • Tomatoes
  • Small Bunch of Cilantro
  • Green Onions
  • Few Leaves of Arugula
  • Alfalfa Sprouts
  • Tsp of Cumin
  • 1/4 Cup of Sesame Seeds
  • 1 Avocado
  • Optional: Red Onion, Spicy Peppers, Celery Bits

For the Awesomesauce! Half a Zuccini (more if desired) Less than the quarter cup of Sesame Seeds Juice of 3 Lemons Few Sprigs of Green Onion 1 Bell Pepper (preferably red) Optional: Spicy Pepper Directions: Take your collard leaf and destem the backend (not fully), but just enough to take away the very thick part of the stem as shown in the YouTube video above. Lay out your leaf. Blend the ingredients for the saucy spread! Spread on the AWESOMESAUCE with the ingredients listed above. Spread the Awesomesauce on the back of the leaf. Chop, slice, and dice all other ingredients and layer them on top of the sauce on the leaf. Top with a slice of avocado, sprouts, or more sauce! Fold in the sides and wrap around the ends. Flip over the burrito “baby” and cut it in half with a knife! Allow all the beautiful colors inside to be shown to you…. Take a BIG BITE and savor! This recipe is created for you with love by Kristina Carrillo-Bucaram.

Your Government May be Guilty of Child Abuse

According to chef Jamie Oliver, government bureaucrats are guilty of child abuse for allowing your children to become obese, suffer innumerable preventable diseases and premature death in the name of convenience and cost-cutting. Diet-related disease is the biggest killer in the United States and worldwide. Obesity costs 10 percent of the healthcare bill. Oliver provides compelling proof that children are led towards a grim fate that must immediately be corrected on three fronts: at home, in school, and on main street.

Aloe Vera


Aloe is a miracle plant that has an infinite number of medicinal and culinary uses. It is among the most perfect foods available, although it is rarely offered as food. The yellow oil called Aloin is present near the skin, and tastes bitter. But there are two ways to get Aloe’s healing benefits running through your system without the bitter taste: 1. Baby aloe plants may be eaten whole (without the roots). 2. You can remove the skin of a very large aloe plant. The clear “meat” of the leaves has a very mild tast and can be prepared with other ingredients, as sort of a vegetarian sushi.


basil - albahaca

According to Tuleina, the kuna medicine, basil is everyday medicine for everybody. Basil has the highest level of iron of any food item. Some of its amazing health benefits may be obtained simply by smelling its wonderful fragrance.

Basil contains about 35 times more iron than red meat. I have watched at least one basil miracle… a 70-year-old friend was written off for dead by the doctors and staff that explained to me that his hemoglobin level was beyond rescue. I called all of the organic farmers that I know and asked them to give me all of the fresh basil that they could. All were amazed that my friend’s hemoglobin shot back up and within days he signed himself out of the hospital, more than a year later he is stronger than ever.basil - albahaca

Según Tuleina, la medicina kuna, la albahaca es la medicina para todos los días y para todo el mundo. La albahaca tiene el más alto nivel de hierro de cualquier alimento. Algunos de sus beneficios increíbles se pueden obtener con sólo oliendo su fragancia maravillosa.

Como se puede ver en el gráfico, la albahaca contiene aproximadamente 35 veces más hierro que la carne roja. He visto una sanacion  milagrosa con la albahaca… un amigo de 70 años de edad, su nivel de hemoglobina más allá de rescate. Consegui toda la albahaca fresca que podía. Inmediatamente la hemoglobina mi amigo se disparó y en pocos días él mismo firmó su salida del hospital. Un año más tarde, es más fuerte que nunca.

Gluten, found in all grains, can cause cancer, asthma, depression, thyroid disease, arthritis, migraines, skin inflammation, and 190 other diseases.

Gluten, found in all grains, can cause cancer, asthma, depression, thyroid disease, arthritis, migraines, skin inflammation, and approximately 190 other diseases. Symptoms often disappear quickly if gluten is stopped completely. Source: Dr Peter Osborne

The prolamine (gluten) fraction of proteins in grains

All grains have gluten, not just the specific grains that have traditionally been blamed for celiac disease. Grains are the seeds of grass, and that seed contains a starchy endosperm, which contains gluten. Here is a partial list of grains, along with the specific type of prolamine that it contains. The percentage given is the ratio of the specific prolamine to the total protein content of that grain.

Grain Prolamine % total protein
Wheat Gliadin 69
Rye Secalinin 30-50
Oats Avenin 16
Barley Hordein 46-52
Millet Panicin 40
Corn Zien 55
Rice Orzenin 5
Sorgum Kafirin 52

“Gluten-free” Packaged Foods

Many packages that are labeled “gluten free” actually do contain gluten. In most of these cases, the manufacturer of the product has replaced one grain, such as wheat, for another grain, perhaps rice, so the net effect was to substitute one gluten for another while perhaps reducing the percentage of gluten without eliminating it altogether. This may provide a solution for some people, if they were sensitive to wheat gluten (gliadin) but not rice gluten (orzenin). But others are sensitive to all gluten, and therefore will not get relief until they eliminate all  grains from their diet.

Gluten Allergy vs. Gluten Intolerance vs. Gluten Sensitivity

With gluten allergy, the immune system responds to the presence of gluten, and produces an unwanted effect, like pain or inflammation. The term gluten intolerance is used to describe individuals that are not able to digest gluten where there is no apparent reaction from the immune system. The term “gluten sensitivity” is ambiguous. It can be used to describe individuals that do not do well with gluten but are unsure of whether they are allergic to gluten or are simply unable to digest it.

Conditions that may be Directly Caused by Gluten Sensitivity (Allergy or Intolerance)

An allergic reaction to gluten, or an ability to digest it, could be the primary direct cause of any of the following diseases. But these diseases may be caused by other factors as well, so it is crucial that you consult your doctor so as to rule in or out gluten sensitivity before you can know the exact cause of the disease. If you have any of the following conditions, it would be wise to suspect that gluten may be a causal factor until your doctor has helped you rule it out: Angina pectoris (chest pain/pressure), anorexia, immunoglobulinopathies, antiphospholipid syndrome, anxiety, apathy, apthous ulcers and canker sores, aortic vasculitis, arthritis (enteropathis, psoriatic, rheumatoid, juvenile rheumatoid), abdominal pain and distention, spontaneous abortion, addison’s disease, ADD/ADHD, alopecia (hair loss), anemis (iron deficiency, folate deficiency, B-12 deficiency, B-6 deficiency, Vitamin C deficiency, Vitamin e deficiency, Copper deficiency*), ataxia, atherosclerosis, autism and other learning disorders, cholangitis (gall bladder), dermatitis herpetiformis, autoimmune hepatitis, polyglandular syndrome, thyroiditis (hypothyroidism), bitot’s spots, blepharitis (inflammation of the eyelid), abnormal blurry vision, bone pain, bone fractures, cachexia, bronchiectasis, bronchoalveolitis, adenocarcinoma of the intestine, small cell esophageal cancer, melanoma, asthma, cardiomegaly, cardiomyopathy, cataracts, cerebral perfusion abnormalities, cheilosis, chorea, coagulation abnormalities, chron’s disease, ulcerative colitis, chronic constipation, coronary artery disease, diarrhea, lymphoma, cutaneous vasculitis, cystic fibrosis, delayed puberty, failure to thrive, dementia, depression, dermatomyositis, diabetes mellitus type I, Down syndrome, dysmenorrhea, dysgeusia, duodenal erosions, edema, eczema, dysphasia, epilepsy, spontaneous nose bleeds, erythema nodosum, CFS, growth retardation, mental retardation, secondary food allergy response, blood in the stool, gastric bloating, grave’s disease, bleeding gums, hair loss, heartburn, H pylori infection, hives, NAFL, malnutrition and nutritional deficiencies, infertility, hypogonadism, hypoglycemia, hypospenism, thrombocytopenia, impotence, osteoporosis, insomnia, IBS, keratomalacia, lactose intolerance, loss of smell, non-hodgkin lymphoma, early menopause, migraine headache, multiple sclerosis, muscle wasting, myopathy, obesity, osteomalacia, osteopenia, parathyroid carcinoma, pancreatic insufficiency, polymytosis, PMS, biliary cirrhosis, psoriasis, dermatitis, sjogren’s syndrome, short stature, scleroderma, steatorrhea, spina bifida, SLE, tremors, parkinson’s disease, glossitis, vitiligo, vomiting, vaginitis, UTI (urinary tract infections), PCOS.

* any of these nutrient deficiencies can lead to many other conditions that are not listed above.